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July 1924, 100 Years Ago

Thurmont To Have Big 4th Celebration

One of the largest Fourth of July celebrations ever held in Thurmont will take place Friday.

An elaborate program which includes a parade, a baseball game, etc., has been prepared by the Civic League of Thurmont which is in charge of the demonstration. The League is also being assisted by the town authorities and other interested persons.

In the afternoon at 1 o’clock the parade will form on the grounds of the Thurmont High School, in the parade will be several floats and a number of decorated automobiles. The parade will be followed by the baseball game between the Thurmont and Middletown teams of the County league.

At 7 o’clock in the evening there will be community singing in Memorial Park and the day’s exercises will be brought to a close with a display of fireworks and a lawn fete.

The celebration is the largest ever planned for Thurmont, it was declared by one of those in charge, and all needed to make it a success is good weather, it is said.

                                – Frederick Daily News, July 3, 1924

Get Hearing Monday

Two boys, each about 18 years of age, were arrested in Thurmont late last Friday night,  charged with entering a house a short distance from Thurmont and which was lately occupied by a new tenant. They were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Speaks and brought to jail Friday night near 12 o’clock. They will be given a hearing before Justice Cadow on Monday.

Sheriff Albaugh reported this morning that no trace has yet been found of George L. Fry, who on Thursday night escaped from the jail, by means of placing dummy on the cot in his cell, thereby eluding the turnkey when the prisoners were locked in their cells for the night.

                                – Frederick Daily News, July 12, 1924

July 1949, 75 Years Ago

Thurmont Citizens Oppose Water Hike

A hearing has been set before the Public Service Commission July 14 at 10 a.m. on the complaint of the Citizens Committee of Thurmont and the Commissioners of Thurmont against the Mechanicstown Water Co., of the same town.

A Thurmont Town official said last week he understood the complaint was directed at a recent increase in water rates ordered by the company, which is a privately owned organization. He said he understood this increase amounted to around 25 per cent.

This official was unable to identify the “Citizens Committee of Thurmont” but assumed that the group was composed of water rent-paying residents of the town who desired to protest the increase in rates, published some time ago.

The rate increase was to take effect around June 1, it was reported.                           

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 1, 1949

Commissioner is Overruled; License Granted

Reversing the decision of Commissioner G. Cleveland Trout, Associate Judge Patrick

Schnauffer Tuesday afternoon ordered a Class A Offsale beer, wine and liquor license issued to Richard H. Rosensteel and Louis Cooper in the Emmitsburg District.

The controlling factor in his decision, the judge indicated, was a petition signed by some 250 residents of Emmitsburg, including many of the most important citizens, urging the issuance of the license.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 22, 1949

July 1974, 50 Years Ago

Bridge To Re-Open For “Limited” Use

Authorization for repair of the bridge over Tom’s Creek west of here has been made by the Frederick County Commissioners according to County Engineer William Fout. Fout said the “proposal” accepted by the commissioners Monday will see the Wolfe Brothers Construction Company of Myersville doing the work for approximately $4,500.

Start of work is expected next week.

The bridge was damaged last November and has been impassable since that time. To keep traffic from using the bridge, dirt barriers have been placed at each end. Fout said the delay in repairing the bridge was caused by his department’s wanting to be sure a new bridge and approach, now under design, would not interfere with the old bridge, which could be used for limited traffic during the new construction.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 11, 1974

Carr Installed As MVMA President

Dr. William H. Carr, of Emmitsburg, has been installed as president-elect of the Maryland Veterinary Medical Association following the counting of secret mail ballots from the organization’s more than 400 members. Dr. Carr will assume the presidency next June.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 11, 1974

July 1999, 25 Years Ago

US Route 15 ‑ More Than Transportation Artery

FCCP is an alliance of civic associations from throughout the county that studies the subtle influences and implications of growth in Frederick County. One topic of concern is what has becoming known as the “Route 15 Corridor” problem.

Portal to portal—from Emmitsburg in the north to Point of Rocks in the south—United States Highway 15 is proving to be more than just a commercial artery linking town to town across Frederick County or state to state across Maryland. Along with the flow of goods through the corridor, residents are concerned about the consequences that flow from this heavily traveled (the State Highway Administration reports 21,725 vehicles/day at the S. Seton and US 15 intersection) ever-widening roadway: housing sprawl, dangerous intersections, and loss of historic sites. Disparate people and communities are now joining in dialogue with FCCP. They are linked in thought by this concrete and asphalt arrow piercing the countryside.

                                – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, July 1999

Kate Warthen Retires from Library After 37 Years of Service

At a gracious and well-attended reception at Emmitsburg Branch Library on June 23, friends and readers gathered to thank and honor Kate Warthen for all that she has done in effectively creating the library as we know it today.

            – The Emmitsburg Regional, Dispatch, July 1999