Page 47 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 47

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November  2017            Page 47

                Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA. All   11 ....Holiday Bazaar, Wesley Chapel UMC,   17 ....Crab Cake Dinner, Catoctin FFA Chapter,   ages 7-10; Free/ages under 7. Carryout:  $22.
                ages welcome. 3:30-5 p.m. 717-794-2240.   3519 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD. 9 a.m.-  Guardian Hose Co. Carnival Grounds   Worship Sundays 9:30 a.m. with Pastor
                Also: Nov. 13 & 27.                   3 p.m. Located in Urbana, but mailing   Activities Bldg., Thurmont. 4:30-7:30 p.m.   Wayne.
            6 ......Clothes  Closet,  Thurmont  United  address is Frederick.              $15/dinner. Carryouts available. Benefits   24-25 ..Emmitsburg Family Barbershop &
                Methodist Church, 13880 Long Rd.,   11 ....Paint Night w/Laura Day “Let the Sun Shine,”   Catoctin FFGA National FFA Convention   Day Spa Open House, 21 E. Main St.,
                Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m. 301-271-4511.   Thurmont American Legion, Thurmont. 1-5   attendance. Denise 240-608-7080 or   Emmitsburg. Nov. 24: 4-8 p.m.; Nov. 25: 9
            6 ......Free Four-Week Baton-Twirling Course,   p.m. $45/person (includes pallet/materials).   [email protected].    a.m.-4 p.m. Oils, lotion & potion vendors,
                Emmitsburg Community Center Gym,      Cash bar, light snack provided & vendors.   17 ....Catoctin Voices Evening of Poetry Presents   refreshments, giveaways. 301-447-3660.
                South Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 7 - 7:45 p.m.   Lisa 240-422-1962.           Guest Poet Bert Barnett, Collier’s Log   25 ....Small Business Saturday, Thurmont. Day
                Mondays. Ages 5 & up. Email donito@aol.  11 ....Oyster, Turkey & Country Ham Dinner   House, 12607 Catoctin Furnace Rd.,   encourages all to shop at small businesses
                com or Donna Landsperger 240-405-2604.  (served buffet style), Faith United Church of   Thurmont. 7-9 p.m. Open mic readings   on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Special
            6 ......Zumba Gold (Senior version) Resumes,   Christ, 9333 Opossumtown Pk., Frederick,   precede. 301-418-3375.     events and promotions to help drive small
                Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,   MD. 301-271-7573.                17 ....Marie Free Seated Massage, Thurmont Sr.   business sales. This event raises awareness
                Thurmont. 10:15-11 a.m. $24/8 sessions or   11 ....Bingo, Mother Seton School, 100 Creamery   Ctr.,  806  E.  Main  St.,  Thurmont.  10:30   for  the  impact  of  buying  local.  www.
                $5/class. 301-271-7911. Also Nov. 13, 20, 27.  Rd., Emmitsburg. Doors open 5:30 p.m.;   a.m.-1 p.m. $1/minute. 301-271-7911.
            7 ......Line  Dancing,  Thurmont  Sr.  Ctr., 806  E.   games 7 p.m. $20/advance; $25/door.   17 ....Elly Jenkins Williams (Dept. of Aging),   25-26 ..Santa  Trains,  Walkersville  Southern
                Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 a.m. Free. 301-  Specials, concessions, raffles, door prizes &   Thurmont Senior Center, 806 E. Main   Railroad,  34 W.  Pennsylvania  Ave.,
                271-7911. Also: Nov. 14, 21, 28.      more. Coach & Vera Bradley bags. Terry   St., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up for   Walkersville, MD. 11 a.m., 1 p.m. & 3 p.m.
            7 ......Free Movie Day, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.   301-447-3161.              half-hour appt. to discuss Medicare/health   $16/adult; $15/seniors; $13/ages 1-12. 301-
                Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Call to see   11 ....Luncheon for Veterans, Thurmont American   insurance during open season. 301-271-  898-0899 or
                what is playing. 301-271-7911. Also: Nov.   Legion  Auxiliary,  8  Park  Ln.  (parking &   7911. Also: Nov. 28.    25-26 ..Shop ‘Til You Drop, Emmitsburg Vol. Amb.
                16, 21, 27.                           entrance accessed from Water St.), Thurmont.   17 ....Shirl Ollie Talk on Ambulance Subscription   Co.,  17701 Creamery Rd.,  Emmitsburg.
