Page 7 - October Banner 2017_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper October 2017 Page 7
A r o u n d town
54 Annual Catoctin Colorfest Peaceful Thursdays at Harriet Chapel
The much-anticipated annual Catoctin Colorfest will be held on October On the first Thursday of the month, from now until February, you are
14-15, 2017, in the Community Park on Frederick Road in Thurmont, from invited to bring a sandwich to Harriet Chapel on Catoctin Furnace Road in
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is free, and shuttle bus service is available. Colorfest Thurmont at noon to have a peaceful break, watching and discussing a video
is a nationally recognized juried arts and craft show, which also features great series by Max Lucado, called Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic
food, entertainment, and much more. View the advertisement on page 13 for World. Each person will get a coloring book and markers for a relaxing
more information. activity as you watch the video. The first Thursday will be October 5. Drinks
and snacks will be provided. If there is enough interest, an evening group will
Come Out to the Job Fair be formed. You can help by calling 301-271-4554 to register so there will be
enough books, but registration is not necessary. View the advertisement on
Are you looking for a job? Would you like to change career paths? Mark page 44 for more information.
you calendar for the free Job Fair on October 9, 2017, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.,
at Mother Seton School in Emmitsburg. Meet employers, network with Mountain Fest & Car Show
others, show off your skills, and more. The event is sponsored by Seton
Center, Mount St. Mary’s University, and Frederick County Workforce Mark your calendar for Mountain Fest, October 14-15, 2017, from 8:00-
Services. View the advertisement for more information on page 24. 4:00 p.m., at Sabillasville Elementary School. The Car Show will be held
on Sunday, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Additional vendors are wanted. View
Class of 2018 CHS Safe & Sane Events the advertisement on page 4 for more details and for contact information if
you’re an interested vendor.
Support the Catoctin High School Class of 2018 Safe & Sane by coming
out for their upcoming October fundraising events: Dining for Dollars on Friday Night Bingo at Event Complex
October 6 and November 3 at Roy Rogers in Thurmont, from 5:00-8:00 p.m.;
Cash Bingo on October 28; and Paint Night w/Laura Day “Let the Sun Shine” Bring your friends and family out for a fun night of Bingo, held every
on November 11, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. View the advertisement on page 33 for Friday night at the Thurmont Event Complex. Play Bingo and enjoy some
ticket prices and more information about these upcoming events. great food, served by Thurmont Ambulance Company volunteers. View the
advertisement on page 45 for more details.
Live Entertainment at Mountain Gate Family
Restaurant Fall Fest Cafe Luncheon at St. John’s
Enjoy live entertainment by Forever Young while dining at Mountain Gate Lutheran Church
Family Restaurant in Thurmont on Mondays, from 6:00-9:00 p.m., as well A Fall Fest Cafe Luncheon will be hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church
as Gospel Sings (seating begins at 6:00 p.m.; buffet dining only) on October Parish Hall Creagerstown on October 14, 2017, from 12:00-5:00 p.m. The
3 (Daystar), October 17 (Damascus Road Trio), and November 7 (Bluegrass menu for eat-in or carryout is slippery pot pie, country ham pot pie, soups,
Chapel Band). View the advertisement on page 18 for more information. sandwiches, homemade pepper slaw, an array of baked goods, sweet tea, and
coffee. October 6 is the deadline for carryout orders of pot pies and soups,
Rocky Ridge Country Butchering at $6.00 a quart. E-mail [email protected] to place an order
or call Betty 301-667-4380. View the advertisement on page 31 for more
The Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company is holding a Country Butchering information.
on November 19, 2016, at 13527 Motters Station Road in Rocky Ridge. A
pancake breakfast will be served from 6:00-10:00 a.m. Orders must be picked Outdoor S.T.E.A.M. Lab at Thurmont Regional
up between 6:00-10:00 a.m. View the advertisement on page 30 to find out
how to place your order (orders must be placed by November 12). Library
Come and explore S.T.E.A.M. concepts in nature on the library’s deck on
Thurmont’s Halloween in the Park Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. View the advertisement on page 53
for more details.
This year’s much-anticipated Halloween in the Park will be held on
Saturday, October 28, 2017, at 6:00 p.m., at Thurmont Community Park.
Admission is $3.00 and a canned food donation. Event features haunted Chicken BBQ
hayrides, a haunted house, a magic show, face painting, refreshments, and
much more! View the advertisement on page 25 for more information. Drive to Weis Markets in Thurmont on Thursday, October 12, 2017, for
a Chicken BBQ, from 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (or until the chicken runs out).
Meals are $8.00, which include quarter chicken and two sides. Proceeds benefit
Lacie’s Legacy 12 Annual Memorial Walk CHS Cross Country Track & Field. View the advertisement on page 28 to find
out how to pre-order today!
Lacie’s Legacy 12th Annual Memorial Walk will be held on Saturday,
October 21 at Carroll Valley Park in Fairfield, Pennsylvania. Registration
begins at 10:00 a.m. Bring the family out for lots of fun activities, including EOPCC Retro Rockets Dance
silent auction, raffles, and more!. View the advertisement on page 43 for more Mark you calendar for the Retro Rockets 50’s and 60’s Dance on November
11, 2017, from 7:00-11:00 p.m., at the Emmitsburg Ambulance Hall in
Emmitsburg. Dance to Chuck Berry, Etta James, The Drifters, and more! View
Rocky Ridge Weekly Money Bingo the advertisement on page 30 for more information.
The Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, located on Motters Station Road
in Rocky Ridge, will be holding weekly Money Bingo every Saturday evening Go to page 9 to play the Where Am I? and Hidden
in November 2017 through April 2018. Bingo features a guaranteed jackpot, Object games! You could be the next winner
two progressive jackpots, and Rocky Ridge Special. View the advertisement on of a gift certificate to one of our advertisers!
page 23 for more information.