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OCTOBER 2017     |   Vol. 22   |    Issue 10    |     Mail Run: 8,472    |     Total Print Run: 12,500

        Your Good News Community Newspaper, Serving Northern Frederick County, Maryland, Since 1995

            The Histor y and Myster y

                                      of McAf ee F alls                                                                                 by Deb Abraham Spalding

               The McAfee                                                                                                                    recreation.”
            family (pronounced                                                                                                               Wireman wrote in
            Mack-a-Fee),                                                                                                                     his book, Gateway
            originally from                                                                                                                  to the Mountains,
            the Island of Bute,                                                                                                              “On September 15,
            Scotland, settled first                                                    Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding                         1888, Archibald
            in Adams County,                                                                                                                 McAfee’s widow
            Pennsylvania,                                                                                                                    had sale and the
            and then staked                                                                                                                  property including
            a homestead in                                                                                                                   the Falls was
            Frederick County                                                                                                                 purchased by
            around 1774 on land                                                                                                              her grandson
            that is now known                                                                                                                Reuben McAfee,
            as Cunningham                                                                                                                    who maintained
            Falls. Daniel McAfee                                                                                                             ownership until
            was the original                                                                                                                 the property
            settler of this land,   Reuben McAfee, grandson of Archibald McAfee, stands at the top of   Robert McAfee (front), grandson of Reuben McAfee, stands at top of “McAfee   was acquired
            and transferred the   “McAfee Falls”. The original foundation of the McAfee homestead still   Falls” on July 15, 2017. Pictured from left: Jeff, Ashley, and Justin McAfee,   by the Federal
            ownership to his                    stands, not far from this site.           Bob and Robin Portner, Pauline McAfee, and Barbara and Jerry Grove.  Government
            son, David McAfee,                    the falls, and the original foundation   workers with the Works Progress                   in 1935, as
            in 1799. According to Professor       of the homestead still stands. The   Administration and Civilian           part of the Catoctin Recreation
            John Means in the 1995 printing       family owned the land until it was   Conservation Corps transformed        Demonstration Area. Later, the
            of his book, Maryland’s Catoctin      acquired by the Federal government   the area for recreational use. This   State of Maryland acquired an
            Mountain Parks, “‘Cunningham          in 1935.”                            area was, according to Thurmont’s     additional 250 acres of land from
            Falls’ and 350 acres surrounding it     The purchase of the land by        late official historian, George W.    the McAfees. This made a total
            were purchased on September 16,       the Federal government was part      Wireman III, “…one of 33 nation-      of 750 acres which the McAfees
            1807, by Archibald McAfee, Sr. The    of President Franklin Delano         wide federal demonstrations           surrendered for park use. At one
            McAfee family lived near the top of   Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” where        of submarginal land for public        … Story  continued on page 3 0

            Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding        Photo by Shelby Maly                  Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding         Photo by Shelby Maly

                 Stephanie Moreland was named     A martial arts demonstration was provided by   Gateway Candyland and Liquors purchased the   Competition was tough and fun during the
               Catoctin’s 2017-2018 FFA Ambassador.  Thurmont Academy of Self Defense students.  Youth Grand Champion Cake.            Kiddie Tractor Pull.
                                                                                        The 61  Annual Thurmont &
                                                                                        Emmitsburg Community Show
                                                                Residential Customer
                        E D D M
                       P A I D
                                                                                          Read about this year’s Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show, the
                                                                                   Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
                                                                                        area’s best on display! Find out Community Show results and see additional
                                                                                   515B East Main Street
                                                                                        photos on pages 20 and 21.
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