Page 4 - March 2017 BNP ALL
P. 4
Page 4 March 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Technologies will buy the system
Town Hall Reports back for $15,000. five-year term on the town Planning
Commission. The alternate member
February 2017 Town Gets Clean Audit Report position is still vacant.
The Town of Emmitsburg received
by James Rada, Jr. The commissioners also appointed
an unmodified opinion (good) in Dianne Walbrecker to a three-year
Emmitsburg its annual audit of town finances, term on the Board of the Appeals.
conducted by Draper and McGinley Ronald Lynn was also appointed to
Town Approves a New Pool An Emmit Garden Playground? of Frederick. The audit is required fill out the unexpired term of Larry
A pressure test of the Emmitsburg A group of citizens asked the of all municipalities, to be conducted Pavek, who resigned from the board,
annually to make sure that they are and a three-year term following the
Community Pool plumbing has Emmitsburg Commissioners to following the best financial practices, end of the unexpired term. This still
revealed that it should be replaced. consider building a playground in and if they are not, alert them to leaves two vacancies on the board:
Also, the beams beneath the pool the Emmit Gardens areas. Currently, changes that need to be made. one for a regular member and one for
are showing damage and need to be the closest playground is in Silo Hill, an alternate member.
replaced. which requires Emmit Garden users Commissioner Appointments
to cross MD 140. Made For more information on the Town of
This is not entirely surprising. The Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.
pool is 45 years old, and during that The citizens are asking for a The Emmitsburg Commissioners gov or call 301-600-6300.
time, no significant work has been baseball field, swing set, slide, and appointed Joyce Rosensteel to a
done to it. monkey bars.
The commissioners had authorized Commission President Tim
renovation work, but this may prove O’Donnell passed the request onto Thurmont Police See Jump in senator and Civil War soldier, called
only a temporary fix that might the town’s Parks and Recreation Calls for Service the building home. It is not only a
not be worth the money. Replacing Committee to consider the request historical structure, but it contains
and reconfiguring the plumbing in and any possible options. In 2014, the Thurmont Police artifacts, documents, and genealogy
the filter room, repairing the beam, What Brown Water Means Department’s calls for service were of local interest.
running a leak detection test, and 8,465. Last year, that number was
having a structural engineer examine In February, some residents saw 12,482. The building has “big problems,”
the pool will cost at least $260,000. A brown water coming out of their according to Historical Society
new pool will cost around $369,500. faucets. It was reported to the town “I’ve been here eleven years, and President Donna Voellinger.
office, and staff investigated. that’s the highest I’ve seen it since
“If we’re going to do this thing, we I’ve been here,” Chief Greg Eyler The exterior bricks are
might as well put the new one in and Brown water is caused by a told the commissioners. deteriorating, and, in some cases,
be done with it,” said Commissioner sudden spike in water pressure, turning to sand. The brick cladding
Cliff Sweeney. which comes from unauthorized He attributed some of the on the log cabin is also threatening
access to the water system. In this increase to more crime, but he also to pull away in some places. The
The rest of the commissioners case, it came from an unauthorized noted that citizens were being more roof has holes in it that sunlight can
seemed in agreement, but they need access to a fire hydrant. It is illegal proactive in reporting suspicious be seen through.
to find the best way to fund the to tap into a fire hydrant without activity. Answering a question from
project. The unused funds allocated approval from the town. Not only a commissioner, Eyler also noted The Historical Society is seeking
for the renovations can be applied does it cause brown water, it can that some of the crime increase donations to help pay for the needed
to the project, and money that is damage the water pipes. could be from crimes, such as repairs. The funds will go toward
usually paid to a pool management vehicle break-ins, that people are a matching $30,000 grant from the
company for the summer will also be Please notify the town committing to fund drug habits. Maryland Historical Trust. This
reallocated. They also decided to take immediately at 301-600-6300 if you means that for each donated dollar,
the balance needed to fund the project see any individuals, other than town He also pointed out that despite the historical will get another dollar.
from the fund balances in other capital staff and the fire department, using the increase in calls for service,
projects so that no money will need to fire hydrants. Thurmont has a low level of serious “The Creeger House does not
be borrowed to fund the project. Algae Control System Approved crime. belong to us,” Voellinger said. “It
belongs to the community, and
The new pool is expected to be less The Emmitsburg Town Some citizens were concerned we’ve lost a lot of buildings already;
expensive to run, primarily because Commissioners approved a new about the number of calls that took we don’t want to lose this one.”
