Page 32 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 32

Page 32             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by

                                     Murphy’s Law

                                                                                       agent got involved, and we’re         easier for me to get in and out when
                                               by Valerie Nusbaum                      waiting for a new claim. I imagine    my hands are full.
                                                                                       we’ll be waiting a long time. We had     We discovered ants in our pantry.
                                                                                       our contractors replace the basement   The pantry got a good cleaning,
                                                                                       doors anyway. It had to be done,      all opened food is now stored in
               When people are going through      decided to stop at the garage to     and the doors are really nice ones.   containers and plastic bags, and we
            a major ordeal, one would hope        check since I had a long drive ahead    The dryer hose managed to          have an exterminator on retainer.
            that the fates would be kind and not   of me and the wind was trying to    separate itself from the dryer and       I got four new tires and found
            pile on more trials and tribulations.    shove me off the road. The first   blew lint all over the laundry room.    out that I need new brakes, and that
            Such has not been the case for us     mechanic refused to put air in my    We’re lucky we didn’t have a fire. I   was just after Randy had a flat tire
            recently.                             tires, but he did point out that I   had been telling Randy that the hose   on the way home. He was lucky he
               Does anyone remember that          needed new ones. Dry rot. At this    needed to be cleaned, so now that’s   wasn’t on the highway. It happened
            terrible wind storm we had back       point, I was ready to sit in a corner   done. The laundry room is clean and   right in front of our house.
            at the beginning of March? Yes, I     and cry, but I still had to see my   shiny, too, and I’m looking at new       My toilet isn’t working, Mom’s
            know that March is supposed to        doctor, get a shot, check on Mom,    dryers.                               oven caught fire, and the last two
            come in like a lion, but did we really   and pick up Randy. By the time I     While our yard was being           times I’ve tried to meet my cousin
            need a whole pride? I remember it,    got to Mom’s, I was a mess, and she   mowed and trimmed, a rock hit        Tricia for lunch, I’ve had to cut it
            vividly. It was a Friday, and Randy   suggested going back to the garage   our front storm door glass and        short and go to a funeral.
            was in the hospital in Towson. I      to get air in my tires. The lady (and   shattered it into 10,000 little pieces.    Honest, I’m doing my best to
            had been staying down there in the    I use that term loosely) at the garage   I discovered it when I opened     be positive and focus on the good
            family housing, but I came home       desk was downright hostile, but I    the interior door and a sucking,      things. I found eight cents in the
            on Thursday evening because I         had taken my mommy with me and       whooshing sound let me know that      parking lot the other day, and never
            had an appointment on Friday.         she set her straight. Mom’s friend,   something bad was about to happen.    mind that the clerk inside the store
            Randy called me early on Friday       Mike, put some air in the tires      I was able to shove the interior      was horribly rude to me. What
            morning and said that his surgeon     for me. He also pointed out that I   door closed just in time to keep the   I’m trying to say is that life is all
            was releasing him, and he needed      needed new ones. The good news       glass shards from cascading down      about how we look at it. I’m trying.
            me to pick him up. No problem. I      was that Randy was coming home       on me. I had never liked the storm    Really, I am.
            had to drive to Brunswick for my      and all the hassles were worth it to   door because it was so heavy. Now
            appointment and to check on my        get him here, and even though I’m    we have a much lighter one, and it’s   P.S.  Thank you, Barb Barbe!
            mom, and I’d head to Towson after     old, and she’s older, my mother still
            that. I went down to the basement     goes to battle for me.
            to get some bottled water and           We had some roof damage
            happened to feel a draft. I was none   from the wind storm, too, so we
            too happy to discover that the wind   decided to file an insurance claim
            had blown our storm door off the      for the roof and basement doors.
            frame and had knocked out the         The adjuster who worked our case
            glass panel. The interior door was    wasn’t happy that we went ahead
            nearly shoved inward, too. I did the   and had the roof fixed by our own
            best I could to shore things up, but I   contactor, but we were glad we did
            had to leave it and head out.         because the roofers did the repairs
               On my way to Brunswick, a light    the day before we had the blizzard.
            came on in my car, telling me that    Randy and the adjuster went a
            my tire pressure was low. I hoped     few rounds, and our claim was
            it was due to the cold weather, but   eventually denied. Our insurance

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