Page 28 - November Banner 2018_Neat
P. 28

Page 28             November 2018                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by
            Mother Seton School Welcomes New Members to                                                                      Emmitsburg’s

            Vincentian Marian Youth                                                                                          5  Community
                                                                                                                             Clean Up Day
               During a Mass                                                     Courtesy Photo  chapters. Students in grades
            celebrating the Feast Day                                                          five through eight interested    The Town of Emmitsburg and the
            of Saint Vincent de Paul                                                           in working side-by-side with   Emmitsburg Business & Professional
            on September 25, 2018,                                                             friends and classmates to     Association (EBPA) are proudly
            Mother Seton School                                                                serve Christ by serving their   sponsoring the 5  Community Clean
            welcomed five new students                                                         neighbors are invited to join   Up Day on Saturday, November
            into its Vincentian Marian                                                         in September, and spend a     10, 2018. They will be meeting at
            Youth (VMY) Seton Council                                                          year in service before taking   Memorial Park, just behind the
            chapter: Faith Collins, Elena                                                      their final pledge and being   Post Office, at 8:15 a.m. for a light
            Crutchfield, Annabelle                                                             inducted as full members      breakfast. Clean up will begin at
            James, Carli Mazaleski,                                                            into the organization.        9:00 a.m. and end at noon, weather
            and Madison McDowell.                                                              Fifth-graders Madison Ball,   permitting. Clean Up Day has been
            All new inductees are in the                                                       Sophia Erdman, Aubrey         rained out the last two months, and
            sixth grade.                                                                       Harrington, Grace Hewitt,     they really need volunteer support
               Father Marty McGeogh                                                            Josephine James, Lilian       in November to help clean up the
            presided over the service.                                                         Kave, Gianna Kinnamont,       beautiful town of Emmitsburg before
            Honored guests from the       Five sixth-grade students were inducted into Mother Seton School’s   Maggie Rabaiotti, Maryn   the winter begins. All clean-up
            Saint Vincent de Paul         Vincentian Marian Youth chapter in a special Mass held on September   Rajaski, and Finnian Tayler   supplies will be provided. The Town
            Society were in attendance     25, 2018. They join existing eighth-grade members. Picture from   are the newest members to   of Emmitsburg and the EBPA thank
            for the Mass and ceremony,    left are: (front row) Faith Collins, Elena Crutchfield, Carli Mazaleski,   begin their service year.  you in advance for your support!
            which also recognized         Madison McDowell; (back row) Layla Metts, Beckett Tayler, Jameson   The VMY has four
                                                 Doll, Annabelle James, and Mackenzie Orndorff.
            eighth-grade members                                                               principles that are woven                   Take Us
            Jameson Doll, Layla Metts,                                                         into every activity and
            Mackenzie Orndorff, and Beckett Tayler for their years   meeting: Community, Service, Marian Spirituality, and                  Along!
            of service.                                              Formation to Service. Some of the outreach activities
               The VMY is an international youth service             that members commonly perform include an annual           Take  The Catoctin Banner newspaper
            organization that is part of the worldwide Vincentian    food drive for the Seton Center in Emmitsburg;            along with you on your travels! Have
            Family. Modeled after St. Vincent de Paul, the VMY       volunteering at the Catoctin Pregnancy Center, the        someone take a photo of you holding
                                                                                                                               The Catoctin Banner, and your photo
            encourages youth to become missionaries of Christ        Villa St. Michael, and at the Seton Thrift Store; and     could be included in a future issue. E-mail
            through outreach to their communities. The Mother        spending time with the residents at St. Catherine’s       your photo, along with the details of
            Seton School chapter is one of only four U.S.-based      Nursing Center.                                           where you traveled, name(s) of person(s)
                                                                                                                               pictured, and any details you would like
                                                                                                                               to add, to:[email protected].
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