Emmitsburg Area Home Fire Safety Visits
In light of two recent area fires of significance, a Home Fire Safety Visitation effort, including Smoke Alarm awareness information, began Saturday, December 12, 2015, reaching Emmitsburg area residents. Red Cross volunteers and local fire/rescue first responders were joined by other safety advocates in going door-to-door, promoting the importance of having working smoke alarms in place and helping to answer questions and/or providing assistance with existing smoke alarms.
The joint effort was undertaken by a number of fire safety advocates from across the region, working together to help assure fire safety in homes, apartments, and similar residential occupancies.
The two recent fire events occurred on: Wednesday, December 2, 2015, in a commercial/residential building (apartments) on South Seton Avenue (residents displaced; business disruption); and Monday, December 7, 2015, on West Main Street (double-fatality, plus one serious injury; residents displaced).
During the Home Fire Safety Visitation effort, personnel were out and about in the community, offering insights on simple and easy-to-accomplish home fire safety measures, including installing free smoke alarms where requested. Safety personnel—men and women—wore easily-identified apparel, showing their affiliations.
Emergency services vehicles were seen in various neighborhoods during visitation periods. Anyone interested can also call the Vigilant Hose Company (VHC) fire station at 301-447-2728 to request a visit or follow-up visit at a suitable time. A door-hanger information card was left at each home if no one was home, as well as where residents may prefer safety teams to return at a more convenient time to discuss safe practices and/or install an alarm.
The new alarms have non-removable 10-year lithium batteries, plus also include a “Hush” feature for accidental activations, such as from vapors during cooking periods, from fire places when a damper is not initially opened, and so forth. Teams will offer to replace any existing alarm more than ten years old, including any that use 9-volt batteries, which must be replaced at least yearly.
Jointly with the Vigilant Hose Company, this important initiative was taken in cooperation and coordination with efforts already underway by the American Red Cross of Western Maryland, the Town of Emmitsburg, the Emmitsburg Council of Churches, the Fire Prevention Committee of the Frederick County Volunteer Fire/Rescue Association, the Frederick County Department of Fire & Rescue Services and the Frederick County’s Fire Marshal’s Office, the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, the U.S. Fire Administration/National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company, Mount Saint Mary’s University, area Media Outlets, the Seton Center, the Emmitsburg Business & Professional Association, and area Service Clubs.
Further information is available on various websites like those of the Vigilant Hose Company, Town Government, and so on. Additionally, for residents living inside town limits, information will also be posted on the Town’s Cable Channel.
Note: This effort did not include installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors, but the VHC will gladly help with that effort upon request in the coming weeks.