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Page 10 October 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
B u s i n e s s news
Milestone Hypnosis Opens in Time Out Float Center Opens Soon
Thurmont in Catoctin Area
Deb Abraham Spalding Deb Abraham Spalding
Sharon Edmondson (pictured Hoping to get some Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding
right) became a certified relief from a pain or injury?
hypnotherapist in 2001. Around What about improving your
that time, while visiting Dr. John cardiovascular health and
Hagemann at the Center of Life reducing stress and anxiety?
Chiropractic Center, he shared his Maybe a good night’s rest is what
vision of The Center of Life Holistic you are trying to find. Floating is
Center that has since come to be. an increasingly popular form of
Sharon’s hypnotherapy office is now therapy that can help. And, it’s
open in the Holistic Center, located at much more exciting than going
103 Park Lane in Thurmont. to the doctor’s office or standing
She currently has a clinical in the prescription line.
certification in trans-personal The Time Out Float Center
hypnotherapy, where she engages will be located at 224 N. Church
mind, body, and spirit. To prepare for Street in the Thurmont Plaza. Michael Blevins is shown in front of his Time Out Float
a session, Sharon works with each The projected opening is January, vehicle, equipped to transport wheelchair-bound
client to develop a plan to achieve and with the holidays coming up, individuals to give them access to float therapy services.
goals during the therapy. owner Michael Blevins, wants
Formerly a food and beverage folks to be in the know because he’s not know exist. At that point, the
manager, turned event planner, offering a pre-opening member sign- possibilities are endless!
Sharon just received an advanced Many people can’t identify a specific up special: a FREE float session. It’s Michael is the only light therapy
hypnotherapy certification and will problem like an obvious addiction. as simple as visiting the website and service center in the state of Maryland.
complete her master’s certificate to Be assured, you don’t have to know signing up. There are only thirty-five light therapy
allow for a broader range of therapies. what’s wrong, just your direction. Blevins grew up in Thurmont. A providers in the United States.
Therapies range from relief from Together with Sharon, you can achieve dog trainer, steam fitter, and paint The Center’s space will be fully
addictions, to weight loss, pain relief, even the ambiguous by identifying the welder by trade, he has shifted his renovated, with six tank rooms that
stress relief, ending bad habits, and end goal. Your subconscious mind life’s goals, as a result of a spiritual have showers. A restroom is located
a relief from obsessive compulsive wants what’s best for you. Hypnosis awakening that took place for him outside of the room. The float takes
tendencies. “These are all learned talks to your subconscience mind while about eighteen years ago. Now, he has place in a highly concentrated Epson
behaviors,” she explained, “We aren’t the logical mind is in an altered relaxed clear direction to help other people Salt bath, in a big fiberglass tank that
born with these behaviors. Hypnosis state. and has attended the Monroe Institute has a lid.
helps us to allow a healthy behavior In comparison to the group in Virginia for training. He has also When you enter the Time Out
to replace the harmful behavior.” weight-loss or smoking cessation, completed an apprenticeship at the Float Center, a receptionist logs you in,
When hypnotized, a person hypnotherapists you may see Chrystal Waters Float Spa in Tolle, walks you to the room, and explains
simply achieves a very deep level advertised at local hotels for group Utah. what to do during the float. You
of relaxation with a focused intent. sessions, Sharon said, “Nine out of ten By opening the float center, he is shower before you enter the tank, so
It is not a trance. You are always people in a group setting don’t get it. creating a facility where his clients can you don’t get oils in the tank, and you
in control with hypnosis. You can That leaves ninety out of a hundred work to achieve desired results in many shower when you get out of the tank,
always come out of the relaxed state. thinking hypnotherapy will not work, different areas of their lives. You can so you don’t leave with salt residue on you.
A hypnotherapist gives positive that it’s a circus act.” simply lie back in the magical waters of A chemical injection pump cleans
suggestions to implement the change. For clients under a doctor’s care, the float pod and receive the wonderful the tank water between clients.
Sometimes it takes a few sessions to hypnosis can help to compliment a healing properties of the Epson salts. Shampoo, conditioner, soap dispensers,
interrupt a behavior. You need to doctor’s regimen. Pain in our bodies In addition to float therapy, Time and towels are provided. When
reinforce the suggestions to make tells us that something isn’t right. So, Out Float Center will provide light finished in the tank room, you exit the
them stick. a client may say to Sharon, “Here’s journeys by Lucia no3 and the Pandora room after dressing to free it up for the
Sharon, herself, was a patient of what my doctor said…” and share the star. Both are hypnogogic light next person. A styling room is the next
hypnosis for her smoking addiction. diagnosis so she can specifically set machines, capable of inducing altered stop, where you can do your hair, etc.
It took about three sessions to change goals for relief. A ten-year-old girl with states of consciousness. A special type The benefits of these therapies are
the behavior, but she never went back. irritable bowel syndrome was her most of audio guidance called Hemispherical many, including relaxation, meditation,
Hypnosis didn’t change the situation, significant success so far in her career. Synchronization® (Hemi-Sync for relief from pain, faster recovery from
it changed the way she reacted to the There are package discounts, new short), engineered and patented by injury, improved sleep and mood.
situation. She has never needed more customer discounts, and referral the Monroe institute in Virginia, can Everyone is a potential customer at
hypnosis sessions for smoking. She discounts. If you currently see Dr. be used for your light journey or your the Float Center. The customer just has
said, “Once it takes, you’re good.” John, or any of the massage therapists floating experience. It’s like meditation to have the intent to stop feeling bad
Sharon recommends a package of at Center of Life, you will receive a on steroids. and start feeling healthy and happy.
three sessions. During the first session, discount. “I want this to be affordable When someone chooses to go inside Anything is possible. Start the healing
the client is usually nervous and to many,” she explained. “I just love and do some work on themselves, process and feel the layers of stress fall
focused on what the hypnotherapist the holistic avenues. We can help so for whatever reason, it helps to away. It’s up to you. It’s always been
is saying, therefore not relaxed yet. many.” have some tools in your backpack up to you.
But the second time, the client is To contact Milestones Hypnosis, that you can use. Floating and the For more information, view the
more relaxed and focused on fixing reference the ad on page 8, visit light journey, combined with the advertisement on the back cover, visit
the behavior. In the third session,, call 240- audio guidance called Hemispherical FloatationTankTherapyInMaryland.
the client reinforces what has been 674-3071, or email milestonesgoals@ Synchronization®, gives the user a com, email [email protected],
learned. brand new set of tools that they might or call 240-549-4019.