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Catoctin High School Class of 2017 Safe and Sane

The Class of 2017 has officially started. The reigns have been turned over by the 2016 Safe and Sane class, and parents and family members of the Class of 2017 are hitting the ground running. We would like to invite any and all family members to our next meeting on July 6, 2016, from 6:00-7:45 p.m. at the Thurmont Regional Library. Help is always appreciated, as well as new ideas to raise money for the Class of 2017. We want our students to have the best night of fun but, most of all, we want them to have the safe environment to have that fun. There are many different opportunities to help: donating items such as cases of water, soda, and snacks; assisting in fundraisers; working concessions, etc. They are a team that truly cares for its students and want to make their graduation night celebration a memorable and safe one. The 2017 Safe and Sane committee is holding a Crab Raffle. Tickets are $5.00 each.  Drawing will be held on September 11, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. at the Community Show. You may contact any board member of the 2017 Safe and Sane committee or call Missy Worth at 301-730-8482. Flocking will be available by request. What is Flocking? You pick a person you would like to Flock, and we put a flock of flamingos in their yard. There are a different number of Flocks you can choose from at different prices. Contact Jennifer Leach at or by phone at 240-405-4538. Please follow us on Social Media for the latest information.
  • Facebook account: Catoctin High School Safe and Sane 2017.
Supervised by Kellie Beavin.
  • Instagram account: Manned by senior student Kylie
Norwood, under the supervision of Kellie Beavin.
  • Twitter account: CHS Safe & Sane 2017. Manned by senior student
Skylar Wells, under the supervision of Kellie Beavin.