From the Mayor
Mayor John Kinnaird
Here we are in December; the years seem to go by faster and faster. With Christmas coming up, Karen and I want to share our wishes for each of you and share our Christmas wish list. I know it seems early, but I want to give everyone enough time to fulfill a part of my wish list.
First, to each of you, Karen and I wish a very Merry Christmas, full of joy and good cheer. We hope you enjoy time with your family, friends, neighbors, and even any strangers you meet along the way. We hope you have a Happy New Year, and the coming year brings you and your loved ones good health and happiness. We also hope you can join us for Christmas in Thurmont on December 7, and visit the Christmas model train display and many of the other events being held in December.
Now, for our wish list. Be sure to donate to the Thurmont Food Bank. Many of our relatives, friends, and neighbors are less fortunate than we are and would appreciate the gift of nutritious meals. Please donate your gently used clothing to the Thurmont Clothes Closet. They are always in need of warm clothing for both adults and children, and they distribute the clothing at no cost to those in need. Take a minute to call your local middle, elementary, and primary schools, as many of them have programs to help needy students with clothing and presents. You will bring a smile and cheer to a youngster when they open your gift on Christmas morning. Be sure to visit your neighbors over the Christmas season. Your elderly neighbors, in particular, will be grateful for your visit. Donate to local Meals on Wheels to help ensure good meals for many that are unable to get out or to cook for themselves. Help the Boy Scout Troop 270 by contributing toys to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots drive. Each December, the Scouts gather the local donations of toys and present them to the Marine Corps to be distributed locally. Stop at the Thurmont Senior Center and visit with the seniors; they will welcome you with open arms. Help your elderly infirm neighbors with snow removal and moving their trash to the curb for pickup during the cold days ahead. Make a donation to cancer research at Frederick Health Hospital. The greatest gift for those with cancer is the knowledge that others are helping in the effort to develop new treatments or to find a cure for cancer. Make a donation to the Thurmont Ministerium to help fund housing for families in need of a place to stay. The winter months are especially hard on families who find themselves out of work and facing the loss of their housing. Take small toys or gifts to local hospitals to be distributed to kids spending the holidays in a hospital bed. Drop off warm blankets or small gifts to local nursing and care facilities—your generosity will brighten their day.
Karen and I will be doing our best to help bring cheer to others this Christmas, and we ask that each of you reach out to others in need over Christmas time and share your good fortune and generosity. We know that even the smallest gesture is appreciated. It doesn’t take much to bring a little Christmas cheer to those in need!
As Charles Dickens noted about Ebenezer Scrooge, “It was always said of him that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge, May that be truly said of us, and all of us!”
As always, I can be reached at 301-606-9458 or at [email protected].
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Mayor Frank Davis
I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you had the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. This time of year, we should take the time to be thankful for all the good things that we have and sometimes take for granted. As crazy as the world can be, we are still extremely fortunate for the opportunities that we enjoy daily.
For the first time, I had the opportunity to assist with preparing over 100 Thanksgiving Day meals for the less fortunate in our area. This event was spearheaded by Deb Bisenieks, executive director of Seton Center, and Shelby Maly, director of Marketing and Communications for the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. Over 30 volunteers participated in the days leading up to the event, as well as served the meals on Thanksgiving Day. As always, the business communities in Emmitsburg and Thurmont stepped up to make this a successful event.
We have several projects that are currently in the construction phase and some that are in the planning stage, so I want to give you an update.
The Creamery Road Sewage Lift Station is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
The DePaul Street waterline is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
E. Eugene Myers Park restroom/concession stand building is scheduled for completion in January 2025.
Rainbow Lake parking lot is scheduled for completion this month.
Rainbow Lake walkway is scheduled for completion this month.
Water plant clarifier is scheduled for completion in October 2025.
Multi-use trail upgrade is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
The design for West Main Street/Waynesboro Pike waterline replacement is underway.
The North Seton Avenue waterline upgrade design/construction bids are due January 2025.
We have a lot going on and are excited for all the much-needed upgrades and new construction projects to be completed. Please bear with us for any inconvenience you might experience during the construction phases of these projects.
Finally, during the holiday season, please go out and enjoy the many activities that will be happening this month. Support our local businesses and enjoy the holiday season with your family and friends. This year has been great for our town, and I look forward to a successful 2025.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Burgess Heath Barnes
I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you had the opportunity to spend time with your family and friends. This time of year, we should take the time to be thankful for all the good things that we have and sometimes take for granted. As crazy as the world can be, we are still extremely fortunate for the opportunities that we enjoy daily.
For the first time, I had the opportunity to assist with preparing over 100 Thanksgiving Day meals for the less fortunate in our area. This event was spearheaded by Deb Bisenieks, executive director of Seton Center, and Shelby Maly, director of Marketing and Communications for the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. Over 30 volunteers participated in the days leading up to the event, as well as served the meals on Thanksgiving Day. As always, the business communities in Emmitsburg and Thurmont stepped up to make this a successful event.
We have several projects that are currently in the construction phase and some that are in the planning stage, so I want to give you an update.
The Creamery Road Sewage Lift Station is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
The DePaul Street waterline is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
E. Eugene Myers Park restroom/concession stand building is scheduled for completion in January 2025.
Rainbow Lake parking lot is scheduled for completion this month.
Rainbow Lake walkway is scheduled for completion this month.
Water plant clarifier is scheduled for completion in October 2025.
Multi-use trail upgrade is scheduled for completion in April 2025.
The design for West Main Street/Waynesboro Pike waterline replacement is underway.
The North Seton Avenue waterline upgrade design/construction bids are due January 2025.
We have a lot going on and are excited for all the much-needed upgrades and new construction projects to be completed. Please bear with us for any inconvenience you might experience during the construction phases of these projects.
Finally, during the holiday season, please go out and enjoy the many activities that will be happening this month. Support our local businesses and enjoy the holiday season with your family and friends. This year has been great for our town, and I look forward to a successful 2025.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!