Page 44 - September Banner 2018_Neat
P. 44
Page 44 September 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Transitioning at the
Emmitsburg Senior
Excitment Transition Center
by Phyllis Clark
According to the dictionary, just needing glasses) and will give
“transition” is passage from one blood pressure checks. On the
place, state, or subject to another last Tuesday, September 25, our
or…change. Memory Cafe will be sponsored by
Change…perhaps from college to St. Joseph’s Ministries. They will
a career, from living in a large home provide lunch and a craft for us to
to downsizing to a smaller home, do.
from having a partner to living
alone, from traveling to staying in Wednesdays: Walk in the park
one place, from long days to longer (behind the Center) and hoop shoot
nights. Transition could also mean (in the fist-floor gym) at 10:00 a.m.
changing from those hazy, lazy days Pickle ball is at 1:00 p.m. in the
of summer to the cooler, slower first-floor gym. On September 19,
days of fall, and, of course, to the following a special lunch, we will
more energizing activities at the take a “Fall into Fall” nature and
Emmitsburg Senior Center. walking trip at Cunningham Lake.
So, let’s make a transition from (Dust off your sneakers!)
your everyday routine to something
you haven’t done before—and there Thursdays: Strength Training
are lots of choices to choose from at is at 10:00 a.m., with our famous
the Emmitsburg Senior Center. trivia at 11:00 a.m., then lunch,
and Canasta—or other cards and
Mondays: The senior center will games—as well as Wii bowling.
be closed on September 3 for Labor (You know you love doing this, so
Day, but bowling continues; we warm up for when the grandkids
will be leaving the center at 12:30 challenge you!)
p.m. for Thunderhead Lanes in
Taneytown. The art class resumes Fridays: Exercise or hoop shoot
on September 10 at 1:00 p.m. at 10:00 a.m., with lunch at 11:30
(You know you’ve always wanted a.m. and Canasta or other games at
to dabble with paints and colored noon. Tai chi is at 1:00 p.m. in the
pencils!) first-floor gym.
Tuesdays: Beginning on September Please call our Coordinator
4 is strength training at 10:00 a.m. Linda Umbel at 301-600-6350 to
(more fun than our trivia quizzes), sign up for lunch, as well as the art
with lunch at 11:30 a.m., followed class, pickle ball, and tai chi.
by cards and games. Our other On a special note, on Tuesday,
special Tuesday events include September 18, from 9:00 a.m.-
our Coordinator Linda Umbel noon, we are holding an Open
challenging us with Labor Day House, with tea, coffee, and donuts
Trivia and Customs on September served. Come in and see what
4 at 11:00 a.m.; we will be playing we’re doing and what we’re about.
Bingo at noon (bring a dollar prize We’d love to meet you! (And, we’re
to share). On September 11, MAP friendly, too!)
will be presenting a program on Last thoughts: Progress is
Funeral and Final Arrangement impossible without change. * What
Planning (not fun to think about, you’ve always done, you’ll get
but a very informative and useful what you’ve always gotten. * It
presentation). Our very favorite is when we are in transition that
Nurse Steve will talk to us on we are most completely alive. *
September 18 about “I Can’t See Sometimes transition will create
Clearly” (sounds like more than transformation.
Take Us Along!
Take The Catoctin Banner newspaper along with you on your travels!
Have someone take a photo of you holding The Catoctin Banner, and your
photo could be included in a future issue. E-mail your photo, along with
the details of where you traveled, name(s) of person(s) pictured, and
any fun details you would like to add, to: [email protected].