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The Benefits of Chromium

by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing Center

Chromium, a type of chemical element that is actually a hard and brittle metal, is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts for healthy functioning.
   Chromium is well-researched for blood sugar and diabetes control, heart health, weight management, and brain health. It plays a role in the insulin-signaling pathways that allow our bodies to control the amount of sugar we take in, helping balance blood glucose levels and giving us stable energy.
   In addition, chromium is associated with longevity and improved cardiovascular health due to its role in metabolizing fats, in addition to proteins, carbs, and other nutrients.
   Chromium is naturally present in many whole foods, including brewer’s yeast, certain kinds of meats, vegetables, potatoes, and whole grains. It enters the body mostly through diet since it’s stored in soil and rocks that penetrate the crops we wind up eating, plus in smaller amounts in the water that we drink.  

Deficiency Symptoms
   According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, chromium deficiency isn’t very common in the U.S. and other developed nations since most people consume enough daily on average to meet or exceed the “adequate intake” amount. 
   On the other hand, some medical researchers believe chromium deficiency is much more prevalent, especially in people who don’t properly respond to insulin—which is a good deal of the population that’s overweight and eats a poor diet.
   People with diabetes and the elderly are more likely to have a chromium deficiency than otherwise healthy adults or children.
   When a chromium-based deficiency does occur, common symptoms include:

Poor blood glucose control;

Worsened levels of weak bones and bone loss;

Low energy, fatigue;

Poor skin health;

Higher risk for high cholesterol and heart complications;

Low concentration and poor memory;

Worsened eye health;

Mood changes;

Changes in appetite;

Changes in weight;

Stunted growth and development; and

Delayed time in healing wounds or recovering from surgery.

   The established dietary reference intakes of chromium were developed by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 1989 and are based on the amount needed by otherwise healthy people, so your exact needs may differ a bit depending on your current health, weight, and level of activity.
Health Benefits
   Chromium can help enhance the role of insulin, the critical hormone that controls blood sugar and helps bring glucose into cells where it’s used for bodily energy. It also supports a healthy metabolism and storage of nutrients throughout the body since it can help you better absorb and distribute nutrients from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins found in the foods you eat.

Brewer’s yeast (also called nutritional yeast), for example, is a high source of chromium and has been found to help support the metabolism of sugar (in the form of glucose) within the blood, which is beneficial for preventing glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and diabetes formation.
   One study conducted by the Human Nutrition Research Center U.S. Department of Agriculture found that when individuals being treated for type 2 diabetes were either given a placebo or chromium supplements over a four-month period each day, while continuing to take normal medications and not changing eating habits, insulin values and cholesterol levels decreased significantly in the group given supplemental chromium compared to the placebo group.
   Chromium helps reduce high cholesterol. It is needed for the normal metabolism of fats, including cholesterol. Research shows a link between higher chromium intake and healthier arteries and levels of blood cholesterol. Some studies even show that people who die from heart disease tend to have lower levels of chromium in the blood at the time of death.
   When researchers at the Department of Medical Education of Mercy Hospital and Medical Center tested the effects of chromium supplementation in adults over a 42-day period, the participants experienced lowered levels of total cholesterol and lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) “bad” cholesterol when taking chromium compared to the placebo group.
   Chromium may help prevent weight gain and overeating in the form of chromium picolinate. It has been associated with a reduction in the risk for obesity, less weight gain, and may positively affect food intake. At this time, the exact mechanism by which it affects hunger and weight is still unknown, but some studies find that higher chromium intake is associated with a reduction in adipose tissue (fat accumulation in the body) and better-controlled eating.
   One study done by the Biomedical Research Center at the Louisiana State University found that chromium supplements effectively helped modulate food intake in healthy, overweight adult women who

comparing the effects of chromium versus placebo in 42 overweight women over an eight-week period, the group taking chromium daily experienced reduced food intake, reduced hunger levels, fewer fat cravings, and a slight decrease in body weight.
   Recent studies highlight the role of healthy insulin response in maintaining brain health and cognitive function into old age. Because chromium can improve glucose levels and insulin response, it may act as a beneficial modulator of brain function and is associated with a reduction of age-related alterations of the brain.
Specifically, it is linked to healthier hypothalamic functions. The hypothalamus is a central part of the autonomic nervous system that helps control body temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep, and emotional activity.
   Research suggests that chromium can help keep the hypothalamus in a more youthful state, better regulate appetite in elderly adults, and prevent negative effects on brain neurons caused by aging.
   Chromium, because of its beneficial role in controlling blood glucose, may help protect you from age-related eye disorders like glaucoma.

Glaucoma is related to diabetes and is caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye, adding harmful pressure to the eye’s delicate optic nerve, retina, and lens, which can eventually lead to blindness.
   Chromium may help protect bones from fractures and osteoporosis by slowing the loss of calcium, so it might be beneficial for preventing bone loss and bone-related disorders that are especially common in older women.

Best Food Sources

According to the USDA, broccoli, grapes, potatoes, garlic, basil, grass-fed beef, turkey, green beans, apples, and bananas, are the best food sources for obtaining more chromium naturally through your diet.
   Most nutrition experts agree that food sources are a much healthier way to obtain the right amount of chromium.
   As with all nutrients, it is best to obtain enough from natural whole-food sources. This way, you know you’re acquiring the right mix of vitamins and minerals that nature intended.

   If you are struggling with health issues, call the Advanced Chiropractic & Nutritional Healing Center at 240-651-1650 for a free consultation. Dr. Lo uses Nutritional Response Testing® to analyze the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health.

The office is located at 7310 Grove Road #107, Frederick, MD. Check out the website at