AMVETS Post 7, Thurmont
New Year’s greetings from AMVETS Post 7. We hope everyone had a happy holiday.
The AMVETS Post 7 is gradually making some upgrades, including new signage, new business pamphlets, and rewaxing the floors.
There are many not-to-be-missed events coming up. The Ladies Auxiliary is planning a Valentine’s Dinner/Dance on February 14. The Squadron has a Catfish/Fried Chicken Feed scheduled for March 15. As many of you know, this is a very popular annual event. More information is to come on these events, as well as other exciting events.
As always, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support. The Post offers Bar Bingo on Thursday nights. The kitchen is open on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, unless a special event is happening. Updates can be found on the AMVETS Post 7 Facebook page.
Again, new and renewed members are always welcome. Always remember to thank our Veterans, retired or active. They keep us safe and protect our freedoms, at home and abroad.