Ceremonies Held at Four New Wayside Exhibits in Emmitsburg
The Town of Emmitsburg held ribbon-cutting ceremonies at each of four new wayside exhibits on Thursday, July 1, 2021. These new signs comprise phase three of the future historic walking tour for the town: the Armstrong Long Riffle exhibit (121 East Main Street), Emmitsburg Railroad exhibit (300B S. Seton Avenue), Frederick County Fire and Rescue Museum’s Volunteers Glass Etching exhibit (300B S. Seton Avenue), and St. Joseph’s House exhibit on the grounds of Seton Shrine (339 S. Seton Avenue).
The Maryland Heritage Area Authorities are partially sponsoring the project through grant funding.
Pictured from left are Mayor Briggs, Liz Shatto (Executive Director, Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area), Claire Bodine (The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton), and Frank Schmersal (Fire Museum Curator).
Photo by Madeline Shaw