Page 9 - March 2017 BNP ALL
P. 9
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2017 Page 9
Casino Proposed Near Emmitsburg Thurmont Business Showcase
James Rada, Jr. This year’s Thurmont Business Showcase will be held Saturday, April
22, from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., at the newly-opened Thurmont Ambulance
Although it is referred to as the Route 30 intersection near his Company Event Complex. The Thurmont Business Showcase is the perfect
Gettysburg casino, a newly proposed motorcycle business. It was rejected event for businesses and organizations to connect with residents and
plan to place a racetrack and by the Pennsylvania State Gaming customers! Any business located within the 21788, 21778, 21780, and 21798
casino in Freedom Township would Control Board, in part, because zip codes, plus any business located in Lewistown, is permitted to participate.
actually be closer to Emmitsburg of its nearness to the Gettysburg
than Gettysburg. Battlefield. In 2010, LeVan proposed A new addition, the Thurmont Ambulance Company will be selling food,
a second location at the Eisenhower along with beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages, during the Business
David LeVan, who has tried Hotel and Conference Center. It was Showcase. No selling is permitted by businesses, but non-profits may sell. The
unsuccessfully twice before to put further away from the battlefield complex has a large stage, and is an ideal setting for any business that would
a casino in Adams County, has but about ten miles closer to like to perform a demonstration that is representative of your business.
proposed a horse racetrack and Emmitsburg. The proposal was also
casino called Mason-Dixon Downs denied. You may sponsor the Thurmont Business Showcase: Gold Sponsorship costs
at 4200 Emmitsburg Road. LeVan is $250 and includes as many tables as you need, a plaque, and your business
an Adams County businessman who LeVan will be applying for a name on all advertising for the event and frontage space at the venue; Silver
owns Battlefield Harley-Davidson, category 1 gaming license, which is Sponsorship is $150 and includes one table, a plaque, and your business name
northeast of Gettysburg. sometimes called a racino license. on all advertising for the event.
It allows racetracks to have up to
Besides gaming, the facility would 250 table games and 5,000 slot Space reservations are $40.00 per table (provided). Spring brings new
also offer Standardbred harness machines. Pennsylvania law allows growth of blossoms, and April 22 brings opportunity at the Thurmont Business
racing. LeVan told the Gettysburg for seven of these licenses. Six have Showcase! Call Thurmont’s Economic Development Manager Vickie Grinder at
Times that Mason-Dixon Downs been awarded so far. 240-626-9980 or [email protected] or Showcase Event Chairman
would be along the Mason-Dixon Dr. John Hagemann at [email protected] for more information. View
Line, less than a mile from the For LeVan’s proposal, it the advertisement on page 45 for more information.
Emmitsburg Road. It is a 700-acre would be a two-step process. The
parcel that is 2.5 miles from the license was intended for existing
Eisenhower Hotel and Conference racetracks, but allowances were
Center and 3.2 miles from made for new facilities. Mason-
Gettysburg National Military Park. Dixon Downs would have to have
He also told the newspaper that it hosted at 150 days of live racing
would create hundreds of jobs. by the second year of the license
approval. However, Pennsylvania is
In a press conference announcing currently considering softening this
the project, he said, “We’ve listened requirement.
to those who were concerned about
our previously proposed location. It is expected that the project
That’s why this project is located would benefit Hanover Shoe Farms
2.5 miles further southeast, across near Littlestown, which is known
a major highway and along the for its breeding harness-racing
Maryland border.” horses.
This also places the casino and This project is still in its early
racetrack closer to Emmitsburg. stages, and officials are waiting
Mason-Dixon Downs could open as to see more details. The project
early as 2019. already ran into its first delay when
the Freedom Township Board of
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Supervisors failed to move the
says that the people in town with proposal forward to the planning
whom he has spoken feel that the commission until more details are
casino and racetrack would be a received.
good thing for Emmitsburg.
Another hold up (this one
“It’s speculative right now,” known beforehand) was that
Briggs said “but the business people the Pennsylvania Horse Racing
are very receptive to it. They feel if Commission needed to work out the
it did come about, it would have a application process for a harness
positive effect on their businesses.” racing track.
Briggs said that although a
portion of the property extends into
Maryland, he doesn’t know if any
state or county officials have been
contacted about it, but town officials
haven’t been. He believes that the
project, if it happens, would have
some impact on the town.
“We have 215 acres on the east
side of U.S. Route 15,” Briggs said.
“It could stimulate development
there. That would be a good thing.”
In 2006, LeVan proposed placing
a casino near the Route 15 and
Suppor t Your Community!
