Brandon Dyer Makes a Difference in Emmitsburg
Deb Abraham Spalding

Brandon Dyer of Emmitsburg graduated in June 2020 from Rock Creek School in Frederick. He is now working with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) of Maryland to transition into work and volunteer opportunities. It is the goal of the DDA that people with developmental disabilities lead full lives in the communities of their choice, where they are included, where they participate, and where they are active citizens.
In keeping with the DDA’s vision, Brandon is helping his community whenever he can—for just an hour in the summer heat, or a few hours when the weather is better—by pulling weeds on Main Street, picking up trash in the community park, and helping others. Brandon is an outgoing, smiling guy who’s big on fist bumps. He loves meeting people and making people happy.
Brandon lives on a small farm and takes care of animals and pets, plus a greenhouse. He’s not a stranger to hard work. Actually, he thrives on daily interaction with the animals, and now through his volunteer work in the community, he’s expanding his circle of positive influence.
Brandon’s message is so important for our community, especially while we are all confronting these tough times locally and throughout the world. He wants to spread more laughter and smiles, and he reminds us to look out for each other and love and care for one another.
Brandon loves watching movies and theater productions, playing arcade games, riding roller coasters, rooting for monster trucks, watching extreme sports, and listening to music.
His mother, Mary Dyer, said, “Since the quarantine, he’s been watching Hamilton and other shows on the stage that are on TV or video. When this is all over, he’ll be back in a seat mesmerized by the stage.”

Thank you from your community, Brandon, for all you do!