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MARCH Community Calendar
4...... Coffee & Chat, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10 a.m. Also: 11, 18, 25.
4...... Yoga (every Tuesday), American Legion Post 168 (Upstairs), 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 5:30-6:30 p.m.
4...... Free Shrove Tuesday Pancake/Sausage Dinner, Tom’s Creek United Methodist Church, 10926 Simmons Rd., Emmitsburg. 5-7 p.m. Come & enjoy some fellowship.
4...... Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Harriet Chapel, 12625 Catoctin Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 4:30-7 p.m. Suggested donation: $10/person. Menu: plain & blueberry pancakes, sausage patties, strawberries & whipped cream, coffee, tea & juices.
4...... Weekly Tuesday Night Bingo, New Windsor Fire Dept. Windsor Station, 101 High St., New Windsor. Doors open 5 p.m.
4...... Heartly House 101, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6:30 p.m.
5...... Ash Wednesday Service, Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. www.gracehammoravian.org.
5...... Ash Wednesday Drive-up Application of Ashes, Weller UMC, 101 N. Altamont Ave., Thurmont. 1-2 p.m. 301-271-2802.
5...... Ash Wednesday Service, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. All welcome. www.thurmontchurch.com.
5...... Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Service, Tom's Creek UMC, 10926 Simmons Rd., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m. www.tomscreekumc.com.
5...... Ash Wednesday Service, Harriet Chapel, 12625 Catoctin Furnace Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
5...... Queen of Hearts Drawing (every Wednesday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7:30 p.m.
5...... Cornhole Tournament (every Wednesday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m.
5...... Musical Instrument Petting Zoo, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.
5...... Bingo, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m. Also: 19.
6...... 3-D Archery Shoots (Thursdays), Indian Lookout Conservation Club, 17107 Riffle Rd., Emmitsburg. 5 p.m.
6...... Women’s Bible Study (every Thursday), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont, 9:30-11 a.m.
6...... Taekwondo – by Donation (every Thursday), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 5 p.m.: Grades 3-5; 7 p.m.: Grades 6-12 & adults. New students welcome every week. Also: 13, 20, 27.
6...... Elementary Explorers: Makin’ Music, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 2 p.m.
6...... Teen and Tween Open Chess Play (Ages 9-18), 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
6...... Bingo (every Thursday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
6...... Line Dancing (every Thursday), American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
6...... Dine Out for Hope at Kountry Kitchen, Seton Center Outreach, Kountry Kitchen, 17 Water St., Thurmont.
7...... Bingo (every Friday night), Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr., Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; Bingo 6:45 p.m. Tip jars; food; jackpot up to $1,000. Benefits Thurmont Community Amb. Srv. www.thurmonteventcomplex.com. Also: 14, 21, 28.
7...... Zumba, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10:15 a.m. Also: 14, 21, 28.
8...... Bingo, Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co., 13516 Motters Station Rd., Rocky Ridge. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m. Food available for purchase.
8...... Ada Twist and Friends Celebration!, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 2 p.m.
8,9... Annual Maple Syrup Festival, Cunningham Falls State Park, 14274 William Houck Dr., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
9...... The Great Outdoors Bingo, Lewistown Fire Hall, 11101 Hessong Bridge Rd., Thurmont. Doors open 11 a.m. $25 in advance; $30 at door. Regular games, specials, tip jars & King Tuts. Tickets: www.sesclassical.org or call Alisha 301-730-2345. Benefits Sabillasville Environmental School, Inc.
9...... Union Bridge Country Breakfast, Union Bridge Fire Hall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. 7-11 a.m.
10.... Teen Video Game Hour! (Ages 13-18), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
11.... Teen String Art Shamrock (Ages 13-180, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
12.... Emmitsburg Free Neighborhood Meal (2nd Wed. of each month), Vigilant Hose Activities Bldg., 17701 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. Free. 5-7 p.m. Hosted by Emmitsburg civic & charitable organizations. Info.: Brandy Malocha 301-600-6300.
