Honoring Our Veterans

Veterans Day is fast approaching. Join the Thurmont Lions Club in recognizing Veterans and saluting their service in all branches. Our country is great because of the brave men and women who fought for our freedoms.

The Thurmont Lions Club is a non-profit organization that wants to honor our Veterans, living and deceased, and those who gave their all in the line of duty. The Thurmont Lions Club wants to start a program to display a banner on the light posts throughout Thurmont for the 21788 zip code. These banners would include a picture of the Veteran, their name, rank, branch of service, date of service, and war era.

Applications can be picked up at the Thurmont Town Office, AMVETS, American Legion, Hobbs Hardware, Cousins Ace Hardware, Thurmont Lions Club’s website at www.thurmontlionsclub.com, or by contacting Lion Joyce Anthony at 240-288-8748.

If you have any questions, please contact Lion Joyce Anthony at [email protected] or 240-288-8748. This is just a small way to honor our Veterans and to show appreciation for each one. The Thurmont Lions Club looks forward to displaying a banner for your Veteran, whether a family member or a friend. The club anticipates honoring 60 living Veterans during November and 60 past Veterans during May.

Please have your form to the Thurmont Lions Club by October 1, 2020, so they can meet the Veteran’s Day date.

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