Page 42 - September Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 42             September 2018                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by

                       AS K         Autoimmune Diseases

                         Lo              by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic

                  Dr   .                     & Nutritional Healing Center

               According to the American          most autoimmune diseases are         research suggests that the hormones,   autoantibodies. The discovery of
            Autoimmune Related Diseases           rare and patients can often spend    estrogen and progesterone might be    the role of this enzyme establishes
            Association (AARDA), autoimmune       years seeking a proper diagnosis.    affecting the immune system.          it as a potential target for therapy
            disease happens to be one of the      Unfortunately, commonly used            A study of residents in Libby,     in autoimmune disorders, such as
            top ten leading causes of death in    immunosuppressant treatments can     Montana, who have experienced         lupus.
            females of all age groups up to sixty-  lead to devastating long-term side   significant exposure to asbestos       NIEHS brought together an
            four years of age.                    effects.                             minerals due to mining in the area,   interdisciplinary group of experts
               The National Institutes of           The causes of autoimmune           suggested a link between asbestos     to evaluate the state of the
            Health (NIH) estimates up to 23.5     diseases remain largely unknown.     exposure and lesions in the lungs.    science regarding the role of the
            million Americans suffer from         There is growing consensus that      Sixty-one percent of Libby residents   environment and the development of
            autoimmune disease and that the       autoimmune diseases likely result    tested had autoantibodies and were    autoimmune diseases. The experts
            prevalence is rising. The AARDA       from interactions between genetic    more likely to have two types of      have identified future research
            states that it is more like 50 million   and environmental factors. The    lung abnormalities.                   directions, identifying promising
            Americans suffer from autoimmune      National Institute of Environmental     An NIEHS study also found          mechanistic theories and animal
            disease. According to AARDA, the      Health Sciences (NIEHS) is           an association between ultraviolet    models, and identifying some
            discrepancy is because the NIH        supporting research to understand    radiation from sunlight and the       specific environmental agents that
            numbers only include twenty-          how these factors work together      development of an autoimmune          may be involved in the development
            four diseases for which good          to compromise the body’s ability     muscle disease, myositis, particularly   of autoimmune diseases. The
            epidemiology studies were available.   to defend itself and develop into   in women.                             findings included:
               Autoimmune diseases result         autoimmune diseases.                    Low birth weight and low              (1) Exposure to solvents, which
            from a dysfunction of the immune        Unraveling the connections         socioeconomic factors in childhood    are used in thousands of products,
            system. The immune system protects    between genetic predisposition and   were associated with the later        including paint thinners, cleaning
            you from disease and infection.       environmental triggers is a major    development of rheumatoid arthritis   supplies, and nail polish, contributes
            Sometimes, though, the immune         focus for NIEHS and the National     as an adult.                          to the development of systemic
            system can produce autoantibodies     Toxicology Program (NTP), an            Recognizing that individuals       sclerosis.
            that attack healthy cells, tissues,   interagency testing program          are rarely exposed to one chemical       (2) Smoking contributes to
            and organs. This can lead to          headquartered at NIEHS. The good     at a time, NIEHS grantees             the development of two types of
            autoimmune disease and can affect     news is that progress is being made   studied what happens when mice       rheumatoid arthritis.
            any part of the body. More than       through multiple research efforts,   are exposed to two suspected             (3) Exposure to fine particles of
            eighty autoimmune diseases have       some of which are noted below.       triggers for autoimmune diseases.     crystalline silica, a basic component
            been identified; some are relatively    A 2012 study by NIEHS              Previous studies had shown that       of quartz, granite, and many
            well known, such as type 1 diabetes,   researchers found that over         exposure to trichloroethylene, a      other minerals, contributes to the
            multiple sclerosis, lupus, and        thirty-two million people in the     solvent and degreasing compound,      development of several autoimmune
            rheumatoid arthritis, while others    United States have autoantibodies.   induced autoimmune hepatitis in       diseases. Workers exposed to these
            are rare and difficult to diagnose.   Earlier studies have shown that      autoimmune-prone mice. This study     minerals are particularly at risk.
               Some autoimmune diseases           autoantibodies can develop many      found that when the mice were also       (4) Eating gluten, present in
            are life threatening; most            years before the clinical appearance   exposed to mercuric chloride, a     wheat and some other grains,
            are debilitating, requiring a         of autoimmune diseases. The          compound used as a disinfectant and   contributes to the development of
            lifetime of treatment. There are      study, which looked at the most      also used in photography, disease     celiac disease, a disorder that affects
            treatments available to reduce        common autoantibodies, antinuclear   development accelerated, and a        the small intestine and commonly
            the many symptoms and effects         antibodies, found that they are      unique liver-specific autoantibody    causes chronic diarrhea and fatigue.
            of autoimmune diseases, but           most prevalent among women. This     response occurred.                          If you feel you are dealing
                                                                                          NIEHS grantees studying blood      with an autoimmune issue, call
                                                                                       samples of Brazilian mothers          the Advanced Chiropractic &
                                                                                       exposed to methylmercury, an          Nutritional Healing Center at
                                                                                       environmental contaminant             240-651-1650. Dr. Lo uses a non-
                                                                                       passed on to humans by eating         invasive way of analyzing the body
                                                                                       contaminated fish, found elevated     to determine the underlying causes
                                                                                       levels of autoantibodies in the blood   of illness, aches and pains. They
                                                                                       of both mothers and their fetuses.    also offer free seminars, held at
                                                                                          NIEHS and NTP researchers          the office on rotating Tuesdays and
                                                                                       demonstrated that a certain enzyme    Thursdays. The office is located in
                                                                                       creates mutations in DNA and is a     Frederick. Check out the website at
                                                                                       major player in the development of

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