Classified and display ads
To place a classified ad, submit and pay online at under the ‘Classifieds’ tab. A classified ad costs $20 and includes up to 200 characters in the For Sale, For Rent, Help Wanted, Yard Sales, and Wanted categories. Classifieds under the Services category require a paid display ad. When purchasing a paid display ad, you may place a classified ad for free in the months you advertise. Also, continuous advertisers who have regular customer walk-in hours at their brick-n-mortar business location get an additional ad in the Town section. This is to encourage the quick reference reader to visit your business.
Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs, postcards, photographs, advertising items, old signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts, political items, guns, old holiday decorations, hunting & fishing items, jewelry, and coins; gold, sterling, coin collections, etc. Will buy one item or collection. 301-514-2631.
We buy gold & silver. Call 301-788-2626.
HALL RENTAL: Weddings, Banquets, Events of any kind. Call the Thurmont American Legion at 301-271-4411 between 9 and 11 a.m.
Looking for a place for a meeting, reunion, reception, picnic, or party? St. John’s Church in Sabillasville rents its pavilion or parish hall. Contact Megan Doolittle at 301-514-3115 or [email protected].
Looking for a storage solution? Storage units available for rent in Emmitsburg. Call Dan 301-788-2626.
Help Wanted
D&J Auto Enterprises, located at 12440A Creagerstown Road in Thurmont, is hiring for a skilled auto body tech and mechanic. Stop in and apply.
Ott House, 5 W. Main Street, Emmitsburg. Hiring cooks, servers, and crew. 301-447-2625.
TUMC is looking for an organist to play during its traditional worship service from 8:45-10:00 a.m., 13880 Long Road, Thurmont. For more information or to apply, contact Pastor Ken at 301-991-7839.
Now hiring servers! Los Amigos in Thurmont. Apply within or call 301-271-8888.
Web Design/Development/Web Maintenance/Data Entry Services. Reasonable rates. Contact [email protected].
Septic tank pumping, Reliable Service and Reasonable Rates. Serving Frederick County and surrounding areas. Staley’s Onsite Services 301-788-3636 or email [email protected].
Asphalt paving and seal coating by Frederick County Paving. Call 301-662-2820 for a free estimate or email [email protected].
Visit Quality Tire in Emmitsburg for super tire service at 17650 Creamery Road in Emmitsburg. Call 301-447-2909.
Accounting services and tax management and filing with Melissa Wetzel in Emmitsburg. Schedule your appointment today by calling 301-447-3797.
Affordable Lawn Care and Handyman Service gives free estimates and there’s no job too small. Call 240-651-4248 for mowing, trimming, edging, mulching, home repairs, and maintenance.
High tensile, board & post fence repair and replacement. Property maintenance, exterior painting, house cleanouts, junk removal, hauling, and weeding. Also bush hogging and skid loader service. Call Mike at 240-285-6648.
Residential window cleaning, inside and outside, by hand. 30 yrs. Exp.; family operated; Lic/Ins. Ask about Soft Washing Service and screen repair. Call Potomac Window Cleaning Co. at 301-656-WASH.
Rick Hurley & Son Small Engine Repair Service. Call 301-271-2117 or 240-285-2494 (leave message).
Thurmont Backhoe Services. Friendly. Dependable. Affordable. Call 240-288-7048 or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to serving you!