water and chemicals won’t be leaking algae-control system that will destroy Thurmont Police officers out of
from the pool. algae in the water of Rainbow Lake. town to assist other law enforcement The Town of Thurmont is
agencies. This came about from considering adding a donation to the
The company making the LG Sonic uses ultrasound waves some misinterpreted data in the town’s budget to help the Historical
renovations, Makin’ Waves, is also the to destroy algae. It modulates the Frederick News Post. According Society. Work on the Creeger House
company installing the new pool. ultrasound frequency to target to Eyler, of the 12,482 calls for would not start until at least July.
different types of algae to prevent service only 252 were to assist other
Because of the extent of the repairs them from rising to the surface to agencies, and of that number, only Last year, more than two hundred
needed, the pool will not be able to reach sunlight. Without sunlight, the 110 required a Thurmont officer to people visited the Creeger House
open this summer. algae die and sink to the bottom. leave Thurmont. This is less than from twenty different states.
Most of the systems use solar panels one percent of the calls for service
Voluntary Water Restrictions to power the technology, so there is that Thurmont Police answered in Thurmont Receives Clean Audit
Continue little energy consumption. 2016. The Thurmont Mayor and
Although rains in the area The cost of the system is $38,650, Creeger House Needs Repairs Commissioners received their
raised the level of Rainbow Lake, which not only pays for the system, Members of the Thurmont annual audit during the February
Emmitsburg Town Manager Cathy but gets it up and running. After that, 7 town meeting. McLean, Koehler,
Willets told the Emmitsburg Mayor the town will pay $13,000 a year for Historical Society told the Thurmont Sparks and Hammond of Frederick
and Commissioners that the town calibration, interactive monitoring Mayor and Commissioners that the conducted the audit for the fiscal
wells are still 41 feet below their to adjust the sonic waves for the home of the Thurmont Historical year ending June 30, 2015. Megan
optimal levels from May 2011. different types of algae, and on-site Society Creeger House is desperately Baker and Barbara Walker of
servicing. in need of repairs. Ethel Creeger MKS&H presented the highlights of
“Although all this rain brought our donated the house to the historical the audit to the commissioners and
lake up, it hasn’t had much effect on If the system doesn’t live up to society in 1989. The original portion answered any questions.
our wells,” Willets said. the commissioners’ expectations, of the house is a log cabin built in
Kershner Environmental the 1920s. Col. John Rouzer, a state “This audit is probably one of
Because of this, the voluntary the best we’ve ever had,” Walker
conservation of water in Emmitsburg
will continue. … Continued on page 21
Technologies will buy the system
Town Hall Reports back for $15,000. five-year term on the town Planning
Commission. The alternate member
February 2017 Town Gets Clean Audit Report position is still vacant.
The Town of Emmitsburg received
by James Rada, Jr. The commissioners also appointed
an unmodified opinion (good) in Dianne Walbrecker to a three-year
Emmitsburg its annual audit of town finances, term on the Board of the Appeals.
conducted by Draper and McGinley Ronald Lynn was also appointed to
Town Approves a New Pool An Emmit Garden Playground? of Frederick. The audit is required fill out the unexpired term of Larry
A pressure test of the Emmitsburg A group of citizens asked the of all municipalities, to be conducted Pavek, who resigned from the board,
annually to make sure that they are and a three-year term following the
Community Pool plumbing has Emmitsburg Commissioners to following the best financial practices, end of the unexpired term. This still
revealed that it should be replaced. consider building a playground in and if they are not, alert them to leaves two vacancies on the board:
Also, the beams beneath the pool the Emmit Gardens areas. Currently, changes that need to be made. one for a regular member and one for
are showing damage and need to be the closest playground is in Silo Hill, an alternate member.
replaced. which requires Emmit Garden users Commissioner Appointments
to cross MD 140. Made For more information on the Town of
This is not entirely surprising. The Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.
pool is 45 years old, and during that The citizens are asking for a The Emmitsburg Commissioners gov or call 301-600-6300.
time, no significant work has been baseball field, swing set, slide, and appointed Joyce Rosensteel to a
done to it. monkey bars.
The commissioners had authorized Commission President Tim
renovation work, but this may prove O’Donnell passed the request onto Thurmont Police See Jump in senator and Civil War soldier, called
only a temporary fix that might the town’s Parks and Recreation Calls for Service the building home. It is not only a
not be worth the money. Replacing Committee to consider the request historical structure, but it contains
and reconfiguring the plumbing in and any possible options. In 2014, the Thurmont Police artifacts, documents, and genealogy
the filter room, repairing the beam, What Brown Water Means Department’s calls for service were of local interest.
running a leak detection test, and 8,465. Last year, that number was
having a structural engineer examine In February, some residents saw 12,482. The building has “big problems,”
the pool will cost at least $260,000. A brown water coming out of their according to Historical Society
new pool will cost around $369,500. faucets. It was reported to the town “I’ve been here eleven years, and President Donna Voellinger.
