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The Lewistown Volunteer Fire Department Holds Its Annual

James Rada, Jr.

The Lewistown Volunteer Fire Photos by James Rada, Jr. handed out the Oopsy Awards. Stull
Department held its annual banquet Lewistown VFD new administrative officers: Secretary Karen Stull, Assistant Secretary Mary called them a “celebration of the
to recognize its members and to human condition, and, boy, were
install its new officers on Saturday, Frances Bostian, Treasurer Lena Stull, and President Donald Stull, Jr. you guys human this year.” The
February 4, 2017, in the department Lewistown VFD new line officers: Deputy Chief Vicky Martin, Assistant Chief Scott Martin, awards recognized members for
banquet hall in Lewistown. getting vehicles stuck, running over
and Chief Wayne Wachter, Jr. a skunk, driving down U.S. Route
The members and other guests 15 with their gear on the hood of
recalled the fun that they had in the engine, and chewing up a mat
serving the community in 2016. The with a snowblower.
company had a busy year, with 415
fire calls and 380 EMS calls, but the Frederick County Director of
Lewistown VFD members had been Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services
there to help. Chip Jewell swore in the new
company officers.
“Without these guys, this would
not have been possible,” said Line Officers: Chief Wayne
Michael Fogle. Wachter, Jr.; Deputy Chief Vicky
Martin; and Assistant Chief Scott
In recognizing the top ten fire Martin.
and EMS responders, many of
the same names appear again and Administrative Officers: President
again, demonstrating the dedication Donald Stull, Jr.; Vice President
of these members. In fact, the top Chuck Jenkins; Secretary Karen
two responders in both categories Stull; Assistant Secretary Mary
were a husband and wife team that Frances Bostian; Treasurer Lena
competed for the top spot. Stull; and Assistant Treasurer Lisa
The top ten fire responders for
2016 were: Wayne Wachter (125 Board of Directors: Paul Stull,
calls), Beth Wachter (117 calls), Donald Martin, Scott Martin, Scott
Wayne Stull (116 calls), Steve Stull Stonesifer, Steve Stull, and Shawn Wetzel.
(95 calls), Donald Martin (90 calls),
Michael Fogle (89 calls), Frani The company also remembered
Wachter (84 calls), Mike Stull (80 the members it lost in 2016 with
calls), Vicky Martin (72 calls), and a bell-ringing and candle-lighting
Vince Schrader (59 calls). ceremony. The members who passed
away were: past chief Raymond
The top ten EMS responders Stull, Jr.; Rose Marie Williar Powell;
were: Beth Wachter (157 calls), Eve Ziglar; Janet Marsh; and Joseph
Wayne Wachter (156 calls), Wayne Linton.
Stull (143 calls), Stephanie Wachter
(127 calls), Michael Fogle (69 calls), The company has been proudly
Brianna Wachter (66 calls), Steve serving Lewistown, Utica, and
Stull (55 calls), Frani Wachter (53 Mountaindale since 1970. That was
calls), Vicky Martin (44 calls), Vince the year Company 22 was formed
Schrader (44 calls), and Mike Stull and housed on Hessong Bridge
(35 calls). Road. The first meeting was held
on June 3, 1970, and the company
After the catered dinner, the purchased Engine 222 in August for
members enjoyed a good laugh at $1,800. It was the first diesel engine
their own expense as Steve Stull in the county.
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