12.... A Conversation on International Affairs with Shaun Donnelly, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
12.... Celtic Concert: Gaelic Mishap, Marion Burke Knott Auditorium, Mount St. Mary's University, Emmitsburg. 7 p.m.
12.... Musical Crafternoon: Tin Can Drums, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 4 p.m.
12.... Bible Study (every Wednesday) with Pastor Ken, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. Also: 19, 26.
13.... Women’s Bible Study (every Thursday), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 9:30-11 a.m. Also: 20, 27.
13.... Bake Sale Fundraiser for Thurmont Senior Center, Roy Rogers Restaurant, Thurmont. 5-8 p.m.
13.... Onsite: Digital Learning at the Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10 a.m.
13.... Elementary Explorers: Go Green for the Green Art, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 2 p.m.
13.... Tween Gaming Hour: Switch Edition (Ages 9-13), 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
13.... Read to a Therapy Dog with WAGS for Hope, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
13.... Youth Art Night, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
14.... Leader Dogs for the Blind – Dinner in the Dark, Walkersville Grand Social Hall, 79 W. Frederick St., Walkersville. 5-9 p.m. $60 with blindfold; $65 without blindfold. Ticket includes appetizers, dinner, dessert, coffee, tea & water. Sponsored by Glade Valley Lions Club and Walkersville HS Leo Club. Tickets: emmitsburgevents.com or Lion Jennifer Smith 301-788-0526 / jcswhycompy@gmail.com. Proceeds benefit Leader Dogs for the Blind.
14.... Elementary Youth Group (2nd Friday every month), Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7 p.m. All PreK (4)-5th graders welcome.
15.... Fellowship Game Night & Potluck, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 5-8 p.m. All welcome.
15.... Talent Show w/Cake & Pie Auction, Weller UMC, 101 N. Altamont Ave., Thurmont. 6 p.m. 301-271-2802.
15.... Pancake Day (All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast), Murphy Farm, 11502 Browningsville Rd., Ijamsville. 7 a.m.-noon.
15.... Union Bridge Bull & Oyster Feed, Union Bridge Fire Hall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge.
15.... Candy Bingo, American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
15.... Catfish & Chicken Fry, AMVETS Post #7, 26 Apples Church Rd., Thurmont.
15.... Mystery Dinner at Carriage House Inn, 200 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6-8 p.m. $59/person (plus tax & tip). Buffet will be served; cash bar available. Reservations required: 301-447-2366.
15.... Scrunchy Shamrock Craft, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 2 p.m.
15,16 Annual Maple Syrup Festival, Cunningham Falls State Park, 14274 William Houck Dr., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
16.... Cash Bingo, Woodsboro American Legion, 101 W. Elizabeth St., Woodsboro.
16.... Spring Concert Series in the Union Church: Mark Nichols & Friends Jazz Ensemble, St. John's Lutheran Church of Creagerstown, 8619 Blacks Mill Rd., Creagerstown. 3 p.m. 301-898-5290.
17.... Paulines Pals Painting Rocks Party, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1 p.m.
17.... Teen Pot of Gold Bath Bomb (Ages 13-18), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
18.... Community Clothes Closet, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Free clothing for men, women & children. For emergency needs, call 301-271-4511.
18.... Night Owl Storytime w/Maryland Dairy Princess, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m.
18.... Teen Let’s Plant Seeds (Ages 13-18), Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
19.... Mind Care & Games for Seniors, People Experiencing Memory Loss and their Caregivers, Emmitsburg Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.
19.... Touch a Guitar, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 4 p.m.
19.... Library Day Thurmont Library, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-noon.
20-22 Yard Sale, Elias Lutheran Church, 100 W. North Ave., Emmitsburg. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Soup (beef vegetable & chicken corn soups), sandwich (chicken and ham salad sandwiches) & bake sale.
