Page 15 - July Banner 2017_Neat
P. 15

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                            July  2017            Page 15
            Taylor’s Ride To Suppor t Mental                                           Vigilant Hose Company Member

            Health Awareness and Suicide                                               Receives Top State-level Award

            Prevention                                                                    Vigilant Hose Company Member Elyssa Cool was awarded the prestigious
 Photos by Deb Spalding
                                                                                       Silver Spring Fire Prevention Trophy on June 20, 2017, during the 125
               Deb Spalding                                                            Anniversary Conference and Convention of the Maryland State Firemen’s
                                                                                       Association in Ocean City.
              Accompanied                                                                     Courtesy Photo  completing   The award is the highest fire/rescue prevention-related recognition in the
            by various                                                 Taylor’s Ride   State of Maryland and is presented each year at the MSFA Annual Convention
            friends and                                                on Day 6! It    to an individual who does the most in fire prevention for his/her community.
            family members                                             was another        The award is for an individual effort rather than a group or department
            along the way,                                             perfect day.    effort. Commenting on the award, VHC President Frank Davis said, “We
            Roger Martin                                               We covered      are very proud of Elyssa and her great work helping our community and
            of Thurmont                                                the last 49     neighboring communities with safety messaging and presentations. She
            completed a 330-                                           miles to        enjoys the support of our entire organization as she helps our personnel to
            mile bicycle ride,                                         Canal Mile      successfully reach out to the public with numerous year-round fire and life
            from Pittsburgh,                                           Marker 0 in     safety initiatives.”
            Pennsylvania,                                              Georgetown,
            to Washington,                                             Washington,
            D.C., along the                                            D.C., without
            Great Allegheny                                            a hitch.
            Passage and                                                   Believe
            C&O Canal, to                                              what you
            raise funds in                                             will, but I
            support of mental                                          just can’t
            health awareness                                           explain or
            and suicide                                                attribute
            prevention.                                                all of the
              This ride, and                                           fortunate
            accompanying       Roger Martin is pictured after completing Taylor’s   and positive
                               Ride at C&O Canal Mile Marker 0 in Georgetown,
            fundraising                    Washington, D.C.            things that
            campaign, were                                             occurred
            in honor of Roger’s son, Taylor, who   during the trip to anything except
            took his own life. The ride started   Taylor’s spirit being along for the
            on Taylor’s birthday, Thursday,       ride. I want to thank all of my
            June 8. Taylor deeply enjoyed         family, friends and those of you
            spending time outdoors and this       who supported and contributed,
            memorial ride characterized his love   in one way or another, to the
            of nature and his enduring spirit.    cause of raising awareness about
            Roger said, “Day one of Taylor’s      the importance of maintaining
            Ride was awesome. Thank you to        good mental health. Your
            Patrick from Kentucky, who offered    contributions will go directly to
            a wonderful prayer for us at our      fund crisis intervention and suicide
            start in Pittsburgh. A perfect way to   prevention.”
            begin our journey. Rode 62 miles in     You can see more about the
            Taylor’s shoes, drank water from his   progression of the ride on Roger
            camelback, was kept warm by his       Martin’s Facebook page or visit
            sleeping bag, and dry by his tent.” to make
              On Roger’s Facebook page, he        a donation. Once there, search
            said, “What an awesome feeling        Taylor’s Ride.

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