Business Briefs
Emmitsburg New Business and Development Briefs
The following are the statuses of new businesses and development coming to Emmitsburg from the town planner’s report:
Federal Stone (Creamery Road, east side of U.S. 15) — Site plan and improvement plans are complete. Performance bond estimates are being reviewed.
Village Liquors & Plaza Inn (Silo Hill Parkway) — SCD approved the improvement plat. The site plan has been submitted to the county. Payment and performance bonds are pending.
Mount St. Mary’s Seton Shrine E Wing (South Seton Avenue) — The site plan was received on May 26 and is under review.
Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs
The statuses of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont:
Emmitsburg Road Flood Control Project (behind Sheetz) — The Town of Thurmont acquired 0.9 ac in the general business zone has been conditionally approved.
Hammaker Hills, Phase 1 (Woodland Avenue) — 36 single-family lots recorded and 22 permits issued for single-family dwellings.
Hammaker Hills, Phase 2 (Westview Drive) — Preliminary plat approved for 22 single-family lots in R-2 district. The improvement plan is conditionally approved.
Mechanicstown, LLC (Emmitsburg Road) — Preliminary plat approved for 31 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP district. Improvement Plans are anticipated for the Aug. 24 Planning and Zoning Commission agenda.
Mountain Brooke (Emmitsburg Road) — Preliminary plat approved for 11 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP district. Improvement Plans are anticipated for the Aug. 24 Planning and Zoning Commission agenda.
Site Plans
Thurmont Business Park (Thurmont Blvd.): Lot 1 to be developed for the relocation of Goodwill into a 17,850-square-foot building; under county review.
New Businesses
Studio 24E, a lady’s boutique, is now open at 21 East Main Street.