Page 20 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 20

Page 20             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                                                                                                                                                    from left
                                                                                                                                                    are Randy
                               by Theresa Dardanell                                                                                                 Eyler, Harold
                              Depar tment                                                                                                           Butch West,
                                                                                                                                                    Lee Hanvey,
                                                                                                                                                    Tim Eyler,
                                     Spotlight                                                                                                      and Kelly

            Thurmont Public W orks Department

               Everyone in the Thurmont             Flexibility is required when       state and federal drinking water      and trimming trees around power
            Public Works Department believes      daily jobs are put on hold so that   regulations. Their goal is to provide   lines.
            in the importance of cooperation,     employees can work on special        residents with a safe and dependable
            teamwork, and flexibility. These      events. Almost any activity in town   supply of drinking water.            Wastewater Treatment and
            standards ensure that the residents   involves members of the department.                                        Collection Department
            of Thurmont can depend on the         Colorfest is the event that requires   Streets and Parks Department           Superintendent Randy Eyler,
            department, which is headed by        the most staff, but employees are       Supervisor Tim Eyler, along        Diana Willard, Troy Wastler, and
            Superintendent Butch West, and        also essential during the carnival,   with employees Steve Nicholson,      Jeff Kilby work together to maintain
            consists of several divisions with    parade, concerts in the park,        Colby Savage, and Russell Sanders,    the treatment plant, which has the
            seventeen full-time employees.        Halloween in the Park, Christmas     work together to maintain and         capacity to treat one million gallons
            I recently met with West and          decorating, Fun Fest, and more.      repair twenty-three miles of          a day, as well as the collection
            department heads: Water                 Cooperation is apparent between    paved and unpaved streets, as         system, which consists of about
            Superintendent Harold Lawson,         Public Works Department employees,   well as sidewalks. They also          2,700 taps. They make sure that all
            Streets and Parks Supervisor Tim      the town office staff, the elected town   maintain Community Park, East    state and federal regulations are met,
            Eyler; Electric Supervisor Lee        officials, the Police Department,    End Park, Eyler Park, Carroll         and do all paperwork and required
            Hanvey; Wastewater Treatment          and the residents.  The departments   Street Park, Pleasant Acres Park,    lab testing in house.
            Superintendent Randy Eyler; and       work together to help citizens of the   Orchard Hills Park, Ice Plant
            Zoning and Utility Inspector Kelly    community stay informed and keep     Park, Woodland Park, Memorial         Projects
            Duty.                                 safe.  Information is available on   Park, and the Square Park with           Zoning and Utility Inspector
               Teamwork is important.             the town website, Facebook page,     the help of seasonal employee         Kelly Duty performs inspections,
            Although each department has          and channel 99. Emergency help is    Josh Sevario. These parks provide     handles building permits, maintains
            separate responsibilities and all     available around the clock by calling   residents with athletic fields, picnic   records, and supervises contractors
            employees perform individual          301-271-7313.                        pavilions, hiking trails, tennis      working with the Public Works
            duties, they are all willing to         West believes that experience      courts, basketball courts, and other   Department. She is also the project
            work together, especially during      is also an important factor in the   recreational facilities.              manager for many of the special
            emergency situations. West said that   success of the department. He has      “There are people who travel       projects handled by the department.
            if someone in town does not have      been with the department for over    for miles to come up and enjoy        Some of the recent projects include
            water or electric, they stop what     forty years. The other supervisors   the Community Park. They bring        the Moser Road bridge near the
            they are doing and get to it right    have also been with Public Works     their kids and let them play on the   library, the food bank parking
            away. Lawson would like residents     for many years: Randy Eyler for      equipment. They say they are well     lot, and the Eyler Road Park
            to know that they try very hard to    thirty-four years, Tim Eyler for     maintained and that we are doing a    improvements.
            work on a maintenance schedule,       thirty-nine years, Lawson for        good job,” said Tim Eyler.               Upcoming projects include the
            but emergencies require that they     twenty-seven years, and Hanvey for                                         Trolley Trail paving and the Moser
            respond immediately.                  eleven years.                        Electric Department                   Road sidewalk project.
                                                                                          According to Supervisor Hanvey,
                                             Water Department                     the job of the Electric Department
                                                    The Water Department consists of
                                                                                       is “to make sure the lights stay on.”
                                           Superintendent Lawson, along with    Hanvey, Garrett Ridenour, and Joe
                                                                                       Lucas work as linemen, and Brad
                                                  employees Lynn Bass and David
                                                  Stevens. They maintain and repair
                                                                                       Weddle is the meter technician.
                                                  twenty-five miles of distribution    West said that Thurmont is one
                    system piping, as well as 2,500      of the few municipalities to have
                                        residential and commercial water     their own electric company. The
                                      meters; they treat approximately     department serves approximately
                                                                                       6,000 residential and commercial
                                                  half a million gallons of water a day
                    from five wells and three treatment   customers. Jobs include reading
                                                  plants to ensure that the water meets   meters, installing electric service,
              September Special
                French Manicure
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