Page 45 - November Banner 2017_Neat
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Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November  2017            Page 45

                              your public library                                                                                                                        Join us to learn about the options and benefits of

                                Where Co mmunity & Ideas  Co nnect                                    LUNCH                                                                     Advance Funeral Planning, followed by

                                [email protected]  •   301-600-7212  •
            by Erin Dingle, Administrator, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library                                                                                       informal questions and answers.
               A special event with a focus on    each month. Talk to staff next time
            local history will be hosted at the   you visit, and we’ll work together to
            library on Sunday, November 5,        get something started.                         & LEARN                                                             Wednesday, November 8th | 11:30 am
            2017. Everyone is invited to see the    Thinking ahead, we are saying
            library’s new display, The Dairies of   “Hello Holidays” at the library,
            the Catoctin, a unique and historic   where we are hosting our first-ever                                                                                                     Carriage House Inn
            collection, curated by Denny Black,   Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest for
            and donated to the library by him     teens and adults. All you have to do         Join us to learn about the options and benefits of                                200 S. Seton Avenue | Emmitsburg, MD 21727
            and his wife, Judy. The bottles have   is wear your ugliest holiday sweater              Advance Funeral Planning, followed by
            a permanent home right next to the    to the library, between December 1-8,
            Center for Agricultural History in our   and get your photo taken. Photos                    informal questions and answers.                                   Please call Michelle Reichart to reserve your free meal and a seat,
            an opportunity to meet this year’s  & LEARN                                     Wednesday, November 8th | 11:30 am                                                                as reservations are limited.
            library. From 2:00-4:00 p.m., Denny
                                                  will be posted in a holiday display,
            will be available to answer questions
                                                  and voting will take place December
                                                  11-15. Don’t have an ugly sweater?
            about the collection. It will also be
                                                  during Holly Jolly Saturday to make
            Frederick County Dairy Princess, who   Join us for a hands-on craft session                      Carriage House Inn                                                                (410) 848-3933
            will read stories at 3:00 p.m.        your sweater ugly, using tinsel,                    200 S. Seton Avenue | Emmitsburg, MD 21727
               Do you have an interest in joining   ribbons, ornaments, and other fun                                                                                                  Justin Durboraw: President/Owner
            a Book Discussion Group at the        items. Just bring your own sweater to          Please call Michelle Reichart to reserve your free meal and a seat,
            library? Currently, there is only     decorate. Holly Jolly Saturday is on                                                                                                 Westminster Location - 91 Willis St. | Westminster, MD 21157 | (410) 848-3933
            one that is hosted by the Friends     December 2 and will feature a variety                         as reservations are limited.                                           Taneytown Location - 136 East Baltimore St. | Taneytown, MD 21787  | (410) 756-6688
            of the Library and is held on the     of hands-on crafts for all ages, plus a                        (410) 848-3933                                                        Emmitsburg Location - 210 West Main St.  | Emmitsburg, MD 21727 | (301) 447-6244
            second Monday every month at 7:00     special holiday musical performance                                                                                        
            p.m. New members are welcomed         by the Frederick Community College     00.04.00036.359   Justin Durboraw: President/Owner
            to join. But, that time may not       Middle School Flute Choir at 12:30                       Westminster Location - 91 Willis St. | Westminster, MD 21157 | (410) 848-3933    Funding underwritten by Physicians Life Insurance Company
            work for you or perhaps you’d be      p.m. And right on schedule, Mr. and                      Taneytown Location - 136 East Baltimore St. | Taneytown, MD 21787  | (410) 756-6688
            interested in reading only non-fiction   Mrs. Santa Clause will show up to                     Emmitsburg Location - 210 West Main St.  | Emmitsburg, MD 21727 | (301) 447-6244
            or biographies, or mysteries. Why     read The Night Before Christmas                
            not form a group? The library is      at 1:00 p.m. and will stay for                              Funding underwritten by Physicians Life Insurance Company
            the perfect place to start something   photos—be sure to bring a camera!
            new! We are more than happy to        The Thurmont Green Team will be
            help other readers in the community   helping to celebrate when they work
            form a discussion group. Typically,   with teens to make ornaments from
            a book discussion group meets once    nature to hang on the trees in front
            a month. If you are interested in     of the library and to take home.
            starting a group that will meet here    To find out about our featured
            at the library, we can assist. We     adult programs, featured teen
            will help promote the group and       programs, and featured children’s
            help choose titles, placing copies    programs, check out the Community
            of the book on hold for members       Calendar on pages 46 and 47.
            and reserving the Small Community       The library is closed Thursday,
            Room for your use at the same time    November 23.
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