Girls Have “Star Power” at Thurmont Elementary
Theresa Dardanell
“Girls on the Run” is so much more than the 5K run that was held on June 2, 2018; it is the conclusion of a program that combines physical training for the run with lessons and games that promote friendship and teach life skills.
Twenty girls at Thurmont Elementary School (TES) participated in the program that ran from March through May. The girls met twice a week after school with coaches Tammy Brotman and Doris Grossnickle. After a healthy snack, the coaches presented lessons on communication, strength, star power, empathy, cooperation, how to be a good friend, and how to deal with problems. The meetings concluded with practice runs that were held outside during good weather and inside on the many rainy days we had this spring. Coaches Brotman and Grossnickle were assisted by staff members Amanda Giauque, Julie Desmond, Andrew Piccolo, and Brooke Cipolla.
“The program is self-empowering for girls. It teaches girls to believe in themselves and get their inner light to shine,” said Grossnickle.
According to the Girls on the Run website, girls “develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.”
For their service project, the girls planted flowers in the courtyard and in pots in front of the school to add color and beauty. They also made bird feeders to put in trees around the building.
Thurmont Elementary School “Girls on the Run,” with coaches Tammy Brotman, Doris Grossnickle, and Amanda Giauque.