Page 39 - Feb BNP ALL
P. 39
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2017 Page 39
bite he received at his inner-elbow
T h e P r e s e n t P a s t — Continued from page 38 from a water snake.
remarkable fit within the cabin’s At the southeast corner of the house David Firor died of a brain in 1964. In 1971, the home was
fireplace suggests the masonry was was a two-story summer kitchen hemorrhage at the home in 1948, purchased again by the Edwin C.
laid around the insert, making it an with cellar, separate from the house and Daisy Waesche in 1952, leaving Creeger American Legion and was
invaluable tool in dating the cabin’s by a covered stoop with spigot and Mary and Grace alone. By 1962, immediately re-listed, stripped of
construction, as James Johnson’s sink draining into the garden. The the sisters were spending winters its remaining acreage. This marked
tenure at Catoctin Furnace existed stoop’s concrete floor covered a deep vacationing in destinations like the beginning of the Colby family’s
between 1774 and 1803. well with a chestnut log inside, a Mobile Bay and Hawaii, and ten-year ownership during which
common feature for pumps in the eventually decided to move to they further modernized the home
Predeceased by his wife in area. Charles Colby recalls early Boulder, Colorado. It was at that with central air-conditioning and a
1928, L.R. Waesche died in 1934. 1900s Indian Head pennies placed in time that the idea arose to pass the first-floor guest bathroom. Next to
Daughters, Florence Daisy (never the slab’s pour, dating the Waesche family home to then thirty-five-year- buy were Bryan & Debra Coover
married), and Phoebe Grace (who expansion. The upper rooms of the old nephew, Dolph, but this was who sold to Luisa Faux-Burhans and
never lived away from their parents), summer kitchen had chains and prevented by familial disagreements. Richard Allen less than three years
retained the home, where Grace’s shackles affixed to the walls used by Against L.R. Waesche’s Will, later.If any residents have older
husband, David Firor, and daughter Rouzer to secure the slave-laborers requesting the home never be sold, photographs of the 108 Park Lane
also lived. Waesche’s middle that farmed his lands. Charles’ the sisters used the intersecting house or property they are willing
daughter, Mary Amelia (also never father, Lauren Colby, spoke of the boundary created by the H&F to share, please contact the author
married), joined her sisters at Park shackles at his home to the disbelief Railway to break the home-place at [email protected]. The
Lane after retiring from William of patrons at the neighboring away from its estate, leaving the Waesche Family album has a few
Penn High School in 1943. Mary American Legion, and bets were house and 6.49 acres for sale. Once images that depict only the west side
Waesche co-wrote the text Junior taken before a group was led to spreading beyond Woodland Avenue of the house.
Training for Modern Business, see the chambers for themselves. and across the areas developed
from which she received handsome While the summer kitchen survives, today as Clarke Avenue and Tacoma Check the Community Calendar on
royalties for the remainder of her all pre-abolition hardware has Street, the Waesche family still pages 46 & 47 to view events of
life. She cared for her late father’s been removed. Diagonal from the retains much of 108’s original
home as diligently as she had her summer kitchen was a final brick acreage. interest, including bingos, breakfasts,
own in the Philadelphia suburb of smoke house covered in vines, and dinners, programs, benefits, and
Wyncote, Pennsylvania, which she beyond that, a shallow fishpond Frederick real estate agents Erik much more.
had designed by Architect Llewellyn that Waesche formed large enough and Gisela Florander bought the
Price and was featured in the March to have a center island. Waesche’s Park Lane home, and it was rented Don’t forget to Play our Hidden Object
1937 issue of Better Homes & grandson of the same name, who to Malcolm Parks, Jr., who moved and Where Am I? Games on page 6.
