Page 36 - January Banner 2018_Neat
P. 36

Page 36             January 2018                               The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

             Our Neighborhood Veterans

                                                                                                                       Photos Courtesy of Chuck Caldwell
                                                              by James Rada, Jr.       County Ohio                                               war, Chuck’s
                                                                                       Hobby Exposition,                                         first thought
                                                                                       with a diorama of                                         was that he
                                                                                       the railyard scene                                        now had an
                                                                                       in Gone With                                              excuse to do
                       T h e L i v i n g h i s To ry                                   the Wind. The                                             poorly on his
                                                                                                                                                 exams. Then
                                                                                       display featured
                     o f C h u C k C a L dw e L L                                      four hundred                                              as he realized
                                                                                       different clay
                                                                                                                                                 what he was
                                                                                       figures, in addition                                      thinking, he
                                                                                       to the ones he                                            felt shame.
               Chuck Caldwell and his father,     When he was finished, he had nearly   had drawn into                                              Chuck left
            George, came to Gettysburg,           fifty autographs in the book.        the background                                            school on
            Pennsylvania, on the last day of June   It’s a priceless piece of history   scenery. The                                             December 15,
            1938 for the 75  anniversary of       that he still cherishes.             piece was so                                              without even
            the Battle of Gettysburg. The town                                         popular that a                                            taking his
            decorated with banners, bunting,      A Talent For Art                     local department                                          finals. It didn’t
            and lights, and was so crowded that     Chuck was born in Princeton,       store displayed it                                        matter now. He
            the Caldwells couldn’t find a room    Illinois, in 1923. Because his father   in their window                                        headed home
            to stay in and spent their first night   was a minister, the Caldwells moved   to help attract                                       on the train to
            sleeping in a chicken coop. Chuck,    from town to town each time he       customers.                                                tell his parents
            who was fourteen years old, didn’t    took a new job. Although both                                                                  that he was
            mind because he had made it to        Chuck’s father and grandfather were   Becoming a                                               going to be a
            Gettysburg.                           clergymen, Chuck didn’t want to      Marine                                                    Marine.
               Chuck and his father visited       follow in their footsteps. That was     Chuck wasn’t large enough             The physical at the end of
            the Veterans’ Camp, which had         obvious from a young age.            to play football, but he was a        December was quick and basic. The
            been constructed on the north           “I was a pew climber in church,”   huge fan of the game, especially      minimum requirement for Marines
            end of Gettysburg College and         Chuck said. “I just wouldn’t sit     the University of Alabama team.       at the time was that they weigh
            some adjacent private property.       still.”                              Because of this, Alabama was his      at least 120 pounds and stand at
            Union Veteran tents were                With George preaching at the       only choice for college when he       least five feet six inches tall. Chuck
            located on lettered streets, from     front of the church, it fell to Ellen   graduated high school in 1941. He   became a Marine by one pound and
            Biglerville Road to Mummasburg        Caldwell to keep her ears open       even became the freshman football     half an inch.
            Road. Confederate Veteran tents       to the sermon and her eyes on        team manager.                            He made it through five weeks of
            lined numbered streets, from          young Chuck, as he would crawl          “I got picked on by the players    basic training at Parris Island, South
            Mummasburg Road to the Reading        over, under, and across the pews,    because I was small. It was all       Carolina, and shipped out to New
            Railroad. Only about 2,000            disturbing nearby churchgoers.       right, though, because I was part     Zealand, knowing that he was going
            Veterans had made it to the reunion,    His mother finally stopped trying   of the team. I was part of the Great   to be fighting in the war.
            although tens of thousands more       to make her son sit down. Instead,   Crimson Tide.”                           “I wasn’t scared,” Chuck said.
            people were in town.                  she gave Chuck paper and a pencil       Chuck worked hard and long         “I was going to take part in real
               “It was a thrill to be able to see   and let him draw, hoping to focus   hours. Unfortunately, most of that   history.”
            both armies together at one time,”    his attention elsewhere.             time was spent with the football
            Chuck said. “It was just too much. I    It worked. Chuck became so         team. As Chuck grew skeptical         WWII
            would have walked from home to be     focused on creating something on     about his chances of passing his         Chuck’s early months in the
            there.”                               the sheet of paper that the only     classes, he decided that he needed    Pacific involved a lot of sailing, from
               When Chuck met a Veteran,          part of him moving during the        a plan in case he wouldn’t be         one island to another, but then on
            he would get the man to sign his      service was his hand. He still wasn’t   returning to the university after the   November 2, 1942, he landed on
            autograph book and write down his     listening to the sermons, but at     Christmas break.                      Guadalcanal to reinforce a group of
            hometown and unit. Chuck also had     least he wasn’t disturbing everyone     On December 1, he enlisted in      Marines who had been fighting the
            his picture taken with the Veteran.   around him.                          the U.S. Marine Corps. All that was   entrenched Japanese for weeks.
            Chuck later added some flourishes,      Chuck won his first art            left for him to do was to pass his       He spent the next five months on
            such as a Union or Confederate flag.   competition at the 1940 Wayne       final physical. He arranged it so that   the island, fighting occasionally, and
                                                                                       he wouldn’t be inducted until after   dodging bombs from almost daily
                                                                                       Christmas.                            air raids. Japanese bombers would
                                                                                          On Sunday, December 7, Chuck       fly from ships surrounding the island
                                               Self Storage                            was actually studying when his        to drop their bombs. The goal was
                                                                                       roommate rushed into the room
                                                                                                                             to destroy the runway on Henderson
                                                                                       shouting that the Japanese had        Field, in the hopes of keeping the
                                                                                                                             Marines on the ground.
                           Need Room?            NEW!       PORTABLE STORAGE           bombed Pearl Harbor. Chuck            nerves on edge, especially at night
                                                                                       was stunned. He knew from his
                                                                                                                                The raids kept the Marines’
                             Too Much Clutter?                                         roommate’s tone that something        when they couldn’t see the planes
                                                                                       was wrong, but he wasn’t quite sure
                                                                                       what.                                 coming.
                                   Affordable                                             “Where’s Pearl Harbor?” Chuck         Some mornings, they would
                                  Self Storage                                         asked.                                find odd footprints from people
                                                                                                                             wearing tabis in camp. These were
                                                                                          They had to dig out an atlas to
                                    can store                                          locate Pearl Harbor.                  Japanese tennis-shoe-type boots that
                                    it for you!       CALL FOR MORE DETAILS!              As the realization settled on      separated the big toe from the rest
                                                                                       Chuck that the Japanese had           of the toes. Chuck realized that the
              NOT JUST FOR PUBLIC!                  Conveniently located on Maple Dr.  attacked the United States and
             For Business Too! Call today!  301-271-7455 Across from Thurmont Feed Store  that the two countries were now at   … Story   continued on page 37
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