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P. 35
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper February 2017 Page 35
by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
I learned a healthy immune experiencing symptoms of a cold or 800-383-4595
system doesn’t come from vitamin the flu. The steaming broth-based
C alone. We need a combination of soup helps flush out congestion and Tree Removal/Trimming
different nutrients. There are certain also keeps you hydrated. Pruning
foods, in particular, that supply an
extra boost to our immune systems, Crushed red pepper can clear Stump Grinding
not only during flu season but year- sinuses. Probably adding it to soup Lot Clearing
round. will be the only way yours truly can
take it. MD Tree Expert Lic #904
When yours truly came across ISA Cert. #MA-4258A
an article naming six immunity Mushrooms are also an Licensed & Insured
boosters, it seemed the perfect time important nutrient. Try ones labeled
to share it. vitamin D-rich; these are grown in
ultraviolet light to produce more
Chickpeas are a good source vitamin D.
of zinc and are considered both a
vegetable and protein food, helping There is a recipe for Immunity
you hit two important food groups Soup. It was published along with
at once. Lowered immunity is the immunity boosters. It sounds
associated with a deficiency of zinc. delicious. Search for the recipe on
Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamin the internet. It’s an easy soup and
C. Pairing vitamin C with zinc can is full of immunity-boosting foods,
help with cold symptoms. such as vitamin C–rich kale, vitamin
D–enhanced mushrooms, zinc-
One of the most powerful containing chicken and chickpeas,
antioxidants is garlic, which has an and antioxidant-packed garlic.
amazing array of healing properties. Yours truly is anxious to make it.
A study found that eating garlic This soup seems to be an excellent
every day decreases your chances of choice to ward off a cold and the
catching a cold. flu. Taking care of your health and
body is a year-round commitment.
You’ve heard that eating chicken Make the commitment.
soup is nutritious when you begin
by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
I learned a healthy immune experiencing symptoms of a cold or 800-383-4595
system doesn’t come from vitamin the flu. The steaming broth-based
C alone. We need a combination of soup helps flush out congestion and Tree Removal/Trimming
different nutrients. There are certain also keeps you hydrated. Pruning
foods, in particular, that supply an
extra boost to our immune systems, Crushed red pepper can clear Stump Grinding
not only during flu season but year- sinuses. Probably adding it to soup Lot Clearing
round. will be the only way yours truly can
take it. MD Tree Expert Lic #904
When yours truly came across ISA Cert. #MA-4258A
an article naming six immunity Mushrooms are also an Licensed & Insured
boosters, it seemed the perfect time important nutrient. Try ones labeled
to share it. vitamin D-rich; these are grown in
ultraviolet light to produce more
Chickpeas are a good source vitamin D.
of zinc and are considered both a
vegetable and protein food, helping There is a recipe for Immunity
you hit two important food groups Soup. It was published along with
at once. Lowered immunity is the immunity boosters. It sounds
associated with a deficiency of zinc. delicious. Search for the recipe on
Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamin the internet. It’s an easy soup and
C. Pairing vitamin C with zinc can is full of immunity-boosting foods,
help with cold symptoms. such as vitamin C–rich kale, vitamin
D–enhanced mushrooms, zinc-
One of the most powerful containing chicken and chickpeas,
antioxidants is garlic, which has an and antioxidant-packed garlic.
amazing array of healing properties. Yours truly is anxious to make it.
A study found that eating garlic This soup seems to be an excellent
every day decreases your chances of choice to ward off a cold and the
catching a cold. flu. Taking care of your health and
body is a year-round commitment.
You’ve heard that eating chicken Make the commitment.
soup is nutritious when you begin