20.... Rabbits in the Library!, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 :30 p.m.
20.... Tween Pot of Gold Bath Bomb (Ages 9-13), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
20.... Seated Massage by Marie Free, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
20.... Veteran Coffee Social, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10 a.m.
20.... Elementary Explorers: Bee Hotels, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 2 p.m.
20.... Maryland Writer’s Association - Teen Writer’s Club, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 5:30 p.m.
20.... Pajama Storytime w/Maryland Dairy Princess, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
21.... A Woman's Purse 18th Annual Purse Auction, 78 Country Club Trail, Fairfield, PA. Hosted by United Way of Adams County at Liberty Mountain Resort. 5 p.m.
21.... Fish Fry, St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, 47 Depaul St., Emmitsburg. 4-7 p.m. Menu: $15 (Captain: 2 portions beer battered haddock); $12 (Wee Bit: 1 portion beer battered haddock); $6 (Landlubber: hot dog). Under 7 eat free. All meals come w/fries, mac & cheese, coleslaw, rolls & all-you-can-eat dessert. Benefits your local Knights of Columbus.
21.... Monthly Birthday Party, Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 12:30 p.m.
22.... All You Can Eat Wings & Steamed Shrimp, Thurmont Event Complex, 13716 Strafford Dr., Thurmont. Doors open 4 p.m.; eat 6-8 p.m. $25/person. Includes variety of wings, steamed shrimp, hot dogs, French fries, MD crab soup, soda, beer & wine coolers. Tip jars & 50/50. Tickets: 301-748-5359 or 301-271-3820 or at Friday Night Bingo. Benefits Thurmont Community Amb. Service.
22.... Legion Day; Charter Celebration and Veterans Luncheon, American Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont. Noon-2 p.m.
22.... Navigating the Real Estate Market, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 10 a.m.
23.... Shotgun Shoots (12 Gauge & 410), Indian Lookout Conservation Club, 17107 Riffle Rd., Emmitsburg. Registration: noon. Shoots start 1 p.m. Tip jars will be available.
23.... Union Bridge Aux. Slippery Chicken Pot Pie Quart, Union Bridge Fire Hall, 8 W. Locust St., Union Bridge. 1-3 p.m.
24.... Community Clothes Closet, Thurmont UMC, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. Free clothing for men, women & children. For emergency needs, call 301-271-4511.
24.... Teen Hot Glue & Watercolor Painting (Ages 13-18), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.
25.... Pollinator Pods, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 6 p.m.
26.... End-of-Life Care Discussion Panel, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m.
26.... Intergenerational Karaoke, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.
27.... Thurmont Grange Roy Rogers Fundraiser, Roy Rogers, 203 Frederick Rd., Thurmont. 5-8 p.m.
27.... Elementary Explorers: Who was Sally Ride?, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 2 p.m.
27.... Teen Library Council (TLC) (Ages 11-18), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m.
27.... Rainbow Magic Book Party, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 3 p.m.
29.... Dueling Pianos Night, Vigilant Hose Co. Activities Bldg., 17701 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. Doors open 5 p.m.; dinner 6:30 p.m.; show 7 p.m. $40/person (includes dinner, beer/wine, soda/water & live entertainment by Howl at the Moon). Ages 21 & over. Tickets: Kellie 301-305-8498, Jen 717-398-5699, or Palms Restaurant.
29.... Libertytown Spring Bazaar, Libertytown Fire Hall, 12027 South St., Libertytown. 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
29.... WAGS Therapy Dogs, Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. Noon.
29.... Seton Center 5K, 226 E. Lincoln Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m. $24.75/runner. Register: www.setoncenter.org.
29.... PopUp at North County Volunteer Fair, Emmitsburg Branch Library, 300 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 11 a.m.
31 Teen Puzzle Picture Frame (Ages 13-18), Thurmont Library, 76 E. Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5:30 p.m.