Page 46 - November Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 46 November 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Classifieds Community Calendar
Wanted how VIVIX Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic is a 3-8 p.m. Doors open 2 p.m. Prizes awarded
fight against cellular aging. All natural. Contact october every 15 min.; grand prize $3,000. $25/
Wanted: Any unwanted lawn mowers, tillers, Jeanne at 301-305-1466. person. Music by Back Roads. 301-447-
snowblowers, or yard items. FREE pickup. Call 27-28 .Family-Style Turkey & Fried Oyster Dinner, 2367.
301-271-4266. Services Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A 4 ......Story Hour, Blue Ridge Summit Free
Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs, Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. Oct. 27: 3-7 p.m.; Library, 13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge
Oct. 28: 1-6 p.m. $20/adult; $10/ages 6-10; Free/
Summit, PA. 11 a.m. With Miss Mary
postcards, photographs, advertising items, old Guitar Lessons with Brent. All levels, ages, and under 6. Carryout/$21. 301-271-2379. Anne. 717-794-2240. Also: Nov. 18.
signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts, styles. Over 25 years experi-ence. Learn in a low th
political items, guns, old holiday decorations, pressure, relaxed setting. Call, text or email at 240- 28 ....17 Annual Silent Auction/Spaghetti Dinner, 4 ......Monthly Money Bingo, Rocky Ridge Vol.
hunting & fishing items, jewelry and coins; gold, 586-1128 or [email protected]. Lewistown Fire Hall, Lewistown. 5-8 p.m. Fire Co., 13516 Motters Station Rd., Rocky
sterling, coin collections, etc., etc. Will buy one Complete pasta dinner, silent auction & Ridge. First Sat. of each month. Doors open
item, collection, or entire estate. 301-514-2631. Piano Lessons: Experienced professional musician live auction. $8/advance; $10/door. Benefits 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m. $500 & $1,000
and certified public school teacher. All ages; adults Frederick County 4H Therapeutic Riding jackpots at 57 numbers or less. www.
Donate your vehicle—any condition! Free towing, welcome. Located in Thurmont. Call or text Beth Program. 301-898-3587.
all proceeds benefit Catoctin Pregnancy Center. at 240-529-8108 or email [email protected]. 28 ....15 Annual Wesley Chapel UMC Art & 4 ......Slippery Turkey Pot Pie Dinner, Woodsboro
We are in need of donated clothing, sizes infant to Craft Show, Urbana Fire Hall (indoor), Lutheran Church, 101 S. Main St.,
5 years. Call 301-447-3391 for more information. Critter Care by Greta. Full Service care for all 3602 Urbana Pk., Frederick, MD. 9 a.m.-4
domestic and farm animals. Call for a quote. Woodsboro, MD. Noon–5 p.m. Turkey
Prices based on individual needs. Call Greta at p.m. Free admission & parking. 65 vendors; & ham, and pre-ordered country ham
serving breakfast & lunch.
For Rent 240-367-0035. 28 ....ESP Performing Company’s 7 Annual 5K sandwiches. $12/adult; $6/ages 6-10;
carryout $13; quarts of potpie $7; country
Denny Brown Custom Painting. Professional Walk/Run Fundraiser, Mount St. Mary’s ham sandwiches $4. Order quarts of pot
Condo at 125 Cody Drive #14 in Thurmont. brush and roll. Free estimates. 240-674-7788. University, Emmitsburg. 9 a.m. $25/adult; pie/sandwiches: 301-271-3309.
Completely renovated with lots of upgrades. See ad $15/students (includes custom Gnarly Artly 4 ......Turkey & Oyster Supper, Tom’s Creek
on page 36. $1,300/mo. Call Cindy Grimes at J&B Tire Pros of Frederick: Free 1 year roadside t-shirt). Register: ESP Performing Company United Methodist Church’s off Route 140
Real Estate at 301-788-5354. assistance, **lowest price guarantee** sell all dancer, in person at ESP Dance 15 Water between Taneytown and Emmitsburg on
major brands: Good Year, Michelin, Continental, St., or search ESP.
COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT: Thurmont Bridgestone, and more! Visit tireporsofFrederick. Tom’s Creek Church Rd. Noon-6 p.m.
202 E. Main St., 2000 Square Feet with loading com or call 301-663-6334. 28 ....Tween & Teen Halloween Lock-In, Blue Ridge $18/adult; $9/ages 5-10; Free/ages under 5.
dock. $1100/mo + utils. Owner: 301-565-0946. Summit Free Library, 13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Carryout: $19. Bake & craft table available.
Dottie 301-447-2403 or church office 301-
Ridge Summit, PA. Decorate pumpkins, play board
Licensed Commercial Hall Rental: Weddings, For Sale games, eat pizza, and watch Hocus Pocus (Rated 447-3171.
Banquets, Events of any kind. Call American PG). 7-11 p.m. Space for 15. 717-794-2240. 4 ......Fall Environmental Film Series: Before the
Legion at 301-271-4411. Seasoned Firewood. Call 301-271-4812. 28 ....Halloween in the Park, Thurmont Flood, Thurmont Main Street Center, 11 Water
Community Park, Thurmont. 6 p.m.. Benefits St., Thurmont. 2 p.m. Free. Discussion follows.
Thurmont Senior Center, evening and weekends. 1-3 week old heritage chicks for sale. $10 each. local food bank. Admission/$3 & canned food Info.: write Christine songbirdschant@gmail.
Call 301-271-7911. Located in Emmitsburg. Call/text 717-357-4521 donation. Haunted hayrides, haunted house, com. Sponsored by Catoctin Area Sierra Club
or email [email protected]. magic show, face painting, refreshments, non- and Thurmont Green Team.
