Page 6 - October Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 6 October 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
A r o u n d town
Great Food and Great Surprises Help Benefit 3 Annual Gateway to the Cure 5K Run/Walk
Therapeutic Riding Register now for the 3 Annual Gateway to the Cure 5K Run/Walk on
Saturday, October 22, 2017, starting at Eyler Road Park in Thurmont.
Come have a great dinner Courtesy Photo Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. Drinks, snacks, and music will be provided.
and help raise funds for View the advertisement on page 5 for more details.
the Frederick County 4H
Therapeutic Riding Program. Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner
Have you started your
Christmas shopping? With Get your tickets today for the Silent Auction & Spaghetti Dinner at the
over 600 items to bid on, you Lewistown Fire Hall on Hessong Bridge Road in Frederick on Saturday, October
will surely find something for 28, 2017, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Enjoyo 50/50s, vacation raffles, cash beer and
that special person. wine, and much more! Event benefits Frederick County 4H Therapeutic Riding
Their Annual Silent Program. View the advertisement on page 25 for more information.
Auction/Spaghetti Dinner,
in memory of Carol 1950’s Night, Name That Tune
Devilbiss, will be held at
the Lewistown Fire Hall, Robbie Shaffer is pictured riding Reno, with Dennis Lewis Come out to the 1950’s Night Name That Tune on Friday, October 20, 2017,
from 5:00-8:00 p.m., on leading (both from Thurmont), and Dave Pheobus side starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Thurmont Main Street Center. Find out how many
Saturday, October 28, walking. songs you know from the roots of 1950’s rock & roll! View the advertisement on
2017. The event will also page 11 for more details.
feature 50/50s, vacation raffles, cash beer and wine, and more. Tickets are
$10.00 at the door and $8.00 if purchased from a member or at the farm. Call
the program office 301-898-3587 and leave a message for more information. Fall Fest at Harriet Chapel
Some of the items up for bid will be antique radios, weekend at the Outer Save the date for Harriet Chapel’s Fall Fest on October 12-14, 2017, at the
Banks, beginner snowboarding lessons, tickets to the MET, jewelry, Ravens church, located on Catoctin Furnace Road in Thurmont. Event features yard
and Orioles sports memorabilia, and much more. sale, bake sale, food, and more. View the advertisement on page 8 for more
The Frederick County 4H Therapeutic Riding Program provides more than information.
just an opportunity for special needs individuals to ride a horse. Its mission is
to incorporate the elements of physical and occupational therapy, education, Bingo — Money & Coach Bags
socialization, communication, self-reliance, and recreation into the riding
experience. View the advertisement on page 25. Come out for a good time at Bingo — Money & Coach Bags on October
22, 2017, at the Thurmont Event Complex. Doors will open at 11:00 a.m.,
Trinity UCC’s 4 Annual Veterans Day with Bingo starting at 1:00 p.m. Bingo features twenty-eight games total, with
fourteen games cash prizes, and fourteen games of Coach bags, plus tip jars door
Celebration & Luncheon prizes, cash bar, and more! View the advertisement on page 8 for more details.
Trinity United Church of Christ in Thurmont invites you to the 4 Annual
Veterans Day Celebration & Luncheon on Sunday, November 5, 2017, at Catoctin Gas Engine Show
11:00 a.m. Luncheon for all attendees will follow the service, from 12:30-2:00 Bring the family out to the Catoctin Gas Engine Show on October 7-8, 2017,
p.m.Veterans, and all others planning to attend, must RSVP by November 1 at the Wolfsville Ruritan Club in Myersville. See gas and steam engines, antique
with their information so that enough food can be planned for the event. Call tractors, cars and trucks, a sawmill demo, crafts, yard sale, food, and much
301-271-2305 or email [email protected]. Everyone is welcome! View more! View the advertisement on page 18 for more information.
the advertisement on page 47 for more details.
Graceham Moravian Church Family-Style Dinner
Guardian Hose Company’s Holiday Bazaar
Graceham Moravian Church in Thurmont is holding a Family-Style Turkey
The Guardian Hose Company’s Holiday Bazaar will be held on Saturday, & Fried Oyster Dinner on Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28. View
November 4, 2017, from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., at the Thurmont Activities the advertisement on page 13 for times and prices and visit their website at
Building at the carnival grounds. Crafters are needed; if interested, please
contact Patty at 301-788-0432. View the advertisement on page 23 for more
Wesley Chapel Art & Craft Show
Paint the Town! First Annual Thurmont Plein Don’t miss Wesley Chapel’s 15 Annual Art & Craft Show on Saturday,
Air October 28, 2017, from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., at the Urbana Fire Hall (indoor)
Event features sixty-five vendors, and will be serving breakfast and lunch. View
The First Annual Thurmont Plein Air is calling for all artists and art lovers the advertisement on page 16 for more information.
to come out to Main Street on Saturday, October 21, 2017, with your easel to
paint landscape of historic Thurmont. View the advertisement on page 12 for Fort Ritchie Community Center Fall Bazaar
more information.
Come and shop for gifts and home decor from over forty vendors at the
Fort Ritchie Fall Craft Bazaar on October 14, 2017, from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Thurmont Community Ambulance Company’s Admission is free. Call or stop in to get your space at the Bazaar. View the
Famous Apple Dumplings at Colorfest advertisement on page 38 for more details.
Don’t miss the best apple dumplings and ice cream at Colorfest, October
14-15, 2017! Visit the Thurmont Town Park and look for the Thurmont Notic of Public Hearing, Town of Emmitsburg
Community Ambulance Company’s booth. Also, this is the last call for tickets The Town of Emmitsburg will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday,
for the Gun Bash, being held October 7. View the advertisement on page 46 October 16, 2017, at the Town Meeting Room. View the advertisement on
for more information and for how to get your Gun Bash tickets today. page 4 for more information about the Hearing.