Page 17 - July Banner 2017_Neat
P. 17
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper July 2017 Page 17
Cascade Post 239 SAL Gun and
Cash Bash
Bill Eiker, SAL Historian
The eighth Sons of American as well as the Hotels for Heroes
Legion Gun and Cash Bash was Program, using donated hotel
held on a beautiful warm and points to allow family members to
sunny Saturday, June 10, on the stay without charge at hotels near
Parade Field at Fort Ritchie. For medical centers. The Foundation
this event, more than 3,000 tickets also manages a grant program that
were sold and 1,285 people were in supports other military charities
attendance. Drawings (50/50) were and scholarship funds for military
held for guaranteed amounts of children, spouses, and children of
$500, $1,000, and $2,000. Tickets fallen and disabled Veterans.
were $10.00 each and included a Ticket-holding winners for that
meal with dessert and beverages. day were: B. Lovejoy, S. Kendrick,
Proceeds from this event benefit the M. Krail, S. Hurley, D. Bittorf, A.
Cascade and Sabillasville Elementary Rohrer, E. Shill, Jr., C.J. Barthlow,
Schools, Cascade American Legion G. Wilhide, J. Betker, and M.
Scholarship Program, the SAL’s McGuire. Sponsors of the event
“Someone in Need” fund, and Fisher were: Gettysburg Transmissions,
House Foundation. Fisher House South Mountain Rod and Gun Club,
Foundation is best known for a Sanders’ Market, GT’s Catering,
network of comfort homes, where Flohr’s, and McGlaughlin’s Oil
military and Veterans’ families can Company.
stay at no cost while a loved one is More than sixty volunteers help
receiving treatment. to put this event into motion twice
Fisher House Foundation also a year. Thanks to everyone for the
operates the Hero Miles Program, great show of support.
using donated frequent flyer miles Watch for tickets for the next
to bring family members to the Gun and Cash Bash on Saturday,
bedside of injured service members, October 7, 2017.
ads@thecatoctinbanner .com