Gardens before her return home. went by “Dolph,” recalled wading his family from Indiana after he You could win a gift certificate to one
out to the island as a child and co-founded Tab Books Inc. of
Rouzer’s use of the site as a farm showed his grandchildren—myself Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, of our advertisers!
left a two-story chicken coop and a included—the two-dotted scar of a
large bank barn with haylofts and a
connected wagon shed and corncrib.
bite he received at his inner-elbow
T h e P r e s e n t P a s t — Continued from page 38 from a water snake.
remarkable fit within the cabin’s At the southeast corner of the house David Firor died of a brain in 1964. In 1971, the home was
fireplace suggests the masonry was was a two-story summer kitchen hemorrhage at the home in 1948, purchased again by the Edwin C.
laid around the insert, making it an with cellar, separate from the house and Daisy Waesche in 1952, leaving Creeger American Legion and was
invaluable tool in dating the cabin’s by a covered stoop with spigot and Mary and Grace alone. By 1962, immediately re-listed, stripped of
construction, as James Johnson’s sink draining into the garden. The the sisters were spending winters its remaining acreage. This marked
tenure at Catoctin Furnace existed stoop’s concrete floor covered a deep vacationing in destinations like the beginning of the Colby family’s
between 1774 and 1803. well with a chestnut log inside, a Mobile Bay and Hawaii, and ten-year ownership during which
common feature for pumps in the eventually decided to move to they further modernized the home
Predeceased by his wife in area. Charles Colby recalls early Boulder, Colorado. It was at that with central air-conditioning and a
1928, L.R. Waesche died in 1934. 1900s Indian Head pennies placed in time that the idea arose to pass the first-floor guest bathroom. Next to
Daughters, Florence Daisy (never the slab’s pour, dating the Waesche family home to then thirty-five-year- buy were Bryan & Debra Coover
married), and Phoebe Grace (who expansion. The upper rooms of the old nephew, Dolph, but this was who sold to Luisa Faux-Burhans and
never lived away from their parents), summer kitchen had chains and prevented by familial disagreements. Richard Allen less than three years
retained the home, where Grace’s shackles affixed to the walls used by Against L.R. Waesche’s Will, later.If any residents have older
husband, David Firor, and daughter Rouzer to secure the slave-laborers requesting the home never be sold, photographs of the 108 Park Lane
also lived. Waesche’s middle that farmed his lands. Charles’ the sisters used the intersecting house or property they are willing
daughter, Mary Amelia (also never father, Lauren Colby, spoke of the boundary created by the H&F to share, please contact the author
married), joined her sisters at Park shackles at his home to the disbelief Railway to break the home-place at [email protected]. The
Lane after retiring from William of patrons at the neighboring away from its estate, leaving the Waesche Family album has a few
Penn High School in 1943. Mary American Legion, and bets were house and 6.49 acres for sale. Once images that depict only the west side
Waesche co-wrote the text Junior taken before a group was led to spreading beyond Woodland Avenue of the house.
Training for Modern Business, see the chambers for themselves. and across the areas developed
from which she received handsome While the summer kitchen survives, today as Clarke Avenue and Tacoma Check the Community Calendar on
royalties for the remainder of her all pre-abolition hardware has Street, the Waesche family still pages 46 & 47 to view events of
life. She cared for her late father’s been removed. Diagonal from the retains much of 108’s original
home as diligently as she had her summer kitchen was a final brick acreage. interest, including bingos, breakfasts,
own in the Philadelphia suburb of smoke house covered in vines, and dinners, programs, benefits, and
Wyncote, Pennsylvania, which she beyond that, a shallow fishpond Frederick real estate agents Erik much more.
had designed by Architect Llewellyn that Waesche formed large enough and Gisela Florander bought the
Price and was featured in the March to have a center island. Waesche’s Park Lane home, and it was rented Don’t forget to Play our Hidden Object
1937 issue of Better Homes & grandson of the same name, who to Malcolm Parks, Jr., who moved and Where Am I? Games on page 6.
Gardens before her return home. went by “Dolph,” recalled wading his family from Indiana after he You could win a gift certificate to one
out to the island as a child and co-founded Tab Books Inc. of
Rouzer’s use of the site as a farm showed his grandchildren—myself Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, of our advertisers!
left a two-story chicken coop and a included—the two-dotted scar of a
large bank barn with haylofts and a
connected wagon shed and corncrib.