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Page 8             July  2017                                           The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

            B u s i n e s s  news

            The Ar t in Glass at Rowland Glass Studios

               Deb Spalding

              Husband and wife duo,                                               Photo by Deb Spalding  space shuttles. The film
            Sharon and Russ Rowland                                                                 was quickly recognized
            of Woodsboro operate two                                                                as a material that
            glass businesses out of the                                                             could be effectively
            former CVS store space                                                                  used in glass.
            in the Thurmont Plaza                                                                     Russ said, “We start
            on North Church Street                                                                  with a sheet of clear
            in Thurmont. Sharon                                                                     glass and then sand
            operates Art In Glass and                                                               blast it and put effects
            Russ operates Rowland                                                                   on it. We take it from
            Glass Studios. The couple                                                               the beginning to a
            moved the businesses into                                                               finished product.”
            the space from Frederick                                                                  Fused glass and
            in February 2017.                                                                       glass blowing are
              Sharon was a registered                                                               Sharon’s passions.
            nurse when she took her                                                                 She just finished
            first stained glass class in                                                            a class in a new
            1978, and she has been     Pictured are Russ and Sharon Rowland, owners of Art In Glass and Rowland Glass   three-dimensional
            doing it ever since. By                          Studio in Thurmont.                    technique that allows
            1986, she had turned the                                                                you to have glass
            hobby into a full-time career from    about anything to decorate glass     without an opening. The technique
            her basement. The business was        and mirrors from sand blasted        was invented by a professor in
            moved several times over the years,   printed film, efficiency film, security   Philadelphia.
            and when the economy shrunk in        film, or reflective film applied for    Sharon gave a tour of the
            2009, the business shrunk with it.    decoration as well as providing      new shop, offices, and gallery
            Since then, the glass business has    other benefits like reducing heat,   showroom. In the showroom, she is
            grown and they’ve adjusted.           adding security, and controlling     displaying pieces for purchase that
              Russ left a lawn care business      light. Russ said, “Architectural     are cute and “kitschy” like bottle
            when he met his wife and fell right   glass has the power to transform     cheese boards, jewelry, paw prints,
            into the glass business. He went to   a space from ordinary to             dishes, and paper weights.
            work for a custom glass company       extraordinary.” It’s also a popular     You can view completed
            and ran that until 2014 when          alternative to tiles and laminates.  Rowland projects at the
            the opportunity to purchase the         The artistic effects are applied   Majestic Theater in Gettysburg,
            business was presented. Rowland       to different types of glass, but it   Pennsylvania, the McGowan Center
            Glass Studios was born.               doesn’t interfere with integrity     at Mount St. Mary’s University,
              Sharon’s Art in Glass business      of the glass. New edge-lit signs     in bus shelters in Arlington,
            completes commissioned stained        introduce light from bottom or       Virginia, and in private residences
            glass projects and various special    sides creating unique effects. The   throughout the region.
            artistic techniques for commercial    Rowlands recently completed             For more information about Art
            and residential decorative glass use   a job where edge-lighting was       In Glass or Rowland Glass Studios,
            or for gallery pieces and jewelry.    used in conjunction with dichroic    please visit their showroom, offices,
              Since 1998, Rowland Glass           film—looks one color one way         and workshop in the Thurmont
            Studios has been creating elegant,    and another color the other way—     Plaza Shopping Center at 224 A
            custom-etched tempered, laminated     to mimic the Northern Lights.        West Church Street in Thurmont,
            and annealed architectural design     Dichroic film was developed for      call 240-568-9135, or visit www.
            in glass. The Rowlands do just        NASA to reflect light and heat in
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