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Harmony Healing is the Place for Your Energy Makeover

We all have energy! Some days, we may feel so energetic that we’re ready to rule the world! Most of the time, though, the number of days that we may feel tired and ready for a nap far outnumber our energetic days.

Did you know that our body has energy centers called chakras, energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system? A Reiki practitioner is like an electrician who fixes our body’s chakras by lightly laying hands on us in areas that are near our chakras, to help heal and cleanse them. During a Reiki session, clients may experience warm sensations, tingling, and visually “see” different colors. Everyone’s experience is different, but all will agree that Reiki is relaxing and can be healing and often life-changing.

Benefits can include a deep feeling of relaxation, reduced blood pressure, reduced anxiety, diminished migraine pain, less depression, better sleep, increased energy levels, relief from chronic pain, less arthritic discomfort, and relief from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Reiki can also help release the toxins from the artificial foods we eat in our average diet.

Sounds a bit like a hoax to some, right? Heather Heier of Thurmont has been helped by the power of Reiki. When she experienced a tragic death in her life, she went through the process of grief and it changed her to the core. She wandered to find her life’s purpose. She had her “ahha” moment while taking Reiki classes. She liked Reiki so much that she decided to become a Reiki practitioner. “Trying to find myself, I found Reiki, and when I found Reiki, I found myself.” Her purpose is to help other people, and she wants to give back. She named her Reiki business Harmony Healing. “This is what I’m meant to do.”

Heather explained, “We’re all in the middle of life—we’re stressed, we’re overstimulated, and life experiences have damaged our chakras. We feel sick, tired, and in pain. A chakra may be connected to those feelings, but we can’t see it.”

One of Heather’s clients went to the doctor several times over the course of several years. She was always told that there was nothing wrong. After trying a Reiki session, the client’s symptoms decreased, and after another session, went away entirely.

During a Reiki session, your clothes remain on, you lay face up, or sit, in a comfortable space, covered with a snuggly blanket. Heather doesn’t know, or inquire about, your health history, ailments, or symptoms. Since Reiki is divine, it is the relaying of healing energy for you from your divine light (YOUR divine energy source). The light repairs the chakra and fills the holes. Heather is the conduit for that to happen. She doesn’t claim to be a healer, but Reiki opens the power of healing. She will not manipulate your body in any physical way. There will be a lot of healing taking place that you just can’t see. After a session, you will be relaxed, and healing will have taken place. There is never an obligation to have additional sessions.

Heather describes a Reiki session as your “energy makeover.” Harmony Healing is located inside the new Center of Life Holistic Center offices on Park Lane in Thurmont. To book your session, which usually lasts about an hour, visit, email, or call Heather at 301-418-8842. View Harmony Healing’s advertisement on page 40.