Page 10 - July Banner 2017_Neat
P. 10
Page 10 July 2017 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
C o m m u n i t y news
Inclusive Playground Open for Play in Thurmont
Photo by Deb Spalding
and developmentally challenged of you, because it’s really important
individuals, as well as those without to the children of this town and
physical challenges, can have fun Frederick County.” She presented
and play in the same place. Club a certificate of appreciation to the
President Ginger Malone explained Catoctin Area Civitan Club for
that the Civitans help people with taking the lead to find the funding.
physical and intellectual disabilities. Mayor Kinnaird prompted
The national organization is Jeff Barber to express how great
celebrating its 100 year of service the town of Thurmont is. Barber
this year. Malone thanked the team explained that Phases II and III
who made the inclusive playground will tie in the pavilion with the
project come to life, including Jeff playground. Barber explained,
Barber, president of Playground “Inclusive playgrounds feature
Specialists, the company that pieces of equipment that are
installed the playground. accessible to everyone and can
The totally inclusive playground be accessed at transfer height. So
is one of the first for the Frederick both challenged individuals and
County region. Phases II and III non-challenged individuals can
Town of Thurmont officials, Frederick County officials, and members of the Catoctin Civitan Club will add a glider for children in play together.” He added, “The
are shown cutting the ribbon for the official opening of the Inclusive Playground in Thurmont. wheelchairs, a cocoon for children playground pieces need to be ‘cool’
with autism, and a music station. enough to be fun for everyone. This
The Town of Thurmont and the He also announced that funds for Malone thanked the residents will actually be one of the coolest
Catoctin Area Civitan Club hosted Phase II are already in place, as well of Thurmont for supporting the and best playgrounds in all of
a dedication of the East End Park as funds for an ADA-compliant Civitans with fundraising from the Frederick County for all kids.”
Inclusive Playground on Saturday, restroom in an existing building at blue toilet campaign. “If you get the Julie DeRoner, a Thurmont
June 17, 2017. Community members, the playground. traveling blue toilet, please make resident, is a parent of children with
club members, and town and county Catoctin Area Civitan Club sure the recipients support it,” said disabilities and works with children
representatives gathered at the members attended a town meeting Malone. with disabilities at the Frederick
playground, where Thurmont Mayor and proposed the project, which took Frederick County Executive Jan County Developmental Center.
John Kinnaird gave a welcome and about a year and a half to complete Gardner had a good time trying out She expressed that the playground,
announced the completion of Phase to this point. The playground the zip line. Gardner said, “I think “is an excellent opportunity for
I of the playground’s installation. provides a space where physically this is a great accomplishment for all inclusive play.”
Frederick Optimist Club’s Fish with a Cop
The Optimist Club Courtesy Photo program: Safeway
of Frederick held its Foods, Food Lion,
eighth annual Fish Wegman’s, Weis,
with a Cop program The Brotherhood of
on Saturday, June the Jungle Cock for
3, 2017, at the stocking the pond
Camp Airy pond in with trout, Camp
Thurmont. There Airy for use of their
were twenty-seven pond, Camp Airy
boys and girls from Director Tim Olson
across Frederick for all his assistance,
County who took Zebco for the
part in the program. fishing equipment,
Officers from the and Frederick
Sheriff’s Department, County elementary
Maryland State, Pictured from left are: (top row) Tr. 1st Class Nick Farioli, Ofc. Tim Duhan, Master Trooper Matthew Crouse, Lt. Mike Lee, Alexis Gray, schools. Because
Ofc. Sara Evans, Aux, Ofc. Dylan Owens, X’Zavier Rollins, Detective Jeff Putman, Ofc. Mike Conover, Sgt. Angela Waechter, Ofc. Joe
Frederick City, Constanine; (second row) Patricia Taliaferro (chair of Fish with a Cop), Malachi Prather, Haven Miesner, Logan Heims, Jared Clair, Jack of these sponsors
Brunswick, Thurmont, Wilkins, Luis Barrera, Allen, Jorydn Brown, Juan Duran, Brigido Reyes, Dunique Allen, Brandon Hoalim, Braydon Bagent, Deon Melvin, Earl and policemen who
and the Department Gamber President, Tony Martin Optimist member; (third row) Cpl. Christopher Handler, Ofc. Laura Albrecht, Cpl. Brad Lowe, Cpl. Jerimy volunteered their
of Natural Resources Tindal, Cpl. Josh White, Tr. Adam Oleyar, Sgt. Paul Schur, Tr. Kyle Knowles, Major Tim Clark, Cpl. Dan McDowell; (front row) Albri Teran, time, the children had
Police participated in Allen Lane, Wayne Jenkins, Dylan Baker, Lacie Hughes, Will LeGore, Alexandria Geiger, Vincent Napoli, Dustin Thomas, Austin Zembroski, a very memorable
Joseph Fritz, and Jaffet Palacios.
the program. experience. The
The officers picked Optimist Club would
up the children from their homes officers and club members worked for the children and the officers. like to extend a huge “thank you” to
and transported them to the pond. with the kids to help them develop or Following the cookout, the officers all who helped with this program.
They were then given a Zebco to further their fishing skills. When took the children back home. For more information, contact
combo rod and reel, along with the fishing was done, the Optimist The following sponsors Pat or Craig Taliaferro at 301-663-
tackle from the Optimist Club. The Club held a cookout and fish fry contributed to this wonderful 8116 or [email protected].