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Meet Honshuu—A Shiba Inu Mix

by Carie Stafford Pets of Interest photo 2My name is Honshuu (pronounced hon shoe), which means “trouble” in Japanese. Why in Japanese? Because I am a Shiba Inu mix, one of six ancient dog breeds from Japan. We were bred for hunting and flushing out small game. Some say we have cat-like agility; I like to say I move like a ninja! Speaking of cats, we do get along well with them—they are fun to chase. I am the smallest of the Japanese breeds, at about 18 to 22 pounds and 13.5 to 16.5 inches tall at the shoulder. I am a talker, and I am sturdy, muscular, and confident. I need exercise every day. Many mistake us for foxes since our coloring and size are similar. We come in red (that’s me), black and tan, or sesame (red with black-tipped hairs), with a cream, buff, or gray undercoat. We have a two-layer coat. The inner coat is thick and soft and the outer coat is coarse—short to medium length—naturally waterproof and naturally protects us from cold temperatures. We do shed, but I am naturally clean and groom myself like a cat. I know it sounds silly, but it’s in my DNA. Our nature is to be independent, and we are reserved with strangers; but, once we get to know you and like you, we are loyal and affectionate. I have to say that I am not a fan of other dogs, although I do have a few friends. I don’t possess the “pack” mentality that most dog breeds have; I am more of the loner type. My human family is my pack. Enough about my genetics. Let’s talk about me. I was rescued when I was about six-eight months old, and have been the head of my household for eleven years now. I do a perimeter check every morning around my home, and can be found chasing rabbits and squirrels when they cross my path. I love to ride in the car, and I am an avid camper. I have been known to sleep in other people’s sleeping bags, so my mom got me my own. I am a member of Boy Scout Troop 270 and Venturing Crew 270. You will find me at most camp outs and at many of their meetings. When we turn onto Elm Street in Thurmont, I get excited and can’t wait to get out and say hello to my fellow scouts. I am a talker, although I wouldn’t say that I am obnoxiously barky, and I have been known to mutter under my breath when I disagree with a command, which is usually when I am begging and get caught. I do have to admit that I really aim to be the center of attention, and if I don’t think I am getting enough of it, I will definitely “tell” you all about it. I have to run…I see a squirrel!