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Germantown Church of God Welcomes Pastor Linda Rosenberry

Pastor Mark Hosler recently retired from the Germantown Church of God, where he had served as pastor for 15 years. A celebration of his ministry was held on January 9, when the church presented him and his wife, Sue, with a monetary gift and an etched glass desk plaque.

After his retirement at the end of January, Pastor Mark and Sue moved to northwest Pennsylvania to be closer to their two sons and their families.

Since Pastor Mark’s retirement, the church, located at 16924 Raven Rock Road in Cascade, has called Pastor Linda Rosenberry as their interim pastor.

Pastor Linda is serving part-time until the next full-time pastor is identified. She brings with her almost 50 years of experience, serving alongside her husband, both in the local church and at an administrative level in the Churches of God General Conference. She also worked for 17 years for the Cumberland County CASA Program in Pennsylvania, retiring as the Outreach Coordinator in charge of recruiting and training volunteers to advocate for abused and/or neglected children. She still serves as a volunteer for that organization. She and her husband, Ed, have five adult children and two grandchildren.

While the Germantown Church has closed twice due to COVID-19 restrictions, they have held in-person services for most of the past year. With the lessening of COVID-19, the church is anxious to reactivate many of its activities.

During Holy Week, there will be a Maundy Thursday service at 6:30 p.m., with feet-washing and communion. On Easter, the church will hold a Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. in the cemetery and a Celebration Service at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. More information is available by calling 301-241-3050