Fort Ritchie Community Center’s Bass Fishing Tournament Results
Over 60 participants turned out for the Fort Ritchie Community Center’s Spring Bass Fishing Tournament. The tournament, which is sponsored by Cobblestone Hotel & Suites, is held on Lake Royer located on the former Fort Ritchie property in Cascade.
Bobby Swomley of Williamsport won the event with a 15-inch bass. There was a three-way tie for second place: Gary Thomas of Sharpsburg, Brehon Sweeny of Thurmont, and Kody Brown of Waynesboro; each caught a 13.5-inch bass. Owen Cozort of Hagerstown took top honors in the youth division with a 15-inch catch, and Pierce French of Boonsboro was second with a 14-inch Bass.
Funds raised through the Bass Fishing Tournaments support the youth programs offered by the Community Center, such as Summer Camp, Kids Club, Sports Saturday, and special events like the annual community Halloween Party and Breakfast with Santa.
The Community Center is in Cascade, located on the former Fort Ritchie U.S. Army Post property. For more information on the Community Center or to sign up for the September 16 Bass Tournament, visit www.thefrcc.org or call 301-241-5085.

Janet Sweeny, general manager of the Cobblestone Hotel & Suites in Waynesboro, PA, (left) pictured with Brehon Sweeny, Kody Brown, Gary Thomas, and Bobby Swomley at the Spring 2023 Bass Fishing Tournament.

Pierce French took second-place honors (left), and Owen Cozort (middle) was the winner in the youth division. Janet Sweeny (right) is general manager of the Cobblestone Hotel & Suites in Waynesboro, PA, which sponsors the tournament.