            7 ......Gospel Sing with Bluegrass Chapel Band,   Noon-2 p.m. Veterans/free; $5/family/guests;   Club  Program through  Frederick  County   Nov. 25: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Santa 1-3 p.m.);
                Mountain Gate Family Restaurant, 133   $3/ages 10 & under. 301-271-4411.   Fire & Rescue, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.   Nov. 26: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. (Santa 11 a.m.-
                                                                                                                                 1 p.m.) Crafters & vendors (Essential
                Frederick  Road,  Thurmont.  Seating  12 ....American Girl & Longaberger Basket   Main St., Thurmont. 301-271-7911.
                begins at 6:00 p.m. Buffet only, reservations   Bingo, Emmitsburg Vol. Amb. Co., 17701   18 ....Old Field Woodworking Christmas Open   Oils, LuLaRue, Mary Kay & more).
                recommended, not necessary. 301-271-4373.  Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. Doors open   House, 13333 Graceham Rd., Thurmont.
            7 ......Scherenschnitte Class w/Bill Hamman,   12:30 p.m.; games 2 p.m. $30 in advance;   10 a.m.-4 p.m. Handcrafted and original   26 ....51   Christmas  Concert,  Emmitsburg
                Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676   $35 at door. Linda 410-241-0479; Pam   designed furniture. 301-271-4439.  Community Chorus at the Basilica of Saint
                Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 6   240-472-3484.                 18 ....Rocky Ridge Vol. Fire Co. Country Butchering,   Elizabeth Ann Seton, Emmitsburg. 4 p.m.
                p.m. Please bring your knives & boards   12 ....“The Moosic Land Band” Gospel Music,   13527 Motters Station Rd., Rocky Ridge,   Free & open to public. Peggy Flickinger
                if previous students. Children must be   St. John’s Lutheran Church, 8619 Blacks   MD. Place orders before Nov. 10: Cindy 301-  [email protected].
                accompanied by adult. 717-794-2240.   Mill Rd., Creagerstown. 7 p.m.       271-4057; Gertie 301-271-4253.    26 ....Worship and Advent Workshop, Graceham
            8 ......VITT (very important teens & ‘tweens)   12 ....Sabillasville  Scenic  5K  Run/Walk,  18 ....Holiday Bazaar, Libertytown Fire Hall,   Moravian  Church, 8231-A  Rocky  Ridge
                Night, Blue Ridge Summit Free Library,   Sabillasville Elementary School, Sabillasville,   12027 South St., Libertytown. 8 a.m.-2   Rd., Thurmont. Activities for children &
                                                                                                                                 adults, candle-trimming, etc. 9:15 am. 301-
                13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit,   MD. Registration 8 a.m.; 5K Run 9 a.m.;   p.m. Sponsored by Libertytown Vol. Fire
                PA. 6-7:30 p.m. Hang out or play Wii,   1-Mile Fun Run 10 a.m. Registration/Info.:   Co. Auxiliary. Mary 301-401-2824.  271-2379. All welcome.
                board games, do puzzles, eat snacks, watch   [email protected] or 301-514-  18-19 .11  Annual Foothills Artists Studio Tour,   27 ....Mackenzie’s Light Addiction Awareness
                movies, make movies, etc. 717-794-2240.   3115. Benefits SES.              Fairfield, PA. Self-guided tour to ten artists   Program, Thurmont Regional Library,
                Also: Nov. 15 & 29.               12 ....Cash Bingo, Fort Ritchie Comm. Center,   and artisans in their homes & studios in a   Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m. Meets
            8 ......Free  Workshop “Credit Café,”  Seton   14421 Lake Royer Dr., Cascade. Doors   special  pre-holiday show/sale.  10  a.m.-5   last Monday each month. Becky Freeze
                                                                                                                                 301-524-8064 or see Facebook.
