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Page 10 March 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Community news
Exploring Emmitsburg’s Heritage Thur mont’s Young Repor ter Brings
a Kid’s Perspective to the News
James Rada Jr.
James Rada, Jr.
Besides a Catholic Saint who once the authors, artists, and notable
lived here, Emmitsburg has a famous graduates from Mount St. Mary’s. Whether Photo by James Rada, Jr.
riflemaker in its history, as well as
other artisans. It’s a town heritage “I would love to try and it’s the Weis
that Town Planner Sue Cipperly showcase more of the earlier history Pharmacy
would like to see developed in the of Emmitsburg,” Cipperly said. robbery, the
future. She said that occasionally people rebuilding of
bring artifacts and other pieces Roddy Creek
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs of Emmitsburg history into the Covered
and Cipperly told the Emmitsburg town office, hoping to find more Bridge, or the
Commissioners that an effort was information about them. “We have deterioration
underway to find a place where a a lot of people who know quite a bit of the Creeger
statue of riflemaker John Armstrong about the history of the town.” House, they
could be placed. Artist Gary Casteel have all caught
has expressed an interest in creating While there are already the attention
the statue. established sites in Emmitsburg of Thurmont’s
connected with its religious history, newest
Armstrong is most famous for Cipperly would like to see other newsman,
the variation of the Kentucky long areas developed. Depending on Warren Schaefer.
rifle. His rifles are highly sought- what is developed, a walking tour Warren
after collector’s items today. through town could be put together brings a new
However, he is not the only artisan that includes the Elizabeth Ann perspective Young broadcaster, Warren Schaefer, is shown in his home studio.
or famous person to come through Seton sites, fire museum, and other
Emmitsburg. significant points of interest. to local news: a kid’s perspective. “I love being able to work with
The Thurmont Elementary School him and help him explore his passion
The Eyster Family had a number “There’s not a lot of towns our third-grader has started a YouTube and ideas,” expressed Steve.
of notable clockmakers, and John size that have the amount of history channel called Thurmont News – a The response to Thurmont News
Hoover was also known for the that we have,” said Cipperly. kid’s perspective. The first episode – a kid’s perspective has not only
clocks he made. One of them can was posted on January 23 and encouraged Warren to continue,
be seen in the Maryland Room While the developing a second episode was posted on but he has expansion plans. He
of the C. Burr Artz Library in Emmitsburg’s cultural history is February 6, with more on the way. announced in his second episode
Frederick. George Miles, author on her radar, it is not something “After the first one, I had a giant that his next episode will have a
of the unofficial Confederate to pursue in the immediate future. positive response,” Warren said. new segment called “Have You
National Anthem, came from the The town has major projects The idea for Thurmont News was Noticed.” Warren plans on going
town, as well as Stanley Krebs, a ongoing with the Route 140 bridge, born out of Warren’s early efforts of out and finding things in town
noted psychologist. Then there are sidewalks, and town square going on
right now.
Give a Lions Share of Life — Blood filming himself broadcasting weather that adults tend not to notice. He
Drive reports whenever a major weather may also expand the length of the
event hit the area, according to shows, which are under five minutes
The Thurmont Lions Club is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Saturday, April Warren’s father, Steve Schaefer. currently.
1, 2017, at the Thurmont Senior Center, located at 806 E. Main Street in Warren wants to be a news “I’d like to have my friends on
Thurmont, from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. reporter, so this was a natural as guest stars and do the weather,”
extension of that idea. Warren said.
Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit and enter Warren comes up with the You can find his program by
Thurmont Lions Club, to schedule an appointment. stories that he wants to write about searching for Thurmont News – a
and then researches them using kid’s perspective on
newspaper and online resources. or visit
“I also ask the mayor (John channel/UCdP0UKlNcmN4f2-
a d s @ t h e c a t o c t i n b a n n e r. c o m Kinnaird) if anything is going on,” PaGW7INA/videos.
Warren said.
Warren then goes out with his
father to take pictures and interview
people. Once he has all of his
information, he writes the script,
which he said is “pretty hard.” His
parents then review it to tighten it up
and make sure it reads well.
Then it’s into the spare bedroom
in his house, which has been set
up as a studio. Steve Schaefer films
Warren reading his script until
they are satisfied with the result.
Steve then edits in photos and the
beginning credits.
