Page 16 - July Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 16             July  2017                                           The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy Photo
              The C a to ctin  Ban n er’s  New Year’s             2017                 may need, you’ll have
                                                                                          Since taking R3 on
              Resolution Contest                                                       Facebook, it has taken off.

                                                                                       Every week the number of
                                                                                       followers grows by at least
                      Update: Susan Torborg                                            100 people. Susan loves
                                                                                       teaching, inspiring and
                                                                                       helping people persevere,
               Have you ever fallen for the hype   trainer in health clubs, resorts,   because “the journey is
            of a weight loss plan and then you    spas, and in people’s homes. She     hard,” she explained.
            buy it and it does nothing for you?   even marketed a workout CD           She’s on a mission to teach
            Your money blown for no results!      in the 1990s with some success.      people freedom. She added,
            For some, this happens time and       Susan joined our Catoctin Banner     “It gives me joy.”
            time again. We’re left wondering if   Resolution Contest with the hope to     Free is great, but what
            there are any TRUE and affordable     share her R3 Plan with many others   about money? How does
            options to help navigate us to a      by the end of the year.              Susan make money from
            healthier weight and lifestyle.         The number of followers of         a free plan? She does
               Susan Torborg, of Fairfield,       the R3 Weight Loss Plan grows        admit that it’s business.
            Pennsylvania, hates seeing the waste   everyday. It is a food plan, a food   By educating people about
            of people’s money on diets that have   lifestyle, not a diet. On Facebook,   the best quality brand
            no results or diets that have some    2,292 people were followers on       of nutritional foods,
            results but later fail when we try    the R3 weight loss page the day we   supplements and vitamins,
            to do it on our own and gain the      spoke. The three Rs stand for reset,   Susan makes enough
            weight back. She has made it her      reintroduce, and real life. In the first   money to pay for what she
            life’s passion to help people achieve   two weeks, R3 will help break your   needs. But, there are R3
            long-term healthier weight and        sugar cravings with a reset; in the   followers who already have
            healthier lifestyles. She lives right   second two weeks you’ll learn how   their own tools in place,
            in our local area. Can you believe    to reintroduce healthy sugars and    Susan offers her expertise
            her R3 Plan is FREE? Any of us        carbs; in the third two weeks you’ll   even though she doesn’t     This photo is from an annual convention that took place
            can access it and follow the simple   learn to use healthy food options in   financially gain from them.  in the beginning of May where marketing execs met for
            directions as outlined. We can even   everyday real life.                     She said, “I’m still       a training. The people pictured have been using the R3
            join with others who follow the R3      Susan said, “I brought it [R3]     helping people, so that’s      Plan to help grow their business. It doesn’t financially
            Plan in our local area.               onto Facebook and started teaching   okay. My focus isn’t only     benefit Susan (pictured front center), but it helps others
                                                                                                                      to build her brand. “People may question WHY I share
               With a degree in exercise science   people how to eat. If you just follow   the income. R3 continues   the plan so freely, it’s because the feeling in my heart is
            in 1993, Susan has been a personal    R3, and use some of the tools you    to grow. I want to help as    indescribable, it’s a JOY that no money could ever buy!
                                                                                       many people as I can. I’m                 I LOVED this moment.”
                                                                                       inspired by stories in the weight loss
                                                                                       group. I don’t care if they bought    using the Internet, you, too, can help
                                                                                       product.”                             people all over the country.
                                                                                          From the growth of R3, Susan          You can find the R3 Plan on
                                                                                       can’t keep up with the demand         Facebook. Request to join the closed
                                                                                       by herself, so she brought on R3      group, “R3 Weight Loss Plan”
                                                                                       coaches who also share a passion to   and Susan will add you. You can
                                                                                       help others get healthy. She’s added   download and print the plan for free
                                                                                       three new coaches in the past two     and find it in the first pinned post.
                                                                                       months. She is looking for more       You can also find it on her website,
                                                                                       R3 coaches. You work from home

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