Page 4 - July Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 4             July  2017                                           The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                   T own  H all  R eports

                                  JUNE 2 0 1 7                                                                Thurmont

              by James Rada, Jr.
                                                                                       FY2018 Budget Approved                support by their local government,”
                                                                                          The Thurmont Mayor and             Commissioner Marty Burns said.
                               Emmitsburg                                              Commissioners unanimously             The commission is now seeking
                                                                                       approved a $12.6 million budget for   members. Anyone interested should
            FY2018 Budget Approved                preserves, meats, fish, and baked    Fiscal Year 2018, with no increase    contact Commissioner Burns at
               The Emmitsburg Commissioners       goods. The market will continue      in the property tax rate. The real    [email protected].
            approved a $3.3 million budget for    until late September. For more       property tax rate has been set at     Commissioners Seek Sidewalk to
            Fiscal Year 2018, with no increase in   information, call 301-600-6303 or   $0.2849 per $100 of assessed value,   Library
            the property tax rate.                e-mail [email protected].      and the personal property tax rate
               The new budget includes                                                 has been set at $0.62 per $100 of        As part of the Thurmont
            $1,743,959 in the general fund,       Use the Footbridge                   assessed value.                       Community Development Block Gap
            which is about a $55,000 increase       Due to the ongoing work on            The new budget includes general    (CDBG) fund, the commissioners are
            over FY2017. Property tax rates have   Route 140 at Flat Run, there is now   fund expenditures of $3,445,855,    seeking an ADA compliant sidewalk,
            not increased since 2005.             a footbridge over Flat Run and a     with a capital budget of $301,000.    adjacent to Moser Road. The area
               The water fund has decreased       paved asphalt path leading to it, for   The water fund has $830,791 in     currently has no sidewalk, yet the
            from $555,510 last year to $510,000   pedestrian use. All pedestrians must   expenditures and $82,500 in the     area is heavily traveled by pedestrians
            this year. This is due to people using   use this footbridge. The sidewalk on   capital budget. The wastewater fund   going to and from the Thurmont
            less water.                           the north side of Route 140 is closed.   has $1,406,379 in expenditures    Regional Library. The sidewalk would
               The sewer fund has increased                                            and $186,825 in the capital budget.   also connect the library to a 55+
            from $987,900 last year to            Town Block Party                     The electric fund has $6,122,787 in   community and the Thurmont Trolley
            $1,000,500 this year.                   Although the Emmitsburg pool is    expenditures and $269,700 in the      Trail along Moser Road.
               You can view the budget in detail   closed this season, the town is still   capital fund.                        The town is not seeking funds for
            at the town office.                   sponsoring pool parties, which have     You can view the budget in detail   the sidewalks. They are requesting
                                                  been renamed block parties. The next   at the town office.                 that CDBG fund the ADA curb ramps
            Farmer’s Market Every Friday          one is on July 21, from 6:00-8:00                                          and crossing warning devices. Funding
               The Emmitsburg Farmer’s Market     p.m. at Community Park.              Abuse Commission Formed               for the rest of the project is being
            is now ongoing every Friday evening,                                          The Thurmont Mayor and             requested from Frederick County and
            from 3:00-6:00 p.m., at 302 South                                          Commissioners voted unanimously       the town’s highway user revenues.
            Seton Avenue. Items offered may       For more information on the Town of   in June to establish a new town         The entire sidewalk project is
            include: fruits, vegetables, dried and                                     commission to help the town better    estimated to cost $180,000.
            cut flowers, container plants, berries,   Emmitsburg, visit www.emmitsburgmd.  deal with the problems associated
            nuts, eggs, honey, milk, cheese cider,   gov or call 301-600-6300.         with drug abuse.
                                                                                          “We have multiple people that
                                                                                       have been impacted and want to        For more information on the Town of
                          Serving Carroll Co.,                                         make a difference; they need a        Thurmont, visit or
                             Baltimore City &                                          place to go and have a formalized     call the town office at 301-271-7313.
                                 Emmitsburg for
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                                                                                                                                          Answer on page 46
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