“It is fun and challenging,” said
Warren. “Sometimes we have to
film takes over and over, and it gets
Community news
Exploring Emmitsburg’s Heritage Thur mont’s Young Repor ter Brings
a Kid’s Perspective to the News
James Rada Jr.
James Rada, Jr.
Besides a Catholic Saint who once the authors, artists, and notable
lived here, Emmitsburg has a famous graduates from Mount St. Mary’s. Whether Photo by James Rada, Jr.
riflemaker in its history, as well as
other artisans. It’s a town heritage “I would love to try and it’s the Weis
that Town Planner Sue Cipperly showcase more of the earlier history Pharmacy
would like to see developed in the of Emmitsburg,” Cipperly said. robbery, the
future. She said that occasionally people rebuilding of
bring artifacts and other pieces Roddy Creek
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs of Emmitsburg history into the Covered
and Cipperly told the Emmitsburg town office, hoping to find more Bridge, or the
Commissioners that an effort was information about them. “We have deterioration
underway to find a place where a a lot of people who know quite a bit of the Creeger
statue of riflemaker John Armstrong about the history of the town.” House, they
could be placed. Artist Gary Casteel have all caught
has expressed an interest in creating While there are already the attention
the statue. established sites in Emmitsburg of Thurmont’s
connected with its religious history, newest
Armstrong is most famous for Cipperly would like to see other newsman,
the variation of the Kentucky long areas developed. Depending on Warren Schaefer.
rifle. His rifles are highly sought- what is developed, a walking tour Warren
after collector’s items today. through town could be put together brings a new
However, he is not the only artisan that includes the Elizabeth Ann perspective Young broadcaster, Warren Schaefer, is shown in his home studio.
or famous person to come through Seton sites, fire museum, and other
Emmitsburg. significant points of interest. to local news: a kid’s perspective. “I love being able to work with
The Thurmont Elementary School him and help him explore his passion
The Eyster Family had a number “There’s not a lot of towns our third-grader has started a YouTube and ideas,” expressed Steve.
of notable clockmakers, and John size that have the amount of history channel called Thurmont News – a The response to Thurmont News
Hoover was also known for the that we have,” said Cipperly. kid’s perspective. The first episode – a kid’s perspective has not only
clocks he made. One of them can was posted on January 23 and encouraged Warren to continue,
be seen in the Maryland Room While the developing a second episode was posted on but he has expansion plans. He
of the C. Burr Artz Library in Emmitsburg’s cultural history is February 6, with more on the way. announced in his second episode
Frederick. George Miles, author on her radar, it is not something “After the first one, I had a giant that his next episode will have a
of the unofficial Confederate to pursue in the immediate future. positive response,” Warren said. new segment called “Have You
National Anthem, came from the The town has major projects The idea for Thurmont News was Noticed.” Warren plans on going
town, as well as Stanley Krebs, a ongoing with the Route 140 bridge, born out of Warren’s early efforts of out and finding things in town
noted psychologist. Then there are sidewalks, and town square going on
right now.
Give a Lions Share of Life — Blood filming himself broadcasting weather that adults tend not to notice. He
Drive reports whenever a major weather may also expand the length of the
event hit the area, according to shows, which are under five minutes
The Thurmont Lions Club is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Saturday, April Warren’s father, Steve Schaefer. currently.
1, 2017, at the Thurmont Senior Center, located at 806 E. Main Street in Warren wants to be a news “I’d like to have my friends on
Thurmont, from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. reporter, so this was a natural as guest stars and do the weather,”
extension of that idea. Warren said.
Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit and enter Warren comes up with the You can find his program by
Thurmont Lions Club, to schedule an appointment. stories that he wants to write about searching for Thurmont News – a
and then researches them using kid’s perspective on
newspaper and online resources. or visit
“I also ask the mayor (John channel/UCdP0UKlNcmN4f2-
a d s @ t h e c a t o c t i n b a n n e r. c o m Kinnaird) if anything is going on,” PaGW7INA/videos.
Warren said.
Warren then goes out with his
father to take pictures and interview
people. Once he has all of his
information, he writes the script,
which he said is “pretty hard.” His
parents then review it to tighten it up
and make sure it reads well.
Then it’s into the spare bedroom
in his house, which has been set
up as a studio. Steve Schaefer films
Warren reading his script until
they are satisfied with the result.
Steve then edits in photos and the
beginning credits.
“It is fun and challenging,” said
Warren. “Sometimes we have to
film takes over and over, and it gets