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Blakeslee and Hooper Win Commissioner Seats in Thurmont Election

James Rada, Jr.

A familiar face is returning to the Thurmont Board of Commissioners after the municipal election on October 26. Bill Blakeslee, who served as a commissioner from 2003 to 2007, was elected, along with Wayne Hooper, to fill the two open commissioner seats.

John Kinnaird, who was running unopposed, was re-elected to serve a third term as mayor of Thurmont.

Hooper and Blakeslee received 310 and 287 votes, respectively, from the 562 votes cast. They were running against five other candidates: Sabrina Massett (181 votes), Olen Gunn (111 votes), Christopher Stouter (101 votes), Janice Guillory (50 votes), and Mickey Blank (24 votes).

Kinnaird received 506 votes.

The election was held at the Guardian Hose Company activities building at 123 East Main Street in Thurmont, where many of the candidates spent the day campaigning for last-minute votes. The Thurmont Board of Elections oversaw the election. The board is comprised of Chairwoman Lisa Nolan-Humerick, Elizabeth Lee. Viktor Kraenbring, and Greg Daniels.

In all, 562 votes were cast from the 4,459 registered voters in the town, representing a 12.6 percent voter turnout. The newly elected officials are expected to be sworn into office during the November 2 Thurmont town meeting, where they will join sitting commissioners Wes Hamrick and Bill Buehrer