                Center, Emmitsburg. 4:30-7 p.m. Presented   open 11:30 a.m.; early bird games 12:45   p.m. both days.
                by InterFaith Housing Alliance of Frederick.   p.m.; reg. games 1 p.m.  19 ....Worship and Moravian Lovefeast for   27 ....Curious Minds featuring FCPL Maryland
                Registration required: 301-447-6102, ext.   13 ....Mackenzie’s Light (bereavement support   Thanksgiving,  Graceham  Moravian  Room  Manager  Mary  Mannix  hosting
                17 or  group), Thurmont Regional Library, Moser   Church, 8231-A Rocky Ridge Rd.,   Special  Genealogy  101  Workshop,
                build-your-resources/.                Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m. Discussion   Thurmont. 8 a.m. w/Bells of Grace    Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,
            8 ......Lunch & Learn, Myers Durboraw at   leader: Colt Black.                 Handbell Choir, 10:30 a.m. w/Hosanna   Thurmont. 2 p.m.
                Carriage House Inn, 200 S. Seton Ave.,   13 ....Free Prize Bingo, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.   Choir. Sunday School 9:15 am. 301-271-  30 ....Christine LoVetro Speaking on Legal
                Emmitsburg. 11:30 a.m. Learn about    Main St., Thurmont. 2-3 p.m. Sponsored   2379. All welcome.                Matters for Seniors & Ways to Protect
                options & benefits of Advance Funeral   by St. Joseph’s Ministries. 301-271-7911.  20 ....New Tween to Adult Anime.manga Club,   Yourself, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main
                Planning. Reserve your free meal & seat:   13-16 .Music Makers Series (ages 6-8), Thurmont   Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676   St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. 301-271-7911.
                Michelle Reichart 410-848-3933.       Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 1   Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 6   30 ....Adult Book Club Organizational Meeting,
            9 ......Outdoor S.T.E.A.M. Lab (ages 5-18),   p.m. or 4 p.m. 301-600-7200,  p.m. 717-794-2240.         Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676
                Thurmont Regional Library, Moser   14 ....Old-Fashioned  Basket  Bingo,  VFW  21 ....Summit Stitchers Quilt Club, Blue Ridge   Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA.
                Rd., Thurmont. 4 p.m. Enjoy & explore   Auxiliary Post #6658, Mother Seton   Summit Free Library, 13676 Monterey Ln.,   6:30 p.m. If interested in participating but
                S.T.E.A.M. concepts in nature on library’s   School, 100  Creamery  Rd., Emmitsburg.   Blue  Ridge  Summit,  PA.  5:30  p.m. New   can’t make this meeting, call 717-794-2240.
                deck.                   Doors open 5 p.m.; early birds 6:50 p.m.;   members & new projects welcome. Any   30 ....Indoor Yard Sale (as well as Dec. 1 & 2),
            9 ......FREE Disney Family Movie: Cars 3 (Rated   regular games 7 p.m. 301-524-9885.  skill level may attend. 717-794-2240.  Elias Lutheran Church, 100 North Ave.,
                G), Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676   14 ....Family Tunes and Tales: Symphony   21 ....Clothes  Closet,  Thurmont  United  Emmitsburg. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Toys,
                Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit, PA.   Storytime  w/Frederick  Symphony    Methodist Church, 13880 Long Rd.,     household items, books, bedding, curtains,
                Bring your pillows. 717-794-2240.     Orchestra, Thurmont Regional Library,   Thurmont. 10-11:30 a.m. 301-271-4511.  jewelry, clothing, glassware, etc.
            9 ......Free Blood Pressure Checks, Thurmont Sr.   Moser Rd., Thurmont. 6:30 p.m.   21 ....Community Thanksgiving Service, St. Paul’s   30 ....(Dec. 1-2) 12  Annual Holiday Gifts &
                Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 10 a.m.-  Performing classical music.  Evangelical Lutheran Church of Utica, 10621   Green Sale, All Saints Episcopal Church, 106
                noon. By Right At Home. 301-271-7911.  15 ....Workshop: Personal Boundaries & Healthy   Old Frederick Rd., Thurmont (Utica). 7   Church St., Frederick. Thursday: 10 a.m.-7
            9-11 .Used Clothing Sale, Elias Lutheran Church,   Communication, Seton Center, Inc., 16840   p.m. Speaker: Shannon Aleshire, Executive   p.m.; Friday (Dec. 1) & Saturday (Dec. 2):
                                                                                                                                 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Lunch available Thursday &
                100 North Ave., Emmitsburg. Nov. 9 & 10:   South Seton Ave., Emmitsburg. 5:30-7 p.m.   Director of the Frederick County Mental
                9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Nov. 11: 9:30 a.m.-noon.  Free. Registration required: Kelly Mays   Health Association. Sponsored by the   Friday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 301-663-5625.
