Art in Motion!ESP Showcase Featuring The Thurmont Spirit Show Choir and Special Guest Maggie Kudirka “The Bald Ballerina”
Experience Art in Motion! Join in for the ESP Performing Company Showcase Fundrasier on Saturday, February 25, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Catoctin High School auditorium. This is your opportunity to experience the award-winning ESP Performing Company live onstage in your hometown community. ESP is thrilled this year to share the stage with Thurmont Spirit Show Choir and “The Bald Ballerina.”
Maggie Kudirka, “The Bald Ballerina,” has been dancing since she was four years old. In 2014, while dancing with The Joffrey Ballet Concert Group, Maggie was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Maggie shares her journey and speaks to groups around the country to help bring awareness about metastatic breast cancer. Maggie also teaches master ballet classes and continues to dance while fighting this terminal disease. You can follow Maggie on her Bald Ballerina Facebook page.
The Thurmont Spirit Show Choir (TSSC) is a performing arts group under the direction of Berna LaForce. All of the TSSC members attend Thurmont Middle School. They perform at school functions and compete both locally and regionally. Last year, they brought home many first-place awards. This year, the group will be competing in Martinsburg, West Virginia; Hershey, Pennsylvania; and Myrtle Beach, South Caronlina. If you have not seen them perform, you are in for a treat!
The choreography and dances presented by ESP in the showcase have already won numerous awards this season. They are excited to present these performances to their community, as well as continuing to travel the east coast this competition season.
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Concessions will be available, as well as 50/50 drawings and gift basket raffles. Tickets are available for purchase in advance. Student tickets are $5.00 and adults are $10.00. Tickets may be purchased by contacting ESP Dance at 301-271-7458, by visiting the studio at 15 Water Street, or by contacting any ESP Company dancer or TSSC member. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door: $6.00 for students and $12.00 for adults. Please join them on February 25 at Catoctin High School, and help keep art alive in Thurmont!
Also keep in mind that registration is still open for spring 2017 classes at the studio, culminating with their annual recital at the Weinberg Center on Saturday June 17, 2017. All levels of classes are available. ESP specializes in all types of dance, including tap, ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, acro, and pointe. Participating in dance class is a great way to build confidence, strength, and to have tons of fun!
Contact the studio office at 301-271-7458 or espdance.com for further information. Check them out on Facebook at ESP Dance and ESP Performing Company, and view their advertisement on page 31.
ESP Performing Company (from left, front to back): Annaliese Doolitttle, Tierney Burns, Adeline Ridenour, Georgia Wiles, Maria Fry, Evie Price, Abigail Shriner, Rose Weedy, Claire Daly, Olivia Gamer, Kristen Felichko, Olivia Ecker, Kimberly Stanley, Jaiden Pastick, Mackenzie Garrett, Julie Beech, Jack Estep, Robin Tucker, Nikita Burris, Sophia Daly, Lyla Zelenka, Catherine Estelle, Ashlyn Summerall, Victoria Stanley, Emily Mitchener, Lucy Estep, and Cheyenne Favorite.
Maggie Kudirka “Bald Ballerina.”