Emmitsburg Business Professionals Gather at Carriage House
Mayor Don Briggs and members of the Emmitsburg Business and Professionals Association hosted the quarterly Emmitsburg Business Professionals Breakfast Meeting at the Carriage House Inn in Emmitsburg on May 23, 2019.
County Executive Jan Gardner was the featured speaker. She spoke about the importance of small businesses and the Frederick County Office of Economic Development indicating that over 100 small businesses operate in Emmitsburg. She was proud to announce that the FY 2020 Frederick County Budget passed with a 7-0 vote. She also gave an update on county-wide topics that impact our small towns including recycling, agriculture, green initiatives, economic development, professional development, etc.
Mayor Briggs and Zach Gulden, Emmitsburg’s Town Planner gave an update on several projects around town including the sidewalks, bridge, and sign ordinance. Sister Martha with the Seton Center indicated that many good things are under way at the center with a dental program, career education, and other programs in the planning stages.
Various members gave updates about business and invitations for activities and events. Wayne Slaughter, Michael Cantori, and Allen Knott, officers of the EBPA, updated members about plans and social events like happy hour at the Ott House on Tuesday evenings. For more information, please visit EBPA’s new website www.EmmitsburgBusiness.com.