Catoctin-Ettes Offer Free Introductory Baton Twirling Course
The Catoctin-Ettes, inc., will again be offering its free, introductory baton twirling course for beginners interested in the growing sport of baton twirling.
The classes are set to begin on Wednesday, February 12, at the Emmitsburg Elementary School. The course runs for four consecutive Wednesday evenings and is geared for beginners from ages 5 and up. Baton twirling and marching are the focus of the course.
The course is completely free and batons are loaned free of charge for classtime. This is an excellent opportunity to determine a child’s interest for twirling with absolutely no costs or commitments whatsoever! Certificates are presented to those completing the four-week course.
Participants must be pre-registered. For more information or for information, please contact Donna Landsperger at donito@aol.com or 240-405-2604.