Page 41 - November Banner 2017_Neat
P. 41

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November  2017            Page 41

               Seni                        R                                                                                                 by John Dowling

               Hello everyone, hope you are                                                                                  Center, meet and say “Hi” to our
            enjoying the change of the seasons,                                                                              coordinator, Teresa, and sit and relax
            the crisp cool air of fall is upon us,                                                     October Birthday      at the puzzle table or relax in a soft
            and “Mr. Frost” will be visiting                                                           Party at Thurmont     chair with a book to read from our
            us soon. It is time to bring in your                                                       Senior Center         large selection.
            house plants or any garden items                                                                                    Happy Thanksgiving to all! Enjoy
            before the first frost comes-a-calling.                                                    Seated left is Barbara   all your blessings, and a grateful
                                                                                                       Roderick and seated
               Now is a good time for all of                                                           right is Kay Isanogle.   “Thank You” to everyone from all
            you who have never been to the                                                                                   of us here at the Center. More cards
            Thurmont Senior Center to come-a-                                                                                and games on November 24.
            calling and see what you have been                                                                                  On Tuesday, November 28,
            missing.  It is never too late to join                                                                           following exercise with Alice Eyler
            in on our many activities. There is                                                                              and Line Dancing, Ellie (Jenkins)
            something for everyone.                                                                                          Williams returns for half-hour
               To sign up for or to find out                                                                                 sessions, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Please
            more information about any of our                                                          Photo by Teresa Kempisty  call and make your appointment at
            activities, call 301-271-7911 or visit                                                                           301-271-7911.
            the Center.                           our new big screen TV. Call or stop   November 13, 20, and 27, is             Since we have five Wednesdays
               Wednesday, November 1, starts      by the Center to see what movies     Zumba. From 2:00-3:00 p.m., there     in the month of November, we
            us off with our first and third       are being shown in November. All     will be free “prize” Bingo to play,   will have a special 50/50 Bingo on
            Wednesday Bingo, starting at          movie showtimes start at 1:00 p.m.   sponsored by St. Joseph’s Ministries.   November 29 at 1:00 p.m., with
            1:00 p.m. Call 301-271-7911 on        Movie dates are as follows: Tuesday,   On Tuesday, November 14 (also       all proceeds going to benefit the
            Tuesday and order a hot lunch for     November 7; Thursday, November       November 28), is exercise with Alice   Thurmont Civitan Club to help with
            Wednesday’s Bingo. Our 50/50          16; Tuesday, November 21; and        Eyler at 9:30 a.m. At 10:00 a.m.,     their Phase 2 of the playground and
            Bingos are open to everyone who       Monday, November 27.                 come join in the fun of more Line     bathroom project. So, why not call
            loves to play Bingo. We always          On Tuesday, November 7, we         Dancing, followed by cards and        the Center on Tuesday and order
            have lots of fun, and there are free   have exercise with Alice Eyler,     games.                                lunch for Wednesday’s Big Benefit
            snacks at intermission. On Tuesdays   from 9:30-10:00 a.m. You make           On November 15 is 50/50 Bingo,     Bingo at 1:00 p.m.?
            at 9:30 a.m., there is Exercise and   a donation. Then, there will be a    which is open to all ages over           The last Exercise and Tai-Chi
            Tai-Chi. On November 2, we have       heel-kicking good time with Line     eighteen years of age. Come join      of the month will be Thursday,
            our Memory Café from noon to          Dancing, from 10:00-11:00 a.m.,      in on the fun for only $5.00 per      November 30 at 9:30 a.m. At 1:00
            2:00 p.m. Call the Center for more    followed by card games at 1:00 p.m.   card (three games per card; twenty   p.m., Cristine Evans LoVetro, a
            information and to order a free       Call on Tuesday to order lunch on    games). A winner take all game is     lawyer from Frederick, will be
            lunch. Following the Café, there will   Wednesday, November 8; the Center   $1.00 per sheet of three games. Free   speaking on necessities for wills and
            be cards and games at 1:00 p.m.  On   will be closing at 1:00 p.m. for the   snacks at intermission.             what your beneficiaries need to have
            Friday, November 3, from 1:00-3:00    monthly board meeting.                  Friday, November 17, come and      after you are gone. After her talk,
            p.m., there will be a pumpkin craft     Again on Thursday, November        receive a relaxing seated massage     there will be cards and games.
            with Teresa; cost is $3.00 each.      9, there is Exercise and Tai-Chi.    from the gifted hands of Marie           We at the Thurmont Senior
               On every Monday, we offer          Then stop by the Center for a free   Free, for only $1.00 per minute.      Center want to thank everyone who
            Zumba Gold, 10:15-11:00 a.m. The      blood pressure check, given by       Also, Elly Jenkins will be here to    donated items for our Colorfest
            cost is $24.00 for a punch card with   Right at Home, from 10:00 a.m.-     meet with folks about Medicare for    Yard Sale and those who came and
            eight sessions, or you can pay $5.00   noon. At 12:30 p.m., we will have   open season. Then, at 11:30 a.m.,     purchased things from our largest
            per session. Zumba Gold is taught     our November birthday party for      there will be a talk by Shirl Ollie   indoor yard sale ever!
            by Kellie Bevard.                     all people celebrating a birthday in   on the Subscription Club Program       And may we all take the time to
               Due to low attendance, our         November. So, if your birthday is in   for Frederick County Ambulance,     thank our God for all of our many
            movie days will be different each     November, please stop by for some    followed by cards and games at 1:00   blessings and freedoms we all share
            week to give our seniors a chance to   free ice cream and cake. More cards   p.m.                                and sometimes take for granted.
            have an open spot on their calendar   and games on Friday, November           On Wednesday, November             Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving
            to come in and watch a movie on       10, at 1:00 p.m. Again on Monday,    22, stop by the Thurmont Senior       to You All!
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