Page 4 - October Banner 2017_Neat
P. 4

Page 4             October  2017                                    The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                     Published by

                    T own  H all  R eports

                         S e p t emb er 2 0 1 7                                                              Thurmont

             by James Rada, Jr.                                                        Vote in the 2017 Town Election        been considering similar things to
                                                                                          October 3 is the last day to       promote development, and will be
                             Emmitsburg                                                register to vote for mayor and two    making some recommendations to
                                                                                       commissioners in the upcoming town    the town.
            Creamery Road to be Closed for          The Emmitsburg Commissioners       election. Absentee ballot applications
            VHC Spring Fling                      approved the temporary closure.      will be available on October 6, and   Colorfest Services Approved
               Anticipating that the Vigilant                                          the election will be held on October     Each year, the Town of
            Hose Company and Emmitsburg           Employee Handbook Changes            31 at the Guardian Hose Activities    Thurmont incurs costs related
            Ambulance Company will be               The Emmitsburg Commissioners       Building, located at 123 East Main    to Colorfest. These services are
            combined by the end of this year,     approved recommended changes         Street. Polls will be open from 7:00   security, trash, port-a-potties,
            next year’s Spring Fling for Vigilant   to the town employee handbook.     a.m.-8:00 p.m. Anyone in line at the   and buses. They are paid for with
            Hose Company will be held at the      Because it has been some years       time of closing will be permitted to   the permit fees that the Colorfest
            ambulance company building on         since it was last updated, the       vote.                                 vendors pay.
            Creamery Road. In the past, this      handbook needed to be brought into                                            This year, only one company
            event has taken place at Mount St.    compliance with current state and    Colorfest Parking Restrictions        submitted a bid for each service,
            Mary’s University and has drawn       federal laws. It also incorporated   and Road Closures                     and they are businesses that have
            crowds up to 2,000 people.            some best practices and was made        Colorfest will be held on October   worked with the town in the past.
               Vigilant Hose Company President    easier to read and understand.       13-15. With it, comes a lot of traffic   “They’ve always provided an
            Frank Davis asked the commissioners                                        that the town must accommodate.       excellent service for us, and they
            to close Creamery Road from           New Water and Sewer Truck            No parking will be allowed on the     are very dependable; they know
            Quality Tire to Creamery Way from     Approved                             east side of Apples Church Road,      Colorfest in and out,” said Chief
            10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the day      The Emmitsburg Commissioners       from Carroll Street to Eyler Road,    Administrative Officer James
            of the event next spring. It is felt the   voted in September to replace a   during the weekend. Thurmont        Humerick.
            closure is needed to deal with the    GMC Sonoma used by the water and     Police have been directed to strictly    May Security of Frederick will
            amount of traffic that will be in the   sewer department. The Sonoma was   enforce these restrictions. No parking   provide twenty-nine security guards
            area for the Spring Fling.            fourteen years old and had 110,000   will be allowed on East Moser Road,   and a supervisor for both days of
               Maryland State Highway             miles on it. The new truck will be   North Church Street, North Carroll    Colorfest at a cost of $13,224. This
            Administration has already given      a Chevy Silverado with a snow        Street, and all ramps leading onto    represents no increase over 2016.
            their approval since the closure is far   plow attached. The winning bid of   and exiting Route 15. The “No         Key Sanitation of Dickerson
            enough away not to impact traffic on   $46,996 came from Wantz Chevrolet   Parking” areas will be marked with    will provide the toilets at a cost of
            the state roads.                      in Taneytown.                        signs.                                $9,936, and trash service at a cost
                                                                                          The following streets will be      of $2,264. This also represents no
                                                  Work Continues On Dog Park           closed from 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.       change over 2016.
                                                                                       on Saturday and Sunday: Frederick
                                                    The grading for the new                                                     Rills Bus Service of Westminster
                                                  Emmitsburg dog park has been         Road (from Moser Road to Water        will provide eight standard buses
                                                                                       Street); Water Street (from Summit
                                                  completed. The town has also         Avenue to Main Street); S. Center     and one wheelchair accessible bus
                                                  received all bids to install the fencing   Street; Park Lane; Municipal Alley;   on Saturday and six standard buses
                                                  for the park, but has not yet accepted   Polley’s Alley.                   and one wheelchair accessible bus
                                                  a contractor to do the work.                                               on Sunday at a cost of $12,464.
                                                                                                                             This is an increase of $576 over
                                                                                       Commissioners Look to Spur            2016.
                                                  For more information on the Town of   Growth in Thurmont                      The commissioners unanimously
                                                  Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.     The Thurmont Mayor and             approved the bids.
                                                  gov or call 301-600-6300.            Commissioners have begun speaking
                                                                                       about ways to provide developers      Board of Appeals Vacancies
                                                                                       with “a little incentive for them to     Thurmont has openings for a
                                                                                       come to Thurmont and do some          regular member and an alternate
                                                  Take Us Along!   Send Photo/Details to:   development.” The town hasn’t seen   member on its board of appeals.
                                                          [email protected]   any significant growth since 2007.    Anyone interested in serving should
                                                                                          Currently, home builders have      contact the Thurmont Town Office at
                                                                                       to pay $12,660 in fees when they      301-271-7313.
                                                                                       make their application to the town
                                                                                       to build. Mayor John Kinnaird         Volunteers Needed for Halloween
                                                                                       suggested that some of the fees could   in the Park
                                                                                       be delayed. Some of these deferred       The Town of Thurmont is seeking
                                                                                       fees could be the impact fee, the     volunteers to help with the annual
                                                                                       wastewater impact fee, the roads      Halloween in the Park event. This
                                                                                       fee, and the parks fee. These could   year’s event will be held on October
                                                                                       be deferred until settlement since    28. If you would like to help, please
                                                                                       that is when the new home starts to   contact the town office at 301-271-
                                                                                       have an effect on these items.        7313.
                                                                                          The connection fees would still
                                                                                       need to be collected up front because
                                                                                       the town spends money to have its     For more information on the Town of
                                                                                       crews make the connections to the     Thurmont, visit or
                                                                                       town’s water and sewer systems.       call the town office at 301-271-7313.
                                                                                          Commissioner Bill Buehrer
                                                                                       said that the town’s Economic
                                                                                       Development Committee has also
                                                                                                                             [email protected]
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