Page 39 - December Banner 2018_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper December 2018 Page 39
Beauty Salon
by Buck Reed 21 Meadow Lane • Thurmont
The 301-271-4551
Gourmet Senior Citizen
Perms $30
Tue 1 - 8 p.m. • Thu 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Fri 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Holida y Bakin g Call 301-271-4551 for appointment.
Please leave message after 4 rings.
Most cooks believe good baking Coming up with an idea of what
is nothing more than accurately you want to bake depends on your
measuring the ingredients, mixing comfort level. It also depends on
them up, and throwing the finished the reasons you are baking. If you
product in the oven. And, of are making holiday gifts, you might The Catoctin Banner
course, those of us who do bake want to make cookies, while others The Community’s Good News Newspaper
know these people are wrong in might want to make a quick bread.
this belief. Armed with nothing If you are entertaining, a cake or Advertise Your Business or Event
more than a good recipe and a few some pies might fit the bill. Or, if • Full Color •
ingredients, these people are like you are going to party or dinner Affordable • Effective
kamikazes; they may get the results at someone else’s home, you might • [email protected] •
they want, but it probably won’t want to throw together a yule log
work out too well for them along cake or a bread pudding. Feeling
the way. bold? Try a Panettone (an Italian
What most people who bake type of sweet bread loaf, originally
do realize is that baking takes a from Milan), if you think you can
mastery of a few basic mixing manage the yeast-raised Italian
methods, along with some special confection. It even has a great story
techniques and a little finesse. Like to go with it.
anything worth doing well in this Another idea that can make the
world, good baking takes a little right statement is making fudge. For
knowledge and practice. Until you the novice fudge maker, you must
get these techniques down, you will have your act together tight. There
need to practice. Bake sales, parties, are more than a few steps, but only
picnics, any excuse you can come three or four must be done with any
up with, is a good time to try your real accuracy. Cooking sugar to a
hand on what might become your candy stage is not for the faint of
signature holiday sweet. heart, but once you get it down, you
Next is getting organized. Of may well find it could become your
course, you will need a clean signature dish that you can whip up
kitchen with the equipment you with little or no effort.
need in easy reach. Make sure the A final thought is that you may
equipment you don’t need is put not need to bake something at all.
away or temporarily taken out of Try your hand at measuring and
the kitchen. If you are working in make a signature baking mix you
batches, then get a system down can put in a jar, decorate, and add a
where you can do the different recipe for the recipient to bake it up
steps at the same time. for themselves. There just might be
Make a list of the ingredients something to this measuring thing.
and how much you will need. Baking something up for
Purchasing extra isn’t a problem someone takes time and effort, but
if you can properly store it and if done with love and care, it can
it has along shelf life; think flour brighten someone’s holiday.
and sugar over eggs and milk. Need a recipe or idea for any
Purchasing bigger lots or packages of these holiday ideas, drop me
can save you money, but only an email at RGuyintheKitchen@
if you can use most of them up Otherwise, have a great
completely. holiday.
Pets Bring So Much to Our Lives. They make us healthier, they keep
us active, they brighten our mood, and so much more. We want to see
your “adorable” photos of your pet. Send in your “best photo” of your
“best buddy” and your pet could be “Pet of the Month” in a future issue!
E-mail your pet photo, along with pet’s name, pet’s owner’s name(s), breed,
age, personality traits, and any additional information that you would like
us to know about your “best buddy,” to: [email protected].