            10 ....Art & Wine Stroll, downtown Thurmont.   [email protected]; 301-447-6102 x 17.  Thurmont Ministerium. Offering will support
                5-8 p.m. Local artists, wineries, & bakers   15 ....WW I Film & Last of Series, with showing   Thurmont Ministerium and the Mental Health   december
                                                                                           Association. All welcome. 301-788-2574.
                tucked inside of Man Street Businesses. Live   of  Gallipoli, with host Kiri McGhee,
                entertainment & wine tastings along your   Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,   22 ....Emmitsburg  Community  Thanksgiving  2 ......Breakfast w/Santa & Christmas Bazaar,
                stroll. Free.  Thurmont. 6 p.m.  Service, Incarnation United Church of Christ,   Mother Seton School, 100 Creamery Rd.,
            10 ....Open House, Center of Life Pilates Studio   15 ....Free Workshop “Personal Boundaries and   124 W. Main St., Emmitsburg. 7 p.m.   Emmitsburg. 8 a.m.-noon. Santa, door
                                                                                           Reverend Christopher Spruill. Offering at
                & Holistic Center, 103 Park Ln., Thurmont.   Healthy Communication,” Seton Center,                               prizes,  gifts,  crafters  &  more.  Breakfast
                5-8 p.m. Featuring Milestones Hypnosis.   Emmitsburg.  5:30-7 p.m. Presented by   service supports ECC; everyone encouraged to   prices: $7/ages 7-adult; $5/ages 3-6; Free/
                                                                                           bring item for Emmitsburg Food Bank (greatest
                 Sherry McClurkin, LCPC of Salt & Light   needs: toiletries, jelly, canned fruit). Sponsored   ages under 2.
            10 .....Live Model Drawing Session with Gnarly   Counseling. Registration required: 301-  by Emmitsburg Council of Churches (ECC).  5 ......29  Annual “An Evening of Christmas
                Artly, Thurmont Bar & Grill, Thurmont. 5-8   447-6102, ext. 17 or                           Spirit”, Emmitsburg. 6:00 p.m. Emmitsburg
                p.m. During Thurmont’s Art & Wine Stroll.  our-programs/build-your-resources/.  23 ....Thanksgiving Day Waddle Waddle, 1 Mile   Tree Lighting, center Square; 6:30 p.m. Santa
            10-11 .Fresh Pork Butchering, Wolfsville  Ruritan   16 ....DIY Twig Vase, Thurmont Regional Library,   Walk/5 Mile Run, Seton Center Outreach,   Arrives at Carriage House Inn; 7:00-9:00 p.m.
                                                                                           Emmitsburg Community Park, 328
                Club, 12708 Brandenburg Hollow Rd.,   Moser Rd., Thurmont. 5 p.m. Create natural   Mountaineers Way, Emmitsburg. $20/adult;   Entertainment at Carriage House Inn, South
                Myersville. Order: 301-293-2426 or    twig vase for your Thanksgiving table.   $10/ages 5-10; Free/Infants. Young children   Seton Avenue, Emmitsburg. Canned goods &
                [email protected].  Pickup: Nov.   Grades 6-12.          on bikes okay. Start time 8:00 a.m. (arrive   donations accepted for the Emmitsburg Lions
                10 (5-7 p.m.) or Nov. 11 (8-11 a.m.) at park.    16 ....Fall Environmental Film Series:  Bag It,   earlier to register). emmitsburgcares@gmail.  Club Christmas Food Drive.
            11 ....Retro-Rockets 50’s & 60’s Dance,   Thurmont Regional Library, Moser     com or Liz 301-801-8711.          12 ....Holiday Jolly Celebration, Thurmont
                Emmitsburg Ambulance Hall, 17701      Rd., Thurmont. 6 p.m. Free. Info.: write   23 ....125  Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner,    Regional Library, 76 East Moser Road,
                Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. 7-11 p.m. $15/  Christine  [email protected].  St. John’s Lutheran Church, Parish House,   Thurmont. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Holiday music
                advance; $20/door. BYOB. Melissa Wetzel   Sponsored by Catoctin Area Sierra Club   8619 Black’s Mill Rd., Creagerstown, MD.   by Frederick Community  Colege  Junior
                301-447-3797.                         and Thurmont Green Team.             11 a.m.-4 p.m. Fancy table. $20/adult; $10/  Flute Choir 12:30 p.m.
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