Emmitsburg Food Bank & Catoctin Pregnancy Center Hold Open House

The Emmitsburg Food Bank and the Catoctin Pregnancy Center held an Open House on November 9, 2019, for the public to see their newly relocated facilities. They are grateful for all the people in town who came forward to make this happen. Phyllis Kelly recognized these people that afternoon.
David Swomley and Ronnie Wivell came to her when they retired from their dry wall business, Entrepreneur Ventures, in July and offered their location for rent. It was perfect for both the food bank and pregnancy center’s needs. Next, the Masons came forward and said that they could help build the room they need for the clients to get their food. Ron Cool and Mike Lovejoy offered to take on that project; within two weeks, the room was finished. Eric Glass offered to remove the many shelves his company had made for the food bank many years ago and reinstall them at the new location. He sent Dale Hilbert and Chris Gephart to reinstall the shelves. Finally, Knights of Columbus came to move the large items, such as the freezers and refrigerator, and all the food that had been packed in boxes by many volunteers the week before. It all went smoothly, and Phyllis Kelly “is grateful to all those that helped.”
Boy Scouts Troop 727 from Emmitsburg collected 1,001 items for the newly relocated Emmitsburg Food Bank. Doug Lowe is the troop leader. The food bank would like to thank the scouts and the community for all their contributions.