Pratronize your local
Casino Proposed Near Emmitsburg Thurmont Business Showcase
James Rada, Jr. This year’s Thurmont Business Showcase will be held Saturday, April
22, from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., at the newly-opened Thurmont Ambulance
Although it is referred to as the Route 30 intersection near his Company Event Complex. The Thurmont Business Showcase is the perfect
Gettysburg casino, a newly proposed motorcycle business. It was rejected event for businesses and organizations to connect with residents and
plan to place a racetrack and by the Pennsylvania State Gaming customers! Any business located within the 21788, 21778, 21780, and 21798
casino in Freedom Township would Control Board, in part, because zip codes, plus any business located in Lewistown, is permitted to participate.
actually be closer to Emmitsburg of its nearness to the Gettysburg
than Gettysburg. Battlefield. In 2010, LeVan proposed A new addition, the Thurmont Ambulance Company will be selling food,
a second location at the Eisenhower along with beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages, during the Business
David LeVan, who has tried Hotel and Conference Center. It was Showcase. No selling is permitted by businesses, but non-profits may sell. The
unsuccessfully twice before to put further away from the battlefield complex has a large stage, and is an ideal setting for any business that would
a casino in Adams County, has but about ten miles closer to like to perform a demonstration that is representative of your business.
proposed a horse racetrack and Emmitsburg. The proposal was also
casino called Mason-Dixon Downs denied. You may sponsor the Thurmont Business Showcase: Gold Sponsorship costs
at 4200 Emmitsburg Road. LeVan is $250 and includes as many tables as you need, a plaque, and your business
an Adams County businessman who LeVan will be applying for a name on all advertising for the event and frontage space at the venue; Silver
owns Battlefield Harley-Davidson, category 1 gaming license, which is Sponsorship is $150 and includes one table, a plaque, and your business name
northeast of Gettysburg. sometimes called a racino license. on all advertising for the event.
It allows racetracks to have up to
Besides gaming, the facility would 250 table games and 5,000 slot Space reservations are $40.00 per table (provided). Spring brings new
also offer Standardbred harness machines. Pennsylvania law allows growth of blossoms, and April 22 brings opportunity at the Thurmont Business
racing. LeVan told the Gettysburg for seven of these licenses. Six have Showcase! Call Thurmont’s Economic Development Manager Vickie Grinder at
Times that Mason-Dixon Downs been awarded so far. 240-626-9980 or [email protected] or Showcase Event Chairman
would be along the Mason-Dixon Dr. John Hagemann at [email protected] for more information. View
Line, less than a mile from the For LeVan’s proposal, it the advertisement on page 45 for more information.
Emmitsburg Road. It is a 700-acre would be a two-step process. The
parcel that is 2.5 miles from the license was intended for existing
Eisenhower Hotel and Conference racetracks, but allowances were
Center and 3.2 miles from made for new facilities. Mason-
Gettysburg National Military Park. Dixon Downs would have to have
He also told the newspaper that it hosted at 150 days of live racing
would create hundreds of jobs. by the second year of the license
approval. However, Pennsylvania is
In a press conference announcing currently considering softening this
the project, he said, “We’ve listened requirement.
to those who were concerned about
our previously proposed location. It is expected that the project
That’s why this project is located would benefit Hanover Shoe Farms
2.5 miles further southeast, across near Littlestown, which is known
a major highway and along the for its breeding harness-racing
Maryland border.” horses.
This also places the casino and This project is still in its early
racetrack closer to Emmitsburg. stages, and officials are waiting
Mason-Dixon Downs could open as to see more details. The project
early as 2019. already ran into its first delay when
the Freedom Township Board of
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Supervisors failed to move the
says that the people in town with proposal forward to the planning
whom he has spoken feel that the commission until more details are
casino and racetrack would be a received.
good thing for Emmitsburg.
Another hold up (this one
“It’s speculative right now,” known beforehand) was that
Briggs said “but the business people the Pennsylvania Horse Racing
are very receptive to it. They feel if Commission needed to work out the
it did come about, it would have a application process for a harness
positive effect on their businesses.” racing track.
Briggs said that although a
portion of the property extends into
Maryland, he doesn’t know if any
state or county officials have been
contacted about it, but town officials
haven’t been. He believes that the
project, if it happens, would have
some impact on the town.
“We have 215 acres on the east
side of U.S. Route 15,” Briggs said.
“It could stimulate development
there. That would be a good thing.”
In 2006, LeVan proposed placing
a casino near the Route 15 and
Suppor t Your Community!
Pratronize your local