Hall/Pavilion for Rent: Looking for a place for a scary children’s area! Raindate: Nov. 4.
meeting, reunion, reception, picnic, or party? St. Heating Oil. Needs to be pumped from tank, Just 4 ......STEM for Adults, Thurmont Regional
John’s UCC in Sabillasville rents its pavilion or purchased last year. Approx 100 Gal - 1.75/gal. 29 ....Celebration of Children’s Sabbath, Prayer and Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-2
parish hall. Contact Donna Smith at 717-762-5297. Call 240-405-0713, ask for Mike. Anointing for Healing, Graceham Moravian p.m.
Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont.
8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship 4 ......Mike’s Oldies Doo Wop Concert,
Emmitsburg Ambulance Social Hall, 17701
Help Wanted Fire wood $160/cord, $200 delivered within 15 10:30 a.m. All invited. 301-271-2379. Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. Doors open
mile radius. 301-304-2507.
30 ....Mackenzie’s Light Addiction Awareness 5:30 p.m.; concert 7 p.m. $50/person. Five
Now Hiring! Carriage House Inn Restaurant Hiring Black Walnuts $20/bushel. 301-304-2507. Program, Thurmont Regional Library, original pioneers of early Rock & Roll,
for Dining Room Manager. Apply within at 200 Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m. Meets Kathy Young, Ronnie Dove, The Mystics,
South Seton Avenue, Emmitsburg. 6 Townhouse lots for sale. Town approved. Plans last Monday of each month. Open to all Jimmy Clanton, plus Cameron Robertson,
included. Thurmont - Park Lane. Call 301-271- who are seeking information or have been and Mansour Spears (Elvis Tribute Artist)
Looking for an energetic, artistic, licensed hair 7363. impacted by drug abuse in the family. Becky & Brock Gonyea. Benefits Emmitsburg
stylist! Barbers and Braiders needed for two Freeze 301-524-8064 or Facebook. Community Heritage Days. 717-977-2960.
locations. PT/FT positions available. Call Rhonda Annual holiday gifts and green sale: November 31 ....Trick-or-Treat, Town of Thurmont. 6-7:30 4 ......Holiday Bazaar, sponsored by Guardian
for more details: 240-626-5701. 30, December 1-2 — 12th All Saints Episcopal p.m. Hose Co., Thurmont Activities Bldg.,
Journalism/Graphic Design, part-time, The Catoctin Church, 106 Church Street, Frederick. Thursday: 31 ....Trick-or-Treat, Parade & Party, Emmitsburg. Thurmont. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Crafters needed.
10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday & Saturday: 10 a.m.-4
Patty 301-788-0432.
Banner Newspaper. Email resume to deb@ p.m. Lunch available Thursday & Friday 11 5:30-6:30 p.m. Trick-or-Treat, 7:00 p.m. a.m.-2 p.m. Raffle with multiple prizes. Phone: Parade begins at Federal St. & DePaul St. Party 4 ......Open STEAM Lab, Thurmont Regional
301-663-5625. at Vigilant Hose Co. Fire House after parade. Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 4
p.m. Scientists from Fort Detrick bring
Notices Free november microscopes & other equipment for kids to
study plant disease.
How Would You Like To FEEL 25 Years 5 ......Christmas Craft Bazaar, Woodsboro
YOUNGER and LIVE 25 Years LONGER? Black Walnut Tree - Free for anyone who will 1 ......Coffee Club, Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, American Legion, 101 W. Elizabeth St.,
13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit,
Go to now! Read take it down. Call 301-514-6885. Woodsboro, MD. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Local
PA. 3:30-5 p.m. Food donations appreciated. vendors/crafters; face painting; food/baked
717-794-2240. Also: Nov. 8, 15, 29. goods. Proceeds benefit veterans and
2 .......Peaceful Thursdays at Harriet Chapel, community. 301-514-7164.
Catoctin Furnace Rd., Thurmont. Noon. 5 ......REVIVAL at Mountain View Ministries,
Bring sandwich; drinks & snacks provided. 103 Apples Church Rd., Thurmont. Willis
Register: 301-271-4554. Canada in concert at Sunday morning
3 ......Friday Night Bingo, Thurmont Event service: 10:30 a.m.; Pastor Robert Ledford
Complex, Stafford Dr., Thurmont. from Herald Chapel in Coeburn, Virginia,
Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m. www. speaking at Sunday evening service: 6 p.m. Nov 5.-8: Pastor Ledford speaking 7 p.m.
3 ......Dining for Dollars CHS Safe & Sane each evening. MVM 301-271-9088.
Fundraiser, Roy Rogers, Thurmont. 5-8 5 ......Veteran’s Day Celebration & Luncheon,
p.m. Mention Safe & Sane when ordering Trinity United Church of Christ, 101 East
& portion of bill will be donated to CHS Main St., Thurmont. Service 11 a.m.;
2018 Safe & Sane. luncheon 12:30-2 p.m. All welcome. RSVP
4 ......Community Yard Sale, Fort Ritchie (by Nov. 1): 301-271-2305 or e-mail
Community Center, 14421 Lake Royer Dr., [email protected].
Cascade, MD. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Spaces: $15/ 6 ......“Served with Grace” Free Community
space; $5/table. Spaces not reserved without Meal (first Monday each month),
payment. Vendors first come, first serve Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A
basis. Jaimie Paterson 301-241-5085 or Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m.
[email protected]. 301-271-2379. All invited.
4 ......Cash Bash, Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s 6 ......Lego & Wee Build Creation Night,
Parish Center, 103 Church St., Thurmont. Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676