office, and staff investigated. that’s the highest I’ve seen it since
“If we’re going to do this thing, we I’ve been here,” Chief Greg Eyler The exterior bricks are
might as well put the new one in and Brown water is caused by a told the commissioners. deteriorating, and, in some cases,
be done with it,” said Commissioner sudden spike in water pressure, turning to sand. The brick cladding
Cliff Sweeney. which comes from unauthorized He attributed some of the on the log cabin is also threatening
access to the water system. In this increase to more crime, but he also to pull away in some places. The
The rest of the commissioners case, it came from an unauthorized noted that citizens were being more roof has holes in it that sunlight can
seemed in agreement, but they need access to a fire hydrant. It is illegal proactive in reporting suspicious be seen through.
to find the best way to fund the to tap into a fire hydrant without activity. Answering a question from
project. The unused funds allocated approval from the town. Not only a commissioner, Eyler also noted The Historical Society is seeking
for the renovations can be applied does it cause brown water, it can that some of the crime increase donations to help pay for the needed
to the project, and money that is damage the water pipes. could be from crimes, such as repairs. The funds will go toward
usually paid to a pool management vehicle break-ins, that people are a matching $30,000 grant from the
company for the summer will also be Please notify the town committing to fund drug habits. Maryland Historical Trust. This
reallocated. They also decided to take immediately at 301-600-6300 if you means that for each donated dollar,
the balance needed to fund the project see any individuals, other than town He also pointed out that despite the historical will get another dollar.
from the fund balances in other capital staff and the fire department, using the increase in calls for service,
projects so that no money will need to fire hydrants. Thurmont has a low level of serious “The Creeger House does not
be borrowed to fund the project. Algae Control System Approved crime. belong to us,” Voellinger said. “It
belongs to the community, and
The new pool is expected to be less The Emmitsburg Town Some citizens were concerned we’ve lost a lot of buildings already;
expensive to run, primarily because Commissioners approved a new about the number of calls that took we don’t want to lose this one.”
water and chemicals won’t be leaking algae-control system that will destroy Thurmont Police officers out of
from the pool. algae in the water of Rainbow Lake. town to assist other law enforcement The Town of Thurmont is
agencies. This came about from considering adding a donation to the
The company making the LG Sonic uses ultrasound waves some misinterpreted data in the town’s budget to help the Historical
renovations, Makin’ Waves, is also the to destroy algae. It modulates the Frederick News Post. According Society. Work on the Creeger House
company installing the new pool. ultrasound frequency to target to Eyler, of the 12,482 calls for would not start until at least July.
different types of algae to prevent service only 252 were to assist other
Because of the extent of the repairs them from rising to the surface to agencies, and of that number, only Last year, more than two hundred
needed, the pool will not be able to reach sunlight. Without sunlight, the 110 required a Thurmont officer to people visited the Creeger House
open this summer. algae die and sink to the bottom. leave Thurmont. This is less than from twenty different states.
Most of the systems use solar panels one percent of the calls for service
Voluntary Water Restrictions to power the technology, so there is that Thurmont Police answered in Thurmont Receives Clean Audit
Continue little energy consumption. 2016. The Thurmont Mayor and
Although rains in the area The cost of the system is $38,650, Creeger House Needs Repairs Commissioners received their
raised the level of Rainbow Lake, which not only pays for the system, Members of the Thurmont annual audit during the February
Emmitsburg Town Manager Cathy but gets it up and running. After that, 7 town meeting. McLean, Koehler,
Willets told the Emmitsburg Mayor the town will pay $13,000 a year for Historical Society told the Thurmont Sparks and Hammond of Frederick
and Commissioners that the town calibration, interactive monitoring Mayor and Commissioners that the conducted the audit for the fiscal
wells are still 41 feet below their to adjust the sonic waves for the home of the Thurmont Historical year ending June 30, 2015. Megan
optimal levels from May 2011. different types of algae, and on-site Society Creeger House is desperately Baker and Barbara Walker of
servicing. in need of repairs. Ethel Creeger MKS&H presented the highlights of
“Although all this rain brought our donated the house to the historical the audit to the commissioners and
lake up, it hasn’t had much effect on If the system doesn’t live up to society in 1989. The original portion answered any questions.
our wells,” Willets said. the commissioners’ expectations, of the house is a log cabin built in
Kershner Environmental the 1920s. Col. John Rouzer, a state “This audit is probably one of
Because of this, the voluntary the best we’ve ever had,” Walker
conservation of water in Emmitsburg
will